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Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
Only in dreams does my beloved come to me,
Lovelorn I wait on my bed decked with roses
Dear earth, take a quick turn
Unite me and my beloved under the black veil of darkness
Or take me to the alley below where the light will never reach
With arms wide open my beloved is waiting for me
  Aug 2015 Atript Abhinav
Many a notion I'd lay in indelible ink.
How the morning sun would harvest the contours of your face.
Your majestic beauty.
Reminiscent of a different time and place.

Many a thought I'd pen in indelible ink.
When your breath meets with mine,
they'd hold their own conversation.
Deeply entranced,
In an everlasting dance
that would last forever.
Exchanging gaits of grandeur,
great longing and pine.

Many an inkling I'd etch in indelible ink.
The way my moon never gets eaten.
It'll balloon to its fullest...
Beaming it's brightest.
Seeping from its edges,
gushes forming rivers...
Bathing my earth in heavenly silver.
Calming the thundering hooves...
In my heart with rhyme and reason.

There are but three words...
Words so sacred I dare not utter in vain.
Proclamation so heavy my chest could hardly
hold in rein.

I've immortalised them here...
But in *invisible ink

Because no one would understand...
Of emotions so grand.
No one would have a clue...
_   _ _ _ _   _ _ _
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
How do you not burn in the sunlight?
Are you immune or are you of another kind?
Do you walk the earth with 13 in your mind?
Is that flesh actually a veil hiding the demon inside?
Do you want to deflower virgins and leave them like a sheared sheep?
Does the stench of carcass give you ecstasy?
Do you walk through walls when no-one's around?
Do you vile and walk proud?
Can you get into my brain through my eyes?
Do you camouflage like a chameleon and make us swallow your lies?
Would you bleed if I ***** a needle into your skin?
Or will you drain out everything you had ****** in?
Are you on a seesaw ride with angels like the sun and the moon?
Can you breathe in the vacuum??
Would you come to me when I'm lonely and eat me alive??
Would you beg for mercy and cry in pain??
Would YOU promise to NEVER hurt ME again?
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
Melancholy of the barrens
Gloom of the drowning winter sun
Shades of grey over the horizons
Dirge under the moonbeam
Can you hear me?

So dead and cold inside
So much hatred in your eyes
Can you feel me?

Angel face but a torchid soul
Flesh veiling a heart of stone
Do you breathe lies and are you high?
Did you smile when my hope died?
Do you remember me?

I see vendors in the aisles, selling dreams and lullabies.
I'll buy some for myself
In the palace of exile,
With you bushed into my mind
I will aestivate
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
Why do we celebrate our birthdays?
Do we not know the ultimate?
Do we not know that life does not increase with age?
Are we not aware of the end? love,
Everything ends in separation
Maybe we want to celebrate their presence
And maybe they want to celebrate our existence
Maybe we want to live until we die
Life does not betray
Time just takes our breath away
Are you who you wanted to be?
Do you remember the beginning?
Are you who you were a day ago?
Did you grow up or grow old?
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
When my shadow travels east to fade,
The sun weeps farewell
I wave until it vanishes
And embrace the remains  
Shade over hills and dales
The green greys
I give my ears to the final music
The moon rises and stars glitter
There's so much coming back to me
I watch the clouds wither
I close my eyes and dive into the melody
And I levitate from my reality
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
I'm *** positive
So text me sympathies
Lie to me
Tell me nothing has changed and nothing will
Tell me we're friends and we'll remain
Make me stand in front of a mirror to see if i can face myself
Act like you care
Veil yourself and blame the air
Look down on me
Fake a wow for my worn out shoes
But look into my eyes before you leave
They speak volumes
I'm just not crying
Maybe i wont wake up in the morning- maybe i will
Bash my family like i feed on their blood
Maybe it was just my fault- maybe not
Maybe i have never made love
Maybe i have never done drugs
Maybe it was my latest tattoo that reads " I miss you mom"
Maybe it was the tetanus shot i had last month
Admit that you don't care
Act ill to not eat what i share
You're just another educated
I am not infected with the disease
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