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hold memories
hooked on chains
clipped on keys
lovingly kept
shinny objects
hoping to
never forget
reasons why
we hold dear
the love we have
for souvenirs
hung up to dry
on our fridge
sometimes sad
it's all that's left
the memories
we collect
till there are no
souvenirs left
the wicked heart of man
keeps straddling the fence
playing to both sides
until the day it up and dies

always talking out
both sides of its mouth
quick with a compliment
while slandering the next instant

the wicked heart of man
does everything it can
to promote itself
down the pathway straight to hell

fickle as a hurricane
has no problem dropping names
likes to be in the limelight
hides its sins in the dead of night

the wicked heart of man
includes in its plans
everything it can do wrong
entices you to sing along

moves to its own beat
makes you believe it's make belief
all this because it can
...the wicked heart of man
Into the night
My will could fade to the black
Back to the emptiness
Back to the curse
Facing the sky
The clouds are calling me back
Pensive of all my years
Spent, ****** and disdained
For the most wretched of Her machinations is still in turn
What stood, still burns
I endeavor to throw off the shackles of yesteryear
I've uprooted the weeds in my skull so that flowers appear
And I...

Try to be stronger
To fight this world with a broken shield
The damage burning
But I will not claim this world as hell
I choose to be reborn

My fruitless dreams
Have turned and fall like the leaves
Cast to an autumn breeze
"Wicked, Weak and diseased..."
Is no portrait of futures when authored by grandeur's hand
My barren land...
Is withered and waning, my forests are fading
There's no place to hide
From the scorching light
So I...

Try to be stronger
To fight this world with a broken shield
The damage burning
But I will not claim this world as hell
I choose to be reborn

My brightest dream
Sweet sleep is calling me there
As to a field of reeds
Calls to the lost soul in me
I am lulled by deceit of imaginations and hopeful tears
No such safety or harbor from a monster so near
So I...

Try to be stronger
To fight this world with a broken shield
The damage burning
But I will not claim this world as hell
I choose to be reborn
When life treats you badly, it is good to find someone new to care for...
To me,  you were larger than life...
You were my universe...
And I still think of you day and night...
Trying to understand what happened...
But I don't think I will find the answer...
And perhaps it does not matter...
Maybe life will give me the chance to find someone new to care for...
For the time being...
I will just take care of myself...
Take good care of yourself...
Don't let life treat you badly...
Often there seems to be a chill that does run down my spine,
I look to my Daddy to reassure me that
There is in fact nothing to be worried about,
But lately it just isn't that way ,
I know in my soul that something wicked this way comes and I fear that in this here land of the free,
It isn't going to be such Great place to be much longer.
As I linger in the moment and Think of this how the bizzare Election went down, I doubt my Daddy can stop the winds that have come change.
This doomed land of ours has almost slipped from grasp,
Will we be able to overcome this rage or will we fall defeat to the other side duality of this follies pride and watch as the beasts collide
Hear the bells(hear the bells)
Ringing loud(ringing loud)
See the happy faces upon people.

See the joy(see the joy)
See the smiles(see the smiles)
During this Christmas Season.

Hear the stories(hear the stories)
About the child called Jesus and others being told.
A story that never gets old.

Take it in(take it in)
Then you understand the purpose of this season.

Spread the love(spread the love)
And watch your blessings come

Hear the bells
Hear the bells

See the joy
See the joy
During this Christmas Season.

Yes, praise the Lord(Praise the Lord)
There's a giant coke spoon
in my cereal bowl today
we eat in silence and don't
know who started the fracas
last night. We slept separate.
Our 4 year old fell 53 floors
and left a broken heart in
a paper sack 8 miles high.
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