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Sep 2014 · 624
Ash Grey Sep 2014
You are watching everything I do.
You make sure I repeat the words; your words.
I'm your mouthpiece.
Your ballerina.
If I wanted the fame and glory,
Then I will deal.

You are my Svengali
Watch as I dance and dance,
Never realizing...
I didn't stand a chance.

I now know
That I am a puppet
In my very own show.
Sep 2014 · 485
Place for the Angels
Ash Grey Sep 2014
The place for the Angels
Is where I would like to be.
Can They hear the echo of my hearbeat
In the lowly ground?
No, probably not.
I wonder how the dirt feels,
All encompassing and eternal.
I'm in it.
To be in it
Is to not feel it.
They know why.
I'm already gone.

— The End —