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A B Perales Apr 2014
The first thought I
encountered was ,
this poor girl
does not eat.

As our friendship
developed into
more than
I ever imagined
it would
I discovered she
did indeed eat.

When I
say eat
I mean more like
demolished all
was presented
before her.

Her sometimes
sickly appearance
was caused
by  the problems
she kept  hidden
behind a
locked bathroom

It seemed the
porcelain hollow
had an appetite
for her insides.

Like a devoted
to its Pagan God
she gave up her
offerings after
each and
every meal or
even a snack.

Her sickness
her image
of herself.

I told her
she was
She called me
a liar and told
me to never
come back.

So I

There's only so
much you can do
for the sick until
they themselves
are prepared to
A B Perales Jul 2013
There is'nt very many places
that can come close to the
perfection that a summers night
brings about on the streets
of San Pedro.
Its all still so raw,
on the lower side of town ,tenants sit
outside on stoops in front of
cheap hotels made for cheap people.
Feral cats stalk the wharf rats
who hide out within the  
rising mounds of fishing
nets that sit in large heaps along the
guano stained docks.
The Mad houses all have ancient air
conditioning, all of which only seems to
push the Mad a little bit closer
to that empty they all long to
Teen aged lovers walk hand in hand
past the bars and the liquor stores
along Pacific Ave.
The smiles on there clean faces
prove that they are still oblivious
to the horrors that love will one
day bring.
Drinking men and Die hard wasted
Women stand outside of windowless
drinking holes *******
on cigarettes, their silent stares
warn all who pass
that what little they had to lose
is already gone.
Most of these sets of eyes and
heads of hair,
have never heard the nightbird
sing,or watched transfixed
as the blood ran
along the gutters like
mountain run off
in the spring.

I find it comforting to know
that these summer night adventures
dare only to venture out
for this briefest of season.
I need them gone from my darkness,
they are not of the night,
even one as perfect as this.
Their clueless smiles and their
false joys cast a foul shade of light
upon the realness and the honesty
of this summers night.
Only lost souls like myself,
the street walking ******  and
the murderous feral cats know
when and where the magic truly died.
Only those with broken ties
and broken hearts can look
to the shot out street lamps
and know they are home.
If only these programed minions
would leave me and the mad ones,
me and the ******,
me and the shot out street lamps
and the flea bitten battle hardened
wharf  cats
to all of what we call our own.
They come out of their cages and
walk along the same gum stained
sidewalks as we who have sacrificed
it all to become as one with
the night.

They see all of the same neon signs
and graffiti covered walls as I do,
but that's where their tiny
little minds locked into their
tiny little worlds stop.
They cant comprehend and
I don't have enough wine
or enough patience
to waste my time
on programed minds.
Let them cheer each other on
let them guide each other to their deaths.
Leave us to this night and the millions
of California summer nights to come.
Let them lock themselves away
when these summer nights shift
to fall.
I and the night
cringe at their presence.
The feral cats release
a deep menacing warning
as these invaders pass
them by.
Their place is locked
securely behind
some gates,somewhere
on that hill.
A place I dare not to
venture,a place built
on the blood labor
of the poor,a place full
of their lies.
Lies and forced false ways
that draw
deep blood toned scars
upon the honesty
and the  integrity of this
sacred summers  night.
A B Perales Apr 2015
Her tears fell
weighted down
by the sodden
sobs of

Her throne
was cold
and often
smelled of

Her problem
never getting
enough of it
or always
out of it.

She warned all
who attempted
to get close to
her that
her soul was
not to be

This morning
she awoke
alone already
feeling the
anxiety slowly
tearing from
her insides.

A third of
her life
spent chasing,
a third of
her chance
spent numb.

After all
she recklessly,
threw away,
after all the
plans aborted.

worth anyhting had
long ago found its
way into
the hands
of those who had
what she needed
in that moment.

The only
thing of worth
she had left was  
what drew the lonely
men into her lonely'

The barter cost
someone their flesh.

She had what she
needed but still
to find
the line beneath
her skin.
A B Perales Mar 2017
I leaned in close
enough to smell
the rubber of the hoses
now keeping him alive.

For the second time in my
life I was at a loss for words.

I rested my hand ontop of his own
and said,
"God is Real, Please Remember me."

The machine was now silent
as a families worth of tears
fell to the floor.

No more Pain.
A B Perales Apr 2017
Not even 90 days in
and the idiot bombs Syria.

Opinions and belifes
don't mean ****.

Prophecy is all
that matters now.
A B Perales Apr 2015
I've made it through
sleepless nights,with
burnt out friends and
strange beautiful
burnt out  girls.

I've made plans for a
better day,
just as all
of the promises I
had already made
slowly faded away.

I watched a sunset into a
parallel horizon
then sat and waited for it to rise

I've reasoned with
the Dragon
as the  blood ran
down my arm.
Lost the battle and
the girl and never thought
twice of doing it all again..

I loved all the wrong
Even the ones
who I knew
had definitely
gone Mad before
they came to me.

