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 May 2013 Anonymous
 May 2013 Anonymous
I know not
Whether I'm in love with you
Or in love with our friendship.
For you,
Are the boy who's been inhabiting my mind lately
But I must admit,
You're not the first to reside there
But I can say,
That I would not mind
If you were the last
Though I fear,
Your departure is inevitable.
But if you could remain,
I would not take it in vain.
For you're the only one
Keeping me sane.
 May 2013 Anonymous
A walking contradiction;
I do not want anyone to be dependent
upon me.
Yet, when no one needs me
I collapse.
Not in any way poetic, just word *****. I had to get this off my chest and what better way than to complete strangers?
don't sleep there.

are the jam rooks of simple.
there, slings a bovine and a lamp. a frozen yodel.
might might be the next angel
but you're not awake.

don't be quiet yet. you have more mouths than you can feed Oblivion.

and you hate me a little.

they say.

as I recall.
I had a dream last night
That when I awoke
You were tangled in the sheets next to me
Our legs intertwined, our clothes scattered
Together and happy as never before

Reality hit when I came to this morning
Nobody next to me, cold and alone
The dream lingered just beyond my conscious thoughts
Leaving me with a hollow, empty feeling
Because you are gone
 May 2013 Anonymous
Trina Beau
Expression in mindful Faces
Fun in the Eyes
Hearts of Suns
Earth covered Hippies
Smiling into Souls of one another
 May 2013 Anonymous
he watched my hands move over his skin
and he asked when i stopped playing the piano.
“second grade,” i told him, playing clair de lune on his ribs.

he smiled and leaned back to sing an operetta that was cut short
by the tapping on the door inside his heart. he looked at me
i looked at him

and together we opened the door.
 May 2013 Anonymous
Wanted to
 May 2013 Anonymous
I've really wanted to
At least a dozen times today
But then I remember the reasons why I shouldn't and
Everything seems to be okay.
 May 2013 Anonymous
LD Goodwin
And now my friends a time has come, a time has come to die.
Like Summer leaves who's day must end, and fill the winter sky.
My Aunt is on her deathbed and her time is almost near,
oh Norma, my sweet Norma, let me whisper in your ear.
I remember Summer Sundays so many years ago,
my cousins Dave and Sammy with their fishin' poles in tow
we'd catch the evening dinner and a bottle fly or two.
Do you remember sweet Aunt Norma? Oh I hope you do.
And you'd toiled in the kitchen till you rang the dinner bell.
And barefoot Ginger would tell us to come in from the dell.
Hot biscuits, beans and apple sauce and