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 May 2013 Ari Quinn
Andrew Siegel
Your fragile eyes
carry my dreams inside
Iris prisons to explore
Swim through me lovingly
Wade and sink, nothing more

Playful eyes dancing
Like novice ballerinas
Affect clumsy grace
Seize my rhythm
And leave a smile in its place

Mourning stares
Hold back the dawn
And with me wait heavily
Broken eyes like broken sighs
know my listless heart has gone

Steely glare
Harden your iron gates
Confront me and dare
Dig recklessly and penetrate
Like razors unsheathed

What subtle truth lies
Behind those eyes
With telling lies are swollen
I've looked too long
God knows what they've stolen
 May 2013 Ari Quinn
He sat in his room every night
Waiting for his parents to stop

He waited
Until the day his father left
Before coming downstairs
And everything was gone
Except for his mother
Sitting on the kitchen tiles
Makeup running
Red marks on her arms
On her face
On her legs

He ran
As far as he could
He thought
About everything he had
Everything he had lost

He stepped up to the ledge
He looked down
He smiled
Finally happy
He would be free
He took a step forward
Nothing left
 May 2013 Ari Quinn
Kitty Parson
It could be

little things

like climbing a tree

in a business suit

or skateboarding

in a wedding

 May 2013 Ari Quinn
Amber Rush
It's still you.
And the days feel like years when i'm alone.
Even the leaves fall for you.
 May 2013 Ari Quinn
Erin Lewis
You held me in your arms
Yet still my tears fell

On the darkened floor
Full of swaying bodies
And flashing lights
Only this moment was still

I wouldn't look you in the eyes
But I knew you could see

In this blackened room
Full of pulsing music
And endless confusion
Only my love ceased to be

I looked away from you
Broke away from your arms

In the cold night air
Benethe diamonds in the skies
And endless beauty
Only my heart beat in the silence

I stood alone in the dark
As a gentle rain began to fall
Robert Louis Guerrero Jr.

That's really all there is to say
Everything to be put on my headstone
To mark my final resting place
I can't be certain when it will be my time
I have lied many times over
I have cheated just o get where I am
I have stolen things that should of never been tampered with
I mocked the life I was given
Secrets hold bounty's of truths
That no man or woman should ever know
But here is one
I attempted suicide four times
Each time I failed
I cut my wrist almost every night
I recently stopped for the sake of my heart
I drink like alcohol is going out of style
I have stopped again for my heart
You may be wondering why I have 1996-????
As the title to this redundant poem
Well it's to say that even though I am 17 years old
I am too young to die
Even the good who have died young
Wish they lived to see tomorrow alive
I have been told that I'm too young to hate this world
Yet I have seen enough of it to know
This place isn't for me
I'm not going to **** myself
The world is
They're going to pull this trigger
They're going to carve rivers into my wrist
They're going to determine whether I live or die
That is the reason for the "????"
Because I don't know when
This world will surprise me
By introducing me to Death's cold bony hand
 May 2013 Ari Quinn
Stephen Razo
People walk this earth with regret.
Regretting the decisions they choose to make time and time again.
Transposing every detail as it were a lucid malfunction of the past,
short-circuits of effervescent impulse. Done at a very whim.
Action over impulse. Impulse over action.
We are caught in a natural disaster of our own errors.
It's all the same. Pseudo-visions coming from an all too familiar source.
Radiant aren't they? So much they engulf my iris in a torrent of contradiction.
These are the times we live for. Nostalgia is no longer in our vocabulary.
The City is the place inside your mind...
that is populated by your past times...
Memory and observation
Create the foundation of The City skyline...
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