I stopped asking
for forgiveness
the moment it
didn't come.

I buried a beautiful
a young innocent
Yet I cried
for others
who aren't even dead.

This challenge of
making it through
yet another day.
A day just as  empty
as the day before always
keeps me occupied.

Anything to keep my
finger off the
trigger,the needle
from my arm and
her cooing  promises
far from my ear.

The words and
different versions
of things
run rampant
in my head.

Its getting them all out
without holding back that's

Its what keeps this pencil in my hand
and the weapons I use against me
carefully put away where they belong.
A B Perales Jan 2016
Who are we
to look to
once they've
killed our
Major Tom.
A B Perales Sep 2017
It takes the obvious things like happiness a career,the trust they had in you and the hopes you had for yourself .

Then the girl and in time several girls all of whom tried to live with your madness.

Then you crash the car, lose the house and end up hiding from the world in cheap multi unit apartment building.
And you never answer the door or the telephone unless it's your guy calling to bring you more.

Less light and more fire.
Everything looks less depressing by candle light.
The AC broke down a year ago.
Open windows keep the air free from anxiety.

Your loved ones become bitter at the thought of you while your friends , the real ones now act as if those memories you shared and those fights you fought were all just in passing.
The friendship is no longer there.

Sunshine and social settings are two things
you do all you can to avoid.

Cops know you by your name and street people now call you 'Brother' even though you have a home.

Somewhere in those years your *** life had died and no one ever bothered inviting you to the funeral.
You know it's the Devil when it causes you to forget about having something you spent years lusting over and partaking in at every given chance with just about any given girl .  

The poppy I speak of only with respect.
The Dragon and the chasing has almost ran its course.
The lazy Monkey and my aching spine.
The Fentanyl and the Suboxone.
The crying jail cell walls and the ***** on the floor.
The scars and the death of another .
The years all wasted and the girl who no longer thinks of you .

It took all I had I have nothing left to give.
A B Perales May 2017
Can't stand against the ageless winds while shedding sour tears now  amber from the ******.

The Locols were the only ones who ever parked cliffside off the highway and always ignored the signs.

You can't withhold anything the ocean wants.
What the Pacific always wants the Pacific always takes .

The rich have dug in without saying a word.
The generals and the enginers know there's no where for us to go.

Its all happend before, nothing ever new is something never known .
There's giants laying dead along our oceans floor.

It'll be the waters that bring about our end .
A B Perales Apr 2022
Everyone needs a fan.
Some earn their living from fans.
Some despise them, yet still do the things that attracts them.

My city attracts fans.
They come from all over the Plain.
Their favorite writer lived and died here.

His wife still occupies the only home the writer ever owned.
He's buried in our local cemetery.
The headstone isn't fancy it bears his full name, his years on earth and some boxing gloves. Though all the stories I've ever heard said he always fought in the streets.
And two words.
"Don't Try".

Fans often leave beer cans, wine bottles, cigars and cigarettes, notes and printed copies of his work.
Which to me is all fine except when they decide to visit after hours and leave their messes behind.
If you come here seeking to catch a glimpse of his home and maybe even his wife. You will only see large old Sycamore trees and giant palm fronds that hide his home like a Gisha's silk fan across her face.

If you don't already know where it is good luck asking any of the locals.
San Pedros always been a rather ruff port town the place where sailors and ****** came to spend their money and test their skills.

They'll lead you all over, up and down streets similar to his with its Royal Palms lining each side of the block.
All poking their fronds towards the heavens a hundred feet above the L.A Harbor.

When you come here you will be welcomed with white California smiles but when you start asking questions about his ivy hidden classic Los Angeles Spanish style villa with its fruit trees and grape vines.
We'll first tell you to please be respectful which will only help convince you we are telling you the truth.
Before we write down directions sending you to the wrong place.

That's how Hank would've wanted it.
biggest fan
A B Perales Apr 2015
I don't allow the
love laced thoughts or the
hollow haunting depression
to pull me from the task at hand.

I'm moving through the
sad crowds and the
clueless children like
a sharp pain chasing the
comfort of your life away.

They hold out for
love and end up longing
for something more
once the love wears thin.

I formed a kinship
with Death.
A promise so true
the Devil now
waits on me.

As I wait
on something close to
Love to pass me
by again.
A B Perales Jan 2014
I started this
with my head
in my hands,
ran my palms
down my face,
brought them
together in front
of me as if in prayer.

My mind was
putting on a
bursts of
imagery flashed
like fireworks.

Words floated
like falling
ideas danced
like fireflies
in the night.

For some reason
my senses
brought about
the scent
of the sea.

I closed my
eyes and seen
the palm trees
sway like
hula girls in
the wind.

A smile appeared
and I
held on to
it for as long
as I could.

Eyes clenched
tightly shut,
mind at work.

It called
to me and I
ran to it
with my heart
wide open.

