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 Mar 2015 Autumn Sleet
Bassam A
It's tears of joy
My eyes water in the morning
When I see your face
I'd be pinching my hand
Is it true .. You are next to me?
Boy I am so happy to see you
Wow I can't believe it
How did you get here?
If you are you .. Please speak ..
Let me believe that you are next to me
What a lovely smile you have
That innocent girly look
Your so quiet .. and staring at me
 Nov 2014 Autumn Sleet
John B
a girl walked up and asked my name

I told here I was Sovos

and I asked here why she came

she told me of a dream that

she has had the other night

and how a man that looked like me

had showed her the time of her life

I tried to say its nothing

but my goose bumps note the strain

as the same dream deeply burns

in the backside of my brain

she reaches for my hand

and I meet her with the same

we tumbled to the ground

and made sweet love under rain

in no time back at my place

unaware of what's at stake

entwined so hard the gods themselves

are steadfast in our wake

as Luna lay to sunrise

amber waves shine on her face

and every sin within me runs coward by her grace

she kiss's my head softly yet I feel iv been displaced

awake no longer dreaming still at home I am at gape

to see no one around me just my cat and my estate

so ill lay here ever wanting for the girl that makes me wait
recurring dream
I see you everynight
just like a star
so beautiful and bright
But so far
You're right next to my heart
Right next to the moon
Once again,
Hope to see you soon
 Sep 2014 Autumn Sleet
I live inside a little boy's head
My birth day was the day he figured out he had an imagination
Last night he had a nightmare
His dream only lasted a few minutes
But I lived inside that course of time for 10 months.
He dreamed of suicide and manic depression.
Upon awakening doused in sweat and tears
His mother told him it was only a dream.
He thought up the shape of my arms
Because he loved how his daddy's looked.
And then he curled my hair to look like the girl down the street.
At age 3 he learned his ABCs and
He dreamt me to be a writer.
He couldn't spell any of the words
That he pretended me to write.
I sleep more often now
Because he forgets to remember his dreams.
The little boy is getting older
And so am I.
My life unfolds in REM
My entire reality was built inside this little boy's head...
I hope he sleeps well tonight
Because it's been raining a lot
And the weatherman said that it would be sunny.
Someday when we're older
I will meet the little boy who invented me
But for now I only live inside a little boy's head
Being forgotten as he falls in love.
I’m standing here, thinking of you, while the
wind blows through my hair and the sea creeps
ashore to kiss my toes. The scent of salty
ocean air is soothing, but the ache of
missing you lingers still. I can see the
sun setting in the distance. The soft
oranges and yellows remind me that endings
can be beautiful, no matter how much I
wish the sun would stay just a little while
longer. As the sky begins to fade to a
somber shade of blue, I close my eyes and
allow my mind to focus on the white
noise of crashing waves, praying
that when I open them, the sun will have
risen, and you will be standing here beside me.
written for reading & lit class on 9/23/13
 Sep 2014 Autumn Sleet

what is your

why are you here,
          living in my
                          brain. . . . .?

tell me everything

           did you come from?

she's a tiny light in my heart-
the giggle you hear when i'm


(she is the one who is me when i am not)

            she already

i will spend
getting to
                     know her~~
this is about Jessica (my imaginary friend), of course. ". . . .real" is the second poem in the poem duet.
 Sep 2014 Autumn Sleet
Sarah Mae
There was a time when I wanted someone to love so badly
I would stay up late at night imagining his face
I would fall in love with the imaginary words he would say to me
The graceful way his hands moved when he spoke
A very comforting laugh that made the world stop
I knew someday that he would stroll into my life, if I thought about it long enough
Convinced that he was out there dreaming me up, we'd be together soon

I wanted a man with deep thought, a warm and large heart
Someone that would sing along with me, and be silent with me
Knowing when to do each would be the difficult part
But not for him - he would know me right away.
We would laugh at how long it took us to find one another
We had been so close for so long, how did we not see it?

This man, this imaginary person that I have loved since my youth
He has not come.
I have been fooled thinking that he is alive in many others
Eventually though my heart is betrayed and I see that it's not him.
His shape and demeanor has changed over the years.
I fear that I have altered this man so much that he is no longer capable of being real.

If he is though, I'll find him eventually.
mind sludge.

— The End —