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 Jun 2014 Gurdip Kaur
sometimes people are beautiful.
not in looks,
not in what they say.
just in what they are.
 Jun 2014 Gurdip Kaur
there is no sleep for tired eyes
as chance gives way to circumstance
backed into a corner, truth explodes
tainting all that ever was
coloring honesty with doubt
in hues of broken dreams
copyright©PrttyBrd 01/01/2014
 Jun 2014 Gurdip Kaur
Leigh III
 Jun 2014 Gurdip Kaur
She opened me up
and let the butterflies inside
of my stomach
and my head
and my toes.
She let the light back in,
where the light has not been
for a very long while...
I am in love with her.
Kissing is enough (sometimes)
and touching (is sometimes) not necessary
and looking into her eyes is definitely enough
to make every single cell inside of me burst
from osmosis and love.

She knows me like I know the stars in the sky.
I know her like she knows vinyl.
She can read me better than I read books.
And I can make her wake up in the middle of the night
due to the sound of seduction in my voice
during the day.

Leigh, I have fallen for you.
You are intoxicating me.
I never would have thought that
I could be filled up again with happiness
and love and joy and those **** butterflies...
You make me want to draw like Picasso
and be just as intelligent as Einstein
and make poetry like Lang Leav.

Surely, I have shown you the love I feel for thee.
"I love you's" and random cards and flowers and
kisses and touches and poetry and my voice...
I love you so much, you mean more to me
than any star in the sky.

You are the beauty in the sky from dawn to dusk
and the sweetest voice from the angels in heaven.
You are truth and lies and so many things I
am addicted to. You are something I have
added to my list of addictions---
But, the best part of this "addiction" (love) is that
you are amazingly good for me.

Some may say no (due to being homophobic)
but I guess that is their problem.
I guess all I am trying to say is that
I love you Leigh.
sorry i change from "her" to "you"... she reads these and i get a bit caught up haha.
I'm stripped.
Flipped inside out.
Every emotion I've ever had for you
kept locked away within this ribcage
is now laid bare.
As I stand here,
exposed before you,
The brutal honesty of my love for you is now clear.

The 206 bones in my body have been
etched with the 206 love letters
that I've written to you in my head.
Every impulse I have shoots from my brain
at the speed of 170 miles per hour,
racing through 46 miles of nerves,
reminding 640,000 sense receptors of their need to
touch you
smell you
taste you.
Though I am just a humble man
comprised of 60 chemical elements,
my heart beats your name
100,000 times per day.
25 trillion red blood cells act as messengers,
carrying word of your beauty across
60,000 miles of veins, arteries, and capillaries.
Every fiber of my being consumed with
one thought.

— The End —