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ashe williams Jul 2015
sometimes i stand up too fast, and the world becomes a vortex around me;

ashe williams Jul 2015
everything forms hazily in my head, enters through a complicated set of arrays & processes, switch on a light so we can see, oh, but the bulb is out and our store is so far away, sing me to sleep, talk me to death, licking dust off the windows and scouring mold from the dead fruits, all is well when I'm chewing the pale white crust off my lips.
this is disturbing but also contains one of my favorite lines i've written
ashe williams Jul 2015
I’m not so sure if my life is mine.
And for all these piteous things we strive
to make rip and burst and come alive,
I’m dying to find
a sentence contrived
from acrid delusions
and purpose divine.
And though these proportions may seem out of line,
my beliefs will not wither with the passing of time.
I’m not so sure if my life is mine.

I told this a stranger and got a tepid reply,
“This is my hand, and that is the sky.
Any other perception, dear girl, is a lie.”
And with that said, he passed me by,
leaving me thinking,
who even was that guy?
What does he know of water and wine
and plagues of flies
and besides,
my inquisition remains trite:
I’m not so sure if my life is mine.

The preacher says ‘by and by,
those who are sinners are those who will die.’
But through logic I don’t see why
we can’t seek out the lost and show them the light.
Because why should I feel obligated to ostracize
someone who wears a mask that has more cracks than mine?
Why should I feel fine
telling someone their life could be valid if only they would try
saying hi
to a group that’s been transmuted to shapes with shifty eyes
saying, ‘oh, I’m fine,
and you could be, too, just step in line,
with the rest of the people whose sin has been declined
in the little list of repairable offenses we made up in our minds.’
And at this point, I should resign,
for into these words fallacy grinds,
since now there are not so many minds that align
with the kind that I described.
Likewise, here begs the question why
I can’t seem to decide if my life is mine.

My thoughts are often unkind in the dead of night
when my body swears I’m fine but there’s no denying
my mind is still circumscribing these lies
that I’m tempted to break the binds that I have tied
around the faith that reminded me for a time
that my life
wasn’t meant to be lived in spite.
And I recognize that not everything the world says is right,
that pushing myself to defy the lines that define my inner mind
would not be an easy fight,
but it’s recently come to light
that though I’m not the perfect kind
and my hazy eyes might as well be blind,
I’m learning to serve a guy who is disinclined
to turn from those who turn from the light.
And I’ve come to realize, that though my answer is not so concise,
I might never really properly define
whether or not my life is mine,
But at least I know what I’m living for.
at night i convinced myself that this poem was the peak of my abilities and that it was my only point to be on this earth and was suddenly scared i'd die if i finished it. now that i'm done i feel weirdly peaceful
ashe williams Jan 2015
nights like these when my
brain is really on full
the words churning out of
me like
someone shaking
the caramelized crust out of
a sun-drenched
coke bottle.
another one without tags because i'm humble and have an empty head
ashe williams Jan 2015
time to write a long poem i don't have it. i've buried my head in so many dark corners and the words are faun and fowl. i made my bed in her mind. who needs semblance when you have dust and pots and blackened paper. i like these tired eyes they make me pretty. good music and shots of adrenaline. it's all good here. a stream of thoughts that don't stem from the apparatus of my true honest brain. beautiful girls in my head. they dance and i do nothing. worst case scenario you leave forever. worst case scenario i forget about it all. very confused about the meaning of this song. i can't hold her up but i want to try. gotta hurt help everyone. promise those are words written on my thighs, they love for loving. want for nothing. words not my own, afraid to use them in a personal context because they're soaked and air-dried in the breath of another human brain. ouch. nothing more to say in these walls. her solicited words, i miss them selfishly. it's okay to miss the dark parts but don't let them handle you like rough calloused lumberjack hands on sore useless wood. i've been writing for a while now and my mind is circling the girl who was my poetry material. see my life drawls and grays when i'm not looking and i can't see it through the lens that i see her through. she's gone i guess i don't know entirely where i'm headed without all that purpose.
i can't tag this because there are no words to encompass how well this describes the thoughts that go through my head on a daily basis
ashe williams Jan 2015
holding those
machines in my hands,
cogs and hidden
and black knowledge,
these stupid
ridiculous notions.
you've found it finally
and the knowing
is light in your eyes,
lost but verbatim.
**** like this makes me feel like a real ******* poet who uses real ******* metaphors to describe extremely basic and unproblematic situations
ashe williams Jan 2015
and it's sometimes just the
twisted spires of trees. homework.
view out my bedroom window.
no smiles and always neighbors.
the sun is having an affair
with the dusky clouds this
season. bracelets soaked from
the bath. weekdays and weekdays.
medication to help me sleep.
my own voice is so loud.
invisible pattering of rain. watch tv
with me. delete, delete, delete.
t-shirts don't fit on my awkward
spine. everything tinted blue.
sound machine breathing. never
seen a car go down that road.
she doesn't use that quilt
anymore. the stories in my head
keep me going. get dressed for
dinner. pressing my face into
the comforter. everything turning
sometimes the titles of my poems make sense
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