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Sung to the melody of
"Be Thou My Vision"

O King of heaven
How Glorious Thou Art
Lord of my spirit
O Lord of my heart
You're ever gracious
You're my victory
I was in darkness
But in You I see

Father O Father
Your creation I love
You painted the sunsets
Made heaven above
I will sing praise to you
All the day long
I am your nightingale
You are my song

O gentle Savior
You're awesomely wise
Show me your people
You are my heart's eyes
Give me compassion
Your mercy to all
Give me Your voice
To lost souls I call

O Holy Spirit
Come rain on me now
Fill me with blessings
Your river to flow
Give me the wisdom
To honor what's right
Let me be salt
O let me be light

I am but ashes
My works are but rust
You've made me precious
Tho I am but dust
You are my Father
My Lover, my Friend
You are my righteousness
World without end

SoulSurvivor aka
Write of Passage aka
Invisible inc
(C) 9/16/2016

I wrote these lyrics based on this hymn:

"Be Thou My Vision"
Sung by Selah
 Dec 2024 Arcassin B
Please someone help.
If not there is little hope left..
Time is running out…

Is the fear of losing control
getting you down?
I can help,
a little poetic therapy and you’ll be good to go!
Visit my page anytime.
Remember to push the most popular poems icon.

Now back to your poetic issues
Traveler Tim
 Dec 2024 Arcassin B
smothered in suffering
a skin and bone torture chamber

where muscle is a twisted oak
- the mind a hellish ride

until the offering up in union
is wrung from the depths of your soul
 Dec 2024 Arcassin B
being labelled with the worst symptoms by your doctor
does not really help, except it gives you a qualified permission
to be gentle and kind to yourself.
 Dec 2024 Arcassin B
Ryan O'Leary
Spring Mount Dairy
and Wallace’s Buns
is what I recall about
primary school days.

Marts and markets,
bust on a pedestal
in O’Brien Street,
(and) the ESB pylon.

Kevin Ger McCourt
decided on Tuesdays
who’d be better off,
drinking, than driving.

Conveniently, first day
of all all our sentences
began next door before
the angelus, at Albert’s.


Albert Lynch’s pub
In Mallow Ireland
Is next door to the
Courthouse where
Kevin Ger McCourt
(A gentleman judge)
Did the best he could
To keep us out of harm.
 Dec 2024 Arcassin B
Strong footsteps echo throughout the cold halls of my empty home
These footsteps carry malice and ignorance
Emotions only a monster could hold in his tone
I’m petrified of this rich beast
But I can only sit by his side and smile
Once I sit, I feel defeat
My inner morals are crushed
They’re squashed until they can’t be heard anymore
Nothing can be said to heal what was torn
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