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Don kingsley Nov 2016
I heard he sang a song
One that would resonate
Fill our empty minds
With a little cheer
And I heard he was 10 feet tall
With thighs like dense boulders
Type of man
God himself would fear
Slowly the words
Became the truth
But they don't know
Who I knew
He was my father
But I wasn't his son
He used to make me feel
As a child like a man
He held me in his rough arms
and in that moment I found out
It didn't take blood to be a kin
But they still tell tales
Of the things he did
Who he did them for
And who he was
And the little that was said

When I found him he was
So close to gone
Hardly could chew the food I gave him
He was huddled in a corner
A blanket over his banging head
A man who I believed could trample
A stampede of Bulls
Let alone men.
But he was suffering and cold
They left that out in the stories
And the bottle beat his body
As well as his mind
And left him
But it was him
Still hard to comprehend
But I held him in my arms
Like he did for me
When I was young
I hope he's proud of the man I am
The man is gone
But he still wanders and hides
In the shadowed corners of my mind
Don kingsley Nov 2016
Saw an old man
Working at CVS
I bet his bones ache
I know the sight of the man
Made my heart break
Saw a kid on the way home
Sitting alone
He had a nose leaking blood
And arms crossed
Not to let anyone in
Cause I bet he was scared that **** would happen again
Got home turned on the telly
Two sides going at it quite heavy
But neither stand for me
They never did stand for me.
Wife comes home her feet
Are beaten up the shifts
Are piling up
I feel wild in love
Bite through barbed wire for those I love
But it's not enough
I watch those around me
Pushed down
But they get up
If my cups full
I'd give half to you
Enjoy that half
Its not a gift
It's what you're supposed to do.
Don kingsley Nov 2016
I remember her body
She was 5 foot 9
Long legged and lost in her own things
First things first whats love to me?
I'm feeling battled hardened
Before the battle begins
I sit in question of all my sins
Once needed help so
I needed to make myself my friend
People used to travel to better places
For opportunity
They found homes
Made life
Then got old
We're getting cold
But we see no snow
Cell phones replacing your mind
Finding yourself
Is becoming once upon a time
I search daily
Cause once I find myself
I'll feel fine
With how I come across
To everyone else
Are you lost yourself?
I think we need some help
But they don't sell this on shelves.
Something you need to do yourself.
Don kingsley Nov 2016
I cross bridges when it rains
Simple things
Sketched deep within my brain
It's a little bit insane
But those rain drops fall
I'm on one side
By the time I reach the other
I will be much more wet
But it's about the inside
Best bet entrenched
With a new state of mind
You look right over the water
We're the sons and daughters
Of what we walk on
Limousines passing me
Taxis and tragedies
See no one remembers what its like to live
Under their own direction
We all have the right to swim
Don't forget your right to swim
Feel the water touching your skin
They can mess with your mind
Once they get too deep entwined
It's time to swim
Don kingsley Nov 2016
I'm lit up
More than they know
A little pick me up
When I get too low
Sweetly in my head
I feel the rushing once again
Some of us aren't kings
Are thrones we make on our own
So maybe it's a fall
Or maybe I feel small
But somethings make you never feel alone
You waste away
Like some know
I know you bare
But better clothed
They smell the burn
The burn that you love and loath
I've learned to love more than loath
And shades of gray on this sunny day
Brace for what you dont know
Don kingsley Oct 2016
Fickle little puddle
Sometimes large sometimes small
Sometimes youre not there at all
Deep in the middle maybe there's still a drop
Is it still a puddle or
Is it not enough
My glass half full
Or am I just a putz
You need the water
If it's to be a pool
But a puddle itself
Has no importance in depth
The only importance is how
Much water is left.
Don kingsley Sep 2016
I got shoes
I move
It's true
Got to get close to you
Enjoy my attitude

I got blues
I take one swallow
And I'm in paradise
Are you of man
Or mice?

This world is
But it can be paradise
Depending where you climb
I just don't want to
Fall this time

Bargains are scams
To a street wise mind
Take your punishments
With each roll of the hand
Air in your lungs
And you're able to stand
But are you alright?

He's got his penny sleeves
She's got her wine
Lookin at the pretty leaves
Wasting their lives
People keep repeating your only young
One time
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