And when
it was all over
I sat down
and created
A B Perales Mar 2014
If I was to
awake to more
than just a
shadow of a memory
of that girl I know
was here the night
Would I feel less
alone throughout the day?
If there was to be more
than just the water stained
ceiling and the
yellow, faded,
dust dressed lamp
shade to rest
my eyes upon
as the night time
drug laced,hungover
haze falls
from my view.
Would my days
appear brighter?

I always sense
the slightest smell
of her cigarettes and
the taste of stale  *****
in the mornings after .
How I secretly
long for
her pouty lips
that always
seem to carry
that bitter ***** Martini

All that is left
of her until
the next late
night hour,
unannounced drunken
is the lip
stick stained cigarette
butts in the abalone
The indentation
left by her hips and her
shoulder in the down.
And the slightest scent
of her cheap perfume
that always sticks around
for days after
shes gone.

These shadows left
behind by her
and her wit
reminding me of
how empty this
place truly
is without her presence .

We both apparently
that  its
better this way,
cheap and discreet,
never promised and
always unannounced.
I secretly and simply
go along with
her suggestion.
A B Perales Apr 2022
I'm in a
full of

little man with a gun in his hand
A B Perales Oct 2015
The blackboard had been wiped clean
of all the equations and answers.
All but one question remained.
"Why Are You Here?"

My first thought was
I'm here to try and
keep myself out of

I'm here to bring
attention to
the broken hearts,
the alcoholic writers
and the dreams we
never share.

I'm here to show my face
and prove to them that
I am  everything  they
could not  ****.

I'm here to read the works
the mad men left
I'm here for the ******,
the ***** and the one
night stands.

I'm here to fall in love
and fall out of favor.

I'm here to use as much
as I can without dying.

I'm here to break their laws
and  to expose all those who claim
to understand this vision.

I'm here to **** them off and
provide them with  reasons
to speak thy name in vain.

I'm here to steal from
the rich and keep it.

I'm here to write it
all down without
losing my mind or my life.

I'm here to avoid the crowds
and admire the
empty city streets at midnight.

I'm here to burn the red candles and
fear not the coming age.

I'm here for what lays beyond
the ice.
Here to share the
secrets they  all **** to keep.

I'm here to give thanks to
La Muerte, Little Martha
and The Skinny girl.

I'm here for the girls who
sing alone and shiver at the memories
of growing up  in a broken home.

I'm here to write something that the
Convicts and the Delinquents could
both relate to.

I'm here for that Raven haired
girl with the perfect bangs and
sculpted brows.
The girl who smiled her Blood red lips
and called me Dangerous.

I'm here to write about the Hummingbird,
the lonely Writer  and the habit that
killed a certain girls everything.

I'm here to laugh as they
all cry.
Here to cheer over their hissing sounds.
Here to celebrate at their time of mourning.

I'm here to be as far apart
from all of you as I can.

I'm here for the invitation
that I never received.

I'm here to take the
blame and provide an escape.

Here to prove her right when
she was oh so wrong.

I'm here to act as if I didn't know.
Here to play with the
guilt that plagues them in their sleep.

Here for the Latch key kids
and unwanted dogs.

I'm here for DMT ,the LSD
and the secrets they both
hold but never tell.

I'm here even though
most times I wish I  wasn't.

I'm here all alone
although it
wasn't always this way.

I'm here to try and put these
words in their place.

Here to keep their spirits
up while trying to keep
my own from dying.

Here to fill the pages the young
will read tomorrow.

Here to share what it is I do
without exposing my true sorrows.

I'm here to finish what they  
started without mimicking their style.

I'm here to keep them
on their toes while
concentrating on tomorrow.

I'm here to remove the  Globe
from all curriculum's.

Here to put an ending to
all of the foolish lies.

I'm here to answer your questions
as honestly I can.

I'm here today but can be gone

I don't know what we're all
doing here,
I can only speak
for me.
A B Perales Oct 2016
Its my need to know
that keeps me from turning
out the lights on this forever.

The more i know
the less I feel the need
to add to the crowd.

I'm shattered like
a programmed
*** kitten or teen aged
fame slave.

I like a Moon that's
transparent and
clouds that wont
float away.

Girls on magazine
covers and Girls
in the Bar.

I like moving on the highway
and watching the flashing city lights
as I forget what it was that led me to this.

Fabricated history finds
its way into the text books.
How smart are you who
quotes the lies you've read
and argues their tales as truth.

There's never an ending to all
that we've been told.
The more I discover the
less I find was true.
A B Perales Jan 2014
I walked  in step
with that old guy
beside me.
Watched as he craned
his old neck around
at every
sweet smelling
beauty that  passed us

We stay that way for awhile.
Walking ,watching the parade of
hometown and home grown
beauty's walking,driving and pedaling
their way past.
For a few moments
I fell in Love.
And they all lasted
just long enough
to watch the different
versions of her blend into
the streets and vanish.

We approached  some boys
sneaking left handed
cigarettes while sitting
on a wall half hidden
from the world beneath a

A tall boy rose his
chin to me as his fist
went into a ball.
I smiled as the Old Man
and I continued on.

