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We all have our scars,
Yours on the inside,
Mine on my arm,
We all have our stories,
Yours you share,
Mine I try and hide,
We all have our day,
Mine just so happens,
To be fifty years before yours
My last day I had to live.
Was all peace and quiet.
Before they came up to me with a rope.
Saying run and jump like in the movies.
An hour later they came again.
Handing me a knife.
Saying just a little cut or three.
Two hours later.
They came up to me.
Handing me duct tape.
Saying try not to scream.
Four hours later.
They never came back.
It was just me and things they left
I tied the rope around my neck.
And duct tapped my mouth.
Trying not to scream.
I took the knife, and started to bleed.
I ran and jumped, just like a queen.
Before I knew it.
I was gone.
And all I heard
Was a sad, sad.
I'm that one girl, who sits in the back of the class.
Just so I can go unnoticed, make my life last.
I always hide in my room.
Just so I don't get beaten, and bruised.
The kids at school, call me worthless, and stupid.
The teachers, say I don't try, but I do try...
I try my hardest at everything, but they don't seem to notice.
My sibling's all they do is torture me.
As if they feed off of my pain, and fear.
I'm that one girl, who only wears ear buds.
To block out the voices of anger, and hurt.
My arms, are not that clean, or neat.
I'm not pretty, and when I say that I mean it.
Maybe I'm not worth it, maybe I'm just a piece of *******.
I am stupid, and I have come to believe it.
Maybe I really don't try hard enough, and I am not trying harder.
My sibling's can feed off me all they want, I don't care anymore.
I've taken my ear buds out, and I'm listening to the screaming of hate.
Yeah my arms are cut, and they will always be cut.
Yes I am not pretty, and that's the truth.
But I am me, and that's okay.
What would you do
If no one loved you

Would you cry
Would you sigh


Do you care
Do you swear

Do you look for love
Do you hide from love

Do you want it
Do you need it

Do you know what love means
Real love
Never ending love

are you a hopeless romantic
romantically wanting love

What are the feeling of no love

are they silent
are they loud

are they sharing thoughts
are they lonely thoughts

do you have thoughts of joy
do you have thoughts of nothing

do you smile
do you cringe

do you want it

It's actually not that hard to find

 May 2015 autumn ann melton
You see
A person only truly falls in love
Once in their life time
And once that time is used up
There is no more.
You can lie to yourself
And to others
But if you were truly in love with them
That love cannot be undone.
I am in love.
A love that won't go away
With my best friend.
I fell off
The bridge of love
And into the waters
Where he followed
But his love came with strings attached
A bungee
And he jumped back up
And left me sitting there in the waters
While he's up on the bridge
Calling me up there
While I'm wishing him down here
And I have no bungee.
It's a mess.
 May 2015 autumn ann melton
I'm the *****,
the quiet girl in the front of the class,
according to the handicap stall in the upstairs boys bathroom, a ****.
I love, and when I do I love to no ends.
But you'd never know how much this ***** loves, because there is no love shown.

— The End —