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Silence can be tough when you have something to say.
I lost my voice  (quite literally, I am going to a surgical center today so they can figure out what is wrong).
There has been no other feeling
like the

of letting go of previous fault
and reconciling with the person.
Working toward being honest with myself and others about whom I have offended, reaching out and asking for forgiveness. But before I even got to this moment (that I thought I would never arrive to), I first got into the habit of being reconciled with God. This is a very happy accomplishment.
Well I'm ****** as ****
Lookin' just like a military pin up school *****
Eaten' that unicorn lovin'
how many do you wear?
do you even know that
you are wearing them?

can you see through all
the other masks?

or does it become a confusion
you cannot extricate yourself

entertaining the thought
that you have many masks
is a beginning.

which ones bring you strength?

which ones pull you
deep into delusion?
lost in casting yourself as
a victim?

lost in hedonistic pleasure?
seemingly fun... but
at its core
suffering in another

chasing highs
never stopping
never going inward
never finding the silence

living in fear
attracting spirits
that feed off of fear.

how to climb out?

a practice lived with
great faith
a practice lived with
great doubt

great motivation

truth revealed
bliss realized.
Diminutive demons dance.
Devouring, drinking: draught.
Devoid destitute dawdlers,
Derive depredated dreamers.
I want, draught, to be read as a current of air--not a beer....
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