I casually tightened my grip
on the pistol in my pocket.
But I had already
decided to let
this stupid young
boy grow into an
idiot of a man.

I caressed the
warm pistol inside
my warm coat pocket.
I felt the idiots eyes
burning into my back.

The brave Bull Fighter
came to mind
and the idiot beast
whose craving for
the flag of
red draws him to his

Cruel I've been along
my way,
the slaughter is what
stays with you.
All the rest
was just
time spent in

The old man
who finds me
when I'm unsure and
afraid,troubled and
out of drugs and searching for
reasons to continue on shook his
grey head as I looked his way.

I did what I always do
at the sight of him.
I  laughed both to myself
and at myself.
Once that started the Old
man got to laughing which soon
turned into coughing.
Then like we always do,
we took the briefest of
moments and said our good byes
with our eyes.
Two sets of the same eyes
both witnessing it all
One set reminding the
other of how much longer he has to be
I secretly thank
him and he always
reminds me that I'm not
going any where any time
A B Perales Apr 2014
Some things are
by nature,
most stick to
their ways.

Baboons carry their
sometimes its for

I've found
peace in solitude,
comfort in a

Feral cats are
self governing,
they lounge
in the sun.

Holdfast to your
cherish tradition.

It's all just an
it's the
human condition.
A B Perales Jan 2014
Once you've finally
come to realize that
the little ones are the
only good human beings
Your trust in anything at all
is all but gone.
Your back now as worn
out as a well read

And your heart,
your starving,giving
unselfish heart has
now been hardened
by the loose,uncaring
you gave it to.

You got to just
barrel through it all
while taking it real
easy on the breaks.

The burdens of society,
the addictions,her wants
and what little
you have to give.
That on going
struggle within yourself
between what you
want to do and
that in which keeps her happy,
a roof over your heads
and gas in that guzzler.

We are cursed with a
narrow perspective,
unlike the butterfly who
sees in all realities.

Learn how to survive
and consume with the least
amount of your potentials
and call this success.

Decay always begins
once growth ends.
And there will be
plenty of dreams
to **** tomorrow
A B Perales Feb 2014
There has been
moments and
even years when
I've submitted
myself to

Celebrated false
joys with
spent and consumed
with them.
Turned a blind eye
and focused
on nothing
with them.

I found their ways
grueling and murderous,
they killed the soul
first while
seizing the mind
with pointless

I tried talking
to some of
but found it as
as conversing
with a
cop on a Sunday.

Accepted it for
what it was.
Embraced what
it is I
truly am.

Unlike them,
against them
and inherently
on my

The only true
joy lays within
the ***** and the
The softness
of the women's
The discovery of
of prose written
by a long
dead drunk.

The sound of
recorded music
by Frusciante
and the
times alone
when the pencil
meets the paper
and all of
this is
comes to be..
A B Perales Dec 2015

I awoke to a day that had been overtaken

The curtains were closed so I opened them .

I stood there in a pair of jersey shorts and a little bit of a headache.

The phone rang somewhere in the other room

I couldn’t pull myself away

I waited for the light to come in.

I stood there like a fool.

Thick black clouds had all settled into a part of the sky

No birds flew in this kind of weather.

No light to remind me its day.

I awoke to a day that had been overtaken .

Hopefully tomorrow it wont be the same
A B Perales Apr 2016
From the heavens
come the

Where from
does the
waters come?
A B Perales Aug 2015
The first time
I was too young
to do
anything else but
enjoy it.

Trying to understand it
was too much
like thinking.

And when you're young
and as free as I was
you didn't spend
too much time on thinking
about anything at all.

When I was young a thought
became a deed before I had
a chance to think it
over again.
A B Perales Mar 2014
I cast my shine
far back into the
darkest of times.

I'm looking for
the reason,
a word,
the moment that
will complete
this next line.

I'm rummaging
like a wino in
the trash for
something worth

I'll pull out a
worthy memory
like a rabbit
by the ears.
Lay it all out
letter by
let down by
shinning moment.

That feeling which
is this hole
in my
chest where love
once lived begins
to fill
with every line

I began to smile
and soon feel

Each one completed
is another one
And once again
I began to
A B Perales Aug 2014
Sharp pains
and deep
red wine
are all
lost in
of you.
A B Perales May 2016
The last I heard
she was headed across
the desert
to a waiting job and
new found friends.

She stopped calling
when I suggested
she came back home.

Turns out she was
lost with
no real friends and
a monkey on her back.

Alone the way she
wanted it to be.

Dancing under the
neon lights
for the lonely men.

Somewhere in the
City of Sin.
A B Perales Aug 2016
People who don't live here think they know it all from watching T.V.

City lights cast down upon city streets.
They know no other way than to survive once someone comes and shoots their street lights out.

They **** and die for the street.
The fat man on the radio tries to calm the city.

Grafitti acts as a warnig, who'll get the 187 mark out today.

Some grew up on the low side of town where the bridges and the freeways meet.
L.A river acts as borders for the Gang controlled neighborhoods and washes their blood and sometimes their guns away.

