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May 2014 · 1.8k
Sloane McManemy May 2014
she told herself for years
i can forgive him
it'll be easy
but the voices come back in her mind
and the picture comes back
and she can hear herself screaming
"daddy leave mommy alone"
"daddy why are you hitting her?
and her heart start to beat faster
and she answers his phone calls
in fear of what their next fight will consist of
and she told herself
i have to love him because hes my dad
but she never did
she couldn't feel love towards him
he had hurt her too many times
he took her everything away from her
her happiness
he took all her trust away
and now when a guy goes to grab her hand
she flinches in fear of his hands
and when a boy leans in to kiss her
she steps back
in fear of whats going to come out of his mouth
from the time she was two and hid in the basement with a baseball bat in case mom decided she didnt care anymore
she screamed
"daddy dont hit me, daddy i love you"
but he took his bare hand and punched
her as hard as he could
she can't remember the pain but she remembers
the tears and the screams
and the look on mommys face
when she ran downstairs to her baby with a
bruise the size of daddys hand
mommy said "baby i'll get you out of here"
but it took her ten years
ten years to let daddy go
ten years to see he hurt s too much
ten years to see he wasnt gonna change
ten years to see that i was broken
and its gonna take the next hundred for me
to ever recover from the fear
my best friend is so talented and i love her
May 2014 · 457
Sloane McManemy May 2014
She is nature and the world itself. Sloane
There is a quiet thunder to the way she walks, and a heavy rainfall when she leaves. She treads water trying to reach islands that will house her but cannot reach the shore before her hurricane mind carries her away to new homes, homes she finds in people, and often the wrong people. But she is strong and stands like the tallest oak, letting gale force winds bend her branches so that she may feel what is to live, but never has she broken. Her voice is the sound of birds in the spring with all the melodies and lullabies of the early morning, she has a light in her that is both the sun and the fireflies and it will illuminate your heart should you ever let her in. Sometimes she is wilted but even beautiful roses have thorns and she draws blood if you try to pick her petals. She is the earth and the wind and the sky and though her roots are strong she is not always smiling, but just like a flower she grows from the ground up and all will gather to awe at her beauty when she sees it within herself.
May 2014 · 386
Sloane McManemy May 2014
My words have been so empty
because all i can think about is you
the end
May 2014 · 298
May 2014 · 451
A story about me
Sloane McManemy May 2014
And to be honest, i am nothing more than a lost soul in a large world, and there have been too many people who will just willingly sell me out and leave. My hands are spitting ***** of fire and i mistake your goodbyes as just as sad love poem with a happy ending. I have a name but i am no one still, nothing of me has become. I dont know where i am going but right now i dont feel lost. Im sad and excited because today he said i made him happy. But nothing lasts forever so should we just start saying goodbye now? I found my mom in the kitchen one night. But she wasnt cooking, asleep on the floor with her ***** spilt all over her, just 9 years old and i was cleaning up over my mother, dad was at work.. arresting the "bad ones" but even a police officer told me that there was no such things as bad people.. just good people with some bad mistakes.
My grandpa was in word war 2 and before he life here he would tell me stories but no voice will ever tell a story the way his hands and face moved with every breathe he took, and then he took his last one. and we all will too. I cant even start to imagine what im really here for because im just an open book on chapter 27 of nothing but "sorry". But my words are silent and im so loud. Mama thinks its weird that i like to go to the grave yard to talk to my best friend who was murdered in 2011 but there is nothing more enjoyable than laughing at myself as if she were there with me. and sitting in a place so dead has never made me feel more alive.
I have this thing for hands. I feel like you can tell a lot about a person by them. Farmers have dirt on their hands and musicians have long skinny fingers and the only ladies have spiders and i just want to feel beautiful.
But that wont happen until the day you stop hiding inside laughter, my love.
Let the storm pour and dont let it stop until you are here
I guess when im not sober i have some real thoughts, i found this in a notebook from last week and yeah goodnight
May 2014 · 737
Sloane McManemy May 2014
I wanted to say i'm sorry
for the way my hands shake
you see
i can not control it
they say my little brother can not either
but he is different
hes autistic and he
but his words will shake
this wold someday
and i can not wait
to see who shakes then
this is to the kid
who pushed him down today
and to the girl
who laughed when he said
she was pretty
we all have our quirks
but us
we just shake
May 2014 · 437
Sloane McManemy May 2014
but the wind on the ocean isn't always lovely
and i think thats where i get it from
im stuck between being big and open
like that endless sea
but the problem is
its dangerous and full of untold stories of "im sorry"
walking with my head high but only
because im full of shame
does that even make sense anymore?
do you know what im trying to say?
help me
before its just too late
May 2014 · 687
can you see i love you?????
Sloane McManemy May 2014
you sat in my car while i drove you home.
i was so worried  you would be put off by
my mess
or the music i played
pr my profile facing you wasn't flattering
so i don't remember anything you said
or when you held my hand
May 2014 · 310
Sloane McManemy May 2014
I'd rather hear
than your
May 2014 · 302
keep on
Sloane McManemy May 2014
Caught somewhere between
happy and
but i can't tel the difference
i have felt one feeling
for some time
and the only change i can feel
is in the temperature in the air
and its sad
not me
but the air
is cold and its damp
and its perfect for telling me to keep on holding
everything inside
i wish that i could say
exactly how i feel
but what am i suppose to say
when i dont even know
May 2014 · 671
how about..
Sloane McManemy May 2014
"if I killed myself tonight, the stars would
still appear, the sun would still come
out, the earth would still rote, the
seasons would still change.. so why not?"

