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May 2016 · 529
Happy Love
Ariana Jones May 2016
My heart palpitates when you are near
Love flowing through my veins
Happiness is never ending
The best ever is what you are
You turn my frown upside down
Make my days better with your presence
You make me better and happier
The love you give is indescribable
And I love you for loving all of me
Never stop loving me
Mar 2016 · 592
Curse of the Knot
Ariana Jones Mar 2016
They were compatible
The love they shared was an eternal flame
Never dying
However, tying the knot was not an option
Marriage had tons of difficulties
Marriage would curse their love
Cause the flame to burn out
Surface irrelevant problems
They witnessed what marriage did
Their parents experienced difficulties
Falling out of love with each other
Creating scarred children
Marriage was a terrible thing
Marriage would never be an option
No matter how strong their love was
They would forever just be together
Because tying the knot was a curse
Feb 2016 · 265
Wake Up!!
Ariana Jones Feb 2016
Stay woke  
lives are being taken with no mercy
this isn't becoming easier
no one cares if you exist or not
Brother's and sister's must unite
so we can fight
fight for our right to roam this world
without the fear of being shot
we must unite  
fight fire with knowledge
Not with fire
gain knowledge  
gain the will power to fight
fight for what is right
Feb 2016 · 233
Ariana Jones Feb 2016
The air I breathe suffocates
The world swallows me whole
Anxiety is normal
It is as natural as breathing
I crumble into a ball and become hysterical  
The downward spiral of life is too much
I'm drowning and not sure if I'll ever return to the surface
Jan 2016 · 228
Ariana Jones Jan 2016
They give advice
Tell you to do stuff twice
Aren't always nice
But they are there for life.
They watch you grow
They make you know
They show you love
And above all they just know.
They get on your nerves
So you push them away
But when you really need them
They are there to stay.
So here is to the fathers
That always comfort
Always help
And are always there.
Jan 2016 · 250
I Sing
Ariana Jones Jan 2016
I sing to free myself
I sing to be heard
I sing because that's me
I sing under the apple tree
Singing comes naturally
Like the birds and the bees
When I sing
People see
People come
To listen and to feel
I don't know where this came from
Maybe my heart
Or Noah's ark
But it's here now so just feel it
Dec 2015 · 604
The Lone Black Girl
Ariana Jones Dec 2015
Who cares about the lone black girl?
She's irrelevant to society unless she's pretty
Even then no one cares about her
Society has drilled into black girls head that they aren't important
Black girls try to ignore the negativity from society but it is only so much she can take
She begins believing society and not doing anything about it
Their cries for help become silent
No one cares anyway
The black girls get put on the back burner of society to be no nothing's
Dec 2015 · 515
Beauty Wins
Ariana Jones Dec 2015
Lighter skin equals beauty
Curly hair equals beauty
Colored eyes equals beauty
Coke bottle shape equals beauty
Why does society want to transform the woman body
Like all we have to offer is our outer appearance
Beauty shouldn't just be skin deep
Let's look deeper to the soul and mind
Don't only focus on the big ****, colored eyes, small waist, or curly hair
Focus more on the way they hold a conversation
The way they use their knowledge
The way they care for others
The way they can love you flaws and all
Society should promote these qualities over outer beauty
Have a beautiful mind
A beautiful face can only take you so far in life
Oct 2015 · 310
Heart Break
Ariana Jones Oct 2015
Pieces of garbage have better lives than me
The trash gets more attention than I ever will
Love is just a word in the winds
He said he loved me but lied to me
Betrayed me
Lodged a knife in my back
He turned my heart into a piece of stone
No emotions lie within  
I thought you loved me but you used me
Now I'm all alone to deal with my heartache
Oct 2015 · 964
Ariana Jones Oct 2015
The notes go across the page left and right ; up and down
Do, Mi, So, Mi, Do, So, Do sounds the triad
Nerves begin to increase as I look at the unknown key
The walls around begin to cave in as the ground swallows me whole
Voices in my head say "you can't do this"
My confidence is replaced with doubt
Do, Mi, So, Mi, Do, So, Do plays again
Then it suddenly clicks
The key is known
The interval Do, Ti, Mi is easy as pie
The dotted eighth notes are perfect
The high Do to La doesn't trouble me like always
The low So ends the sight reading
I walk out of the room with a breath of fresh air
I know I just slayed the judges lives back there

— The End —