Everyone's from somewhere ,are you brave enough to say.
A B Perales May 2015
I watched more
planes criss cross
the sky today.

Planes without
destinations ,passengers
or reasons why.

Planes that leave behind
thick lines across our skies
like a destructive hand
with graffitti.

There's no more floating
dogs or drifting ,parting
dancing girls.
No more summer flowers
or slowly gliding flying

The clouds above
the city don't
form the different shapes
like they used to do.
A B Perales Nov 2016
Long haired California girls wear skin tight jeans with 7' inch heels  for a trip to the liquor store.
It's getting harder to tell which ones are dancing by night and spending by day.

Panhandlers and the truly insane sit outside stores they can't afford.
Asking people they don't know for help they really don't got the time or reason enough to give.  

Every soldier needs an enemy or they wouldn't be any use for any soldiers at all.
All these Cops decked out in Army grade hand me downs got me wondering "Who is their enemy?"
As I look around and only see us and them.

Latch-key kids all over this city talking on cell phones while eating $4.00 ice cream and riding a Hoverboard.
Independent little adults who see no reason to respect anyone or anything  at all.

You only see stray cats in the ghetto.
A B Perales Mar 2014
Blame it
on the
ley lines.
Or blame
it on this
city itself.

These bodies
can tan
10 months
out of
the year
without  the
mind ever
where the
winter went.

Give them
a little
rain and
watch them
seek refuge
in the shopping
malls where
they buy
rain boots
and jackets.

Things they
know they'll
only use on
the oddest
of these grey
Los Angeles
winter days.
A B Perales Apr 2013
Silent is the world
while high on *******.
Delicate are the choices
made at 2AM.
Forgetful is what one
becomes when all
they wish upon
is death.
Lost is the soul
of the addicted ones
who long no more
to be home.
A B Perales Mar 2018
The porch light shadowed her soft features deep within the blackness of her hooded sweatshirt.

Her shoulders were soaked and blackened,
her make up all but gone.

The hair I would later hand dry was heavy and matted against her pocked scared cheek.

She crossed my threshold and gently ran her cold, wet fingertips along my bare chest as she passed.

My old white cat greeted her with an evil hiss and daring stare as she kicked her wet shoes off in the mud room.

I took in the rain soaked Southern California wind before swinging closed the heavy door, mostly with my shoulder.
A moment before the door closed I caught sight of a falling light as it was tumbling deep within the shallows of the dome.

She had stripped down to her ******* and a pair of my old socks.
Thick black eyeliner ran from the corners of her hazel eyes.
Steam billowed as her wet hair met the warmth of her bare tattooed shoulders.

I moved to the restroom and tried not to stare as she removed each wet sock with her feet.
Her thin arms sat across her full, firm breast.
Her wet hair stuck to her face and shoulders.
Each of her hands cupped her elbows.
Both of her thumbs had silver rings..

She rubbed her face along the collar of my heavy cotton robe as she enveloped herself deep within its fluffy folds.

I used honey with her tea and Bourbon with my coffee and we both slept in until noon.
A B Perales Feb 2014
nothing but
as I stare
at my
past and
it all fall
a shale
loosened by
A B Perales Feb 2014
I aimed the old car
south and
ran as many red
lights as my luck
would allow.

Kept my sunglasses
on as I
listened to Frusciante
nothing but the
truth all through
the magic of
my radio.

Left the madness of
the city and
entered the
land where
atomic  bombs
and peoples sanity
have both
been tested.

Desert roads
with desert lies,
like oasis and
promises made
in Vegas.

I took a toot
off the side of
my hand like
I seen them do in
the movies.

Wasted the better
part of my stash
on this foolish

This ride I'm
taking is real.

On my way
I'll be looking for a
wild young girl
to roll my joints
and laugh at my
jokes,give my eyes
a place to rest in.

I'm looking for
a lovely from the
low side of town.
Whose  spirit has
yet to be broken
and whose mind
isn't already
filled with their

Watched as the
California landscape
turned from
beaches and tropical
palms to
cactus taller than
most men
and dry forgotten
land that
most come to
die in.

From congested
freeways that hold
the drivers hostage.
To wide open
desert highways
where its safe to
drink straight from
the bottle without
that pestering public
servant there to
ruin your ride.

If I make it out of
this dam
desert alive
with my wallet
and my sanity still
I'll look back
at it all
as just another
And try
not to give
in to
ever going
A B Perales Apr 2022
I aimed the old car
south and
ran as many red
lights as my luck
would allow.

Kept my sunglasses
on as I
listened to Frusciante
nothing but the
truth all through
the magic of
my radio.

Left the madness of
the city and
entered the
land where
atomic bombs
and peoples sanity
have both
been tested.

Desert roads
with desert lies,
like oasis and
promises made
in Vegas.

I took a toot
off the side of
my hand like
I seen them do in
the movies.

Wasted the better
part of my stash
on this foolish

This ride I'm
taking is real.

On my way
I'll be looking for a
wild young girl
to roll my joints
and laugh at my
Give my eyes
a place to rest in.