**** this post
**** this post so much
want to know "why not"?
how about the way your bestfriends older sister will throw up by the sidewalk
of the road because shes crying so hard
how about the way your bestfriend will sob for weeks in her showers, in
her bedroom, in the bathroom at school
how about the way your mother will cry every time she looks at herself in the mirror and pictures herself bringing you home
how about the way your fathers eyes will NEVER stop mirroring the
image of your hanging body
how about the way your boyfriend will sit in his room in silence, unable to
eat or sleep, or even ******* shower because why would he want to
continue with out you?
how about the way the girl who called you sister and will start crying every
time she sees your parents?
how about the way your family will sit in your house after the funeral
looking blankly at one another because god knows they cant find a
******* thing to say that doesnt just float through the air where you
should be walking
how about they way your sister will wake up every morning and see you
door and convince herself that you could still be there, just sleeping in
your bed
how about the way your exboyfriend will come over and pull your clothes
from the drawers and cry while he holds them desperately to his face to
breathe in whats left of you

dont you dare tell me it wont change things
there may be starts in the sky and wind in the air and sun in the clouds
but without you, we dont want them
May 2014 · 561
Sloane McManemy May 2014
Everyone is always so afraid
Of getting hurt
But Jesus Christ
I wanna fall for someone who will never love me back
Put my heart in his hands and clutch my chest as he tears it apart
I'll let him reach into my ribcage and break every bone
When I kiss you
I hope you bite my tong till I bleed and beg you to stop
Everyone is so scared of pain
But you need pain because on those nights when you sit on your bedroom floor, convinced that you're dead, and that there's nothing inside you
Those old texts from him will still make you cry
And that picture of your two kissing in the rain will make you scream
And it'll hurt like hell
But ****, at least you still feel something.
May 2014 · 251
Sloane McManemy May 2014
May 2014 · 389
Sloane McManemy May 2014
I grabbed you
and asked you how I
could make you
and you looked at
me and told me
you'd be happy if
i was happy and
i tried so *******
hard to fix myself
but you were gone
before i could even
May 2014 · 669
Sloane McManemy May 2014
Everyone is always so afraid of getting hurt
but jesus christ
i wanna fall in love with someone who will never love me back
put my heart in his hands and clutch my chest
as he tears it apart
i'll let him reach into my rib cage and break every bone
when i kiss you
i hope you bit my tong till i bleed
and beg you to stop
everyone is so scared of pain
but you need pain
because on those nights when you sit on you bedroom floor
convinced that you're dead
and that there is nothing inside you
those old text from him will still make you cry
and that picture of you two kissing in the rain
will make you scream
and it'll hurt like hell
but ****
at least you're feeling something
May 2014 · 325
Sloane McManemy May 2014
I remember the last day you were here
You've been running since that day
and you still expect apologies for frightening you
with captured sunlight in the cracks of my hands
you went on and on
about how I was frighteningly impressive
that you'd stop only actually saying things
to me through poems
May 2014 · 501
But goddamn it
Sloane McManemy May 2014
But ******* it
we can't love with out a bottle of *****
in our hands
and the truth that we have been searching for
we swallowed that a long time ago
in fact
we probably swallowed it when we
finished that last bottle
and mom and dad
we don't know who they are anymore
daddy doesn't talk
and mommy doesn't smile
and i know that some days my smile looks like my falling family
but the truth is
i"m okay with it
because once you're here too
five feet from the finish line
but you can't finish because you don't want whats on the other side
I will still be sitting here too
with a bottle of ***** in my hand
but ******* it
I know it is what I truly deserve
May 2014 · 2.7k
Sloane McManemy May 2014
My mother told me
the color blue never lies
but on the nights when
she says she
doesn't miss you
i can still catch her
humming the color of
Apr 2014 · 568
Sloane McManemy Apr 2014
I can recant how you told me
how one day
you'd show gravity who is boss
but your feet still
haven't left the ground
and i can still
hear god laughing
Apr 2014 · 322
Sloane McManemy Apr 2014
I can't remember it much
But it was just last night

Hello I am only three
My mommy and daddy
They don't like me
His voice is so angry
And her words are so sharp
I hide in my room
Until I hear the car doors
And suddenly I know
This is all too soon
I press my little cheeks against the door
But it's already too late
He's standing on my floor
Now I wish I was good enough
Maybe daddy wouldn't hit me
If I was a boy
And maybe mommy would stop yelling
I'm not her toy
I am only three
Young and proud
But tonight was the night that they both murdered me
This is to my friends little brother who was killed at three in an abusive home.
Miss ya jake. We love you.
Apr 2014 · 454
Sloane McManemy Apr 2014
I remember the day
you told me you wanted to
whisper prophecies in my ear
you said you wanted
me to know
what the trees would say
should they ever have a voice
Apr 2014 · 350
Sloane McManemy Apr 2014
Do not tell me
there is no life after
death because there is
nothing more beautiful
than seeing life
in the middle of
a cemetery .

— The End —