I'm looking for
a lovely from the
low side of town.
Whose spirit has
yet to be broken
and whose mind
isn't already
filled with their

Watched as the
California landscape
turned from
beaches and tropical
palms to
cactus taller than
most men
and dry forgotten
land that
most come to
die in.

From congested
freeways that hold
the drivers hostage.
To wide open
desert highways
where its safe to
drink straight from
the bottle without
that pestering public
servant there to
ruin your ride.

If I make it out of
this dam
desert alive
with my wallet
and my sanity still
I'll look back
at it all
as just another
And try
not to give
in to
ever going
i luv LA    
California Dreaming
A B Perales Aug 2014
Sleepless nights
when I've
laid in
the thick darkness
listening to the
sirens scream
the city.

Drawn out sleepless
nights ,
nights that I spent
conjuring up
images of better

Sleep deprived
lonely nights,
nights  I spent
someone else's
legless sheep.

Nights I spent
wasting hours
by thinking of
nothing but
the past.
A B Perales Mar 2014
It Shows you
just how sadly
powerless you truly
are  in the form
of grinding
dull aches to the
lower back and
the calves .

It cuts in line
in front of the
brushing of the
the cleaning of the
body,the caring for
another and
the life that must
stand aside and
wait to be lived.

It's the warmth
that becomes your
the obsession with
feeling nothing but
the Poppies love.

One can't explain
the why's  and the
how's of the
Magical Poppy.
One tries to
reason with the
and discovers that
it is the monkeys
grip that brings
the pain.

This life is a ride on
the back of a wild
untamed horse,
whose need to run
free across open
turns one into a
version of himself
he never knew
A B Perales Jul 2015
I tried and was

I shared and was

I presented evidence
that they all
refused to see.

In the end I took
care of only
my own.

I contributed to the
by remaining silent.

I lived out my days
shielding my thoughts
from them  all.

Spent my remaining
years away from the fray
where the wild dogs
still grin at the sight
of the moon.
A B Perales Jan 2014
You got to look
hard for the good,
for the enlightenment.
Its there,
its always been there,
like that pitch fork
shaped birth mark
on the back of your
Its there,
though you rarely
take the time
or the effort it
takes  to
see it.

Sometimes its in
plain sight,
like the rock fish in
the coral.
Stare into the
pillars of your
Seek out the
happy times
like bees do
to pollen rich

You can find it
in Low Bars
and trash laden
Cheap made up
Women and
in cold locked
down  jail cells.
It may be the
words you find
as you read passed
missing pages of
a book left behind
by the prisoner
before you.

Laugh in their grin
strained faces
then smile to yourself.
Smile for the memories
and know that I
and the Gods
are smiling with
A B Perales Mar 2014
Shuffling stones sing
sad love songs with
the waves.

Evil gulls stared
at the
setting sun
with dead
spots for eyes.

I wrote a
name in the

I sat with my
back to the
world .

Worked on
the *****
and watched as
the tide slowly
took it away.
A B Perales Oct 2015
The music wasn’t too loud and the band played only instrumental music.
Music that I found rather pleasant as it drifted its way above the senseless conversation and obnoxious laughter of one particular group of young drunk ladies .

The potted plastic plants stood stone silent next to the cheap pressed wood tables filled with used paper plates ,plastic forks, wadded up napkins and half full clear plastic cups.
The flower arrangements at each table had all began to droop as the air became more stale with the sweat and the breath of the drunken people whose beauty they were all meant to admire.
I heard about how stiff the drinks were and how long the ladies room line was.
I overheard conversations about money and addicted daughters, ******* bosses and good deals on tires.
I heard them admire the fact there was no traffic on the way here and how the food was ok.
I purposely listened for any comment made about the dying young flowers whose time was cut short in order to be at their table.
I listened the whole night .
I heard no such thing.

A pair of huge ******* brushed against my bad shoulder as a large woman with dyed black hair and too much jewelry on began to speak into my ear.
She spilled a splash of her drink on my only good pair of shoes.
She knew what she did but never bothered to apologize.

The cheap faux wooden dance floor laid there like a minefield devoid of the swaying bodies and sweaty torsos.
Yet for some reason the music still played on.

I noticed she had a strange need to be as close to you as possible as she spoke.
Her conversation was about as cheap as my shoes and the empty linoleum dance floor.

The party balloons began to lose their ability to float above the senseless conversation,
cheap cologne ,dying young flowers, plastic plants and plastic *******.
I smiled as they began to slowly fall to the floor.

For the third time that night I cursed my decision to come here and mill about with the rest of the cattle.
I went to the bar and got another drink.

Overweight women with undersized clothing stood in line to the single stalled ladies room like needy mothers in a well fare line.

This pair of ******* kept themselves snug against my bad shoulder as the lip stick painted mouth with the tobacco stained teeth kept on about what she did and where she went, who she knew and where she wanted to be and how badly she wanted to smoke.

I downed my drink, the drinks were strong, the drinks were good.
I stopped her in mid sentence and said.
“The trees they all die in silence in the forest’.

I made my way towards the exit passed the dying flowers and the sweaty men.
I hit the double doors with all I had and stepped out into the welcoming night.
I took in the scents of the salt water and the burning fuel, the taco truck across the street and the ***** still on my lips.

Before I left I went back in and tipped the Mexican bartender a 20 dollar bill.
Him and his stiff drinks were obviously the life of the party and the only real reason I was glad I came.
A B Perales Aug 2016
The music wasn’t too loud and the band played only instrumental music.
Music that I found rather pleasant as it drifted its way above the senseless conversation and obnoxious laughter of one particular group of young drunk ladies .

Tall potted plastic plants stood stone silent next to cheap pressed wood tables filled with used paper plates ,plastic forks, wadded up napkins and half full clear plastic cups.
The floral arrangements had been set at each table with care for the guest to admire. The flowers  had all began to droop as the air became more stale with the sweat and the breath of the drunken people.

I overheard conversations about money and addicted daughters, ******* bosses and good deals on tires.
I heard about how stiff the drinks were and how long the ladies room line was.
I heard them admire the fact there was no traffic on the way here and how the food was ok.
I purposely listened for any comment made about the dying young flowers whose time was cut short in order to be at their table.
I listened the whole night .
I heard no such thing.

A pair of huge ******* brushed against my bad shoulder as a large woman with dyed black hair and too much jewelry on began to speak into my ear.
She spilled a splash of her drink on my only good pair of shoes.
She knew what she had done but never bothered to apologize.

The cheap faux wooden dance floor laid there like a minefield devoid of the swaying bodies and sweaty torsos.
Yet for some reason the music still played on.

I noticed she had a strange need to be as close to you as possible as she spoke.
Her conversation was about as cheap as my shoes and the empty linoleum dance floor.

The party balloons began to lose their ability to float above the senseless conversation,
cheap cologne ,dying young flowers, plastic plants and plastic *******.
I smiled as they began to slowly fall to the floor.

For the third time that night I cursed my decision to come here and mill about with the rest of the cattle.
I went to the bar and got another drink.

Overweight women with undersized clothing stood in line to the single stalled ladies room like needy mothers in a well fare line.

This pair of ******* kept themselves snug against my bad shoulder as the lip stick painted mouth with the tobacco stained teeth kept on about what she did and where she went, who she knew and where she wanted to be and how badly she wanted to smoke.

I downed my drink, the drinks were strong, the drinks were good.
I stopped her in mid sentence and said.
“The trees they all die in silence in the forest’.

I made my way towards the exit passed the dying flowers and the sweaty men.
I hit the double doors with all I had and stepped out into the welcoming night.
I took in the scents of the salt water and the burning fuel, the taco truck across the street and the ***** still on my lips.

Before I left I went back in and tipped the Mexican bartender a 20 dollar bill.
He took the 20 then offered me one on the house which I gladly accepted. It was the strongest drink I had ever had outside my home .
He smiled as I thanked him , his smile held a row of Gold capped teeth the rest were the straightest set of teeth I had ever seen .

I pulled out a extra 10 and left it on the bar.
The Gold toothed bar tender and his stiff drinks were obviously the life of the party and the only real reason I was glad I came.
A B Perales Jan 2014
The distant surf
crashes against the old
Spanish wall.
Sounding like slow
volleys of gunfire
ricocheting off
the jagged cliffs

The sea side stillness
of the night is
disturbed by
my footsteps.
They crunch a
million grains
of sand with
every step
I take along
this jaded

At this hour
all of this is
closed,they put
hours and gates
whats free.

Wet feral cats
chase giant
wharf rats all
through the
between the
break walls
giant stones.

Across the Harbor
on the calm side.
Lights shine bright
from the
giant cranes
and the
deep green
Span dressed in
strands of

The lights
reflected off
the still water
and danced
along small wakes
left by
passing boats.

The fumes
of sweet
scented fuel
hides just
beneath the
smell of
salt water and
the rotting
bait fish left
behind by
fisherman in
chunks along
the rocks.

A quarter mile
out on the breakwalls end
the Gateway to
the Angels sits
as still and proud
as an ancient Oak.

Its dependable
vigilance and wisdom
washes over me
as I pass this
night counting
the seconds
the shine.
A B Perales Sep 2016
The distant surf
crashes against the old
Spanish wall.
Sounding like slow
volleys of gunfire
ricocheting off
the jagged cliffs

The sea side stillness
of the night is
disturbed by
my footsteps.
They crunch a
million grains
of sand with
every step
I take along
this jaded

At this hour
all of this is
closed,they put
hours and gates
whats free.

Wet feral cats
chase giant
wharf rats all
through the
between the
break walls
giant stones.

Across the Harbor
on the calm side.
Lights shine bright
from the
giant cranes
and the
deep green
Span dressed in
strands of

The lights
reflected off
the still water
and danced
along small wakes
left behind by
passing boats.

The fumes
of sweet
scented fuel
hides just
beneath the
smell of
salt water and
the rotting
bait fish left
behind by
fisherman in
chunks along
the rocks.

A quarter mile
out on the breakwalls end
the Gateway to
the Angels sits
as still and proud
as an ancient Oak.

Its dependable
vigilance and wisdom
washes over me
as I pass this
night counting
the seconds
the shine.
A B Perales Mar 2014
They lay
on their

Roaches and mice
have the run
of the floor.

Stale vented
air fills the small
concrete inclosure.

The smells
and the time
they've learned
to ignore.

Some think
about what
lead them
to this and
how they can

Some curse
for getting
caught and
can't wait to
try and
pull it off
A B Perales May 2015
There she sat
cross legged
on the
neatly made bed.

She held the Wine
bottle and a lit cigarette
in one hand.

And used the other to
pick the lint
off the comforter
while humming
a song
I'd never heard .
A B Perales Dec 2015
I lost sight of what it was
that brought me to this.

Skipped the holy water
and went straight for the wine.
A God who forgives
is God who won’t mind.

I got too many questions
with no one to ask.
I mumble to myself to
feel less alone.

I turn to the flower of forgetfulness
whose blood will ease my pain.

Two words appeared
on the tiny screen.
Two words that tore a hole right through
what I thought I had repaired.
“ It’s me…”

The Condor is  scavenging its way
back into existence
across barren California deserts.

I find I’m more concerned  
with things that are too far away
and too far gone for me or
anyone else to care for.

I had her for a little while.
But that little while
meant everything to me.

I got a number and
a place to lay my head.
A big enough stash to
keep this Monkey at ease.

I got all of what I need to
make it  through the night.

Yet  I still long for the
little  things
that never
did care just
a little bit for me.
A B Perales Sep 2013
She closed one grey eye
and watched as
the now
diamond dust
settled into a
pool at  
the bottom
of the bubble.
A tiny heart pounded
like a turbine piston
hard and relentless
against her bare,
freckled dressed chest.
Small beads of
sweat formed
then dried almost
down her bare back
and in between
the small mounds
she wore as *******.

She closed her right eye and
held the wand
up towards the
bare bulb light.
She watched transfixed
as the once delicate,
man made,
toxic concoction
that was now
a heated puddle
of stimuli cooled.
Then brought forth images
of great stretching snow flakes
and shattered
diamonds reaching
all throughout
the bubble tipped
tool  she had
taken in as a lover.

And there will
be no sleep
tonight for the
Down Town dealers
and this delicate
lost soul with
in her  eyes.
Theres too many
memories that
need to be
tamed ,
too many
nightmares to
give in to sleep.
Stay awake ,
create more time
and consume every bad
thing that's before

Seek out a cold
place in the night,
then stare at the heavens
while  shaking
a clenched fist upon
the serpents.
As our world reveals
more another
falls,picks up
a tool  and
turns to what works.

Choosing the
easy way out
is never an easy
As crystals cool
then melt again
another decision has
turned to
death in the
form of a captive
life without
freedom enough to
care or breath.

She walked toward
the window and
stood naked
and high before
the city.
A tear tumbled
and dried
before it ever
left her face.

Another diamond
obsessed ,dreamless
waiting out the
night,dealing with
the madness and
sharing none
of her horrors
with the shadowed
world she was forced
to haunt.
Living every hour
wide  awake,
wired and full
of pills.
Desperate for some
other place thats
far away from here.

and quietly
dying an older
souls death.
Far before
what should
have been
her peaceful
and merciful
kind of ending.
A B Perales Feb 2016
They say only
the Good Die

And the rest
are just
A B Perales Dec 2015
The drunk guy and his drunk girl both sat
on the concrete near the dumpster along
with their oil stained dog.
The guy had stacked up some cardboard
for his girl to rest her backside on.
The dog drank cool water from an old tin.

The guy always greeted me with a tobacco
stained smile and a ***** open palm wave.
His girl was always drunk even when he obviously wasn’t.
Maybe that was his way of keeping her around.
Sacrifice a bottle for the company of her.

The dog  appeared fainthearted and
a bit skittish but his tail always wagged
at the sight of a stranger.
A hopeful wag, a heartening gesture.
One that said he still had hope that one
of these strangers would one day take
him home and away from the life
his fate had cast upon him.

I always took the time to greet the
drunks and the dog.
The guy’s face had that worn leather
look with his bold Native features
and his deep mocha colored skin.
His spiel was always the same he'd
praise my coat and my truck,
the dog would always wag his agreement.

I made sure to always leave them with
a fresh bottle of some cheap wine or
even cheaper *****.
A pack of GPC’s
and a stick of jerky for the dog.

The guy always took the gifts without standing.

He smiled and his drunk woman smiled
and the ***** dog wagged his ***** tail.
He would applaud me as I walked away.
Which for some reason caused me to
feel a bit less instead of feeling better.

Their joy was real.
***** back alley drunken joy.
While mine was only a front.

This all took place before all of this.
At a time when I thought
I was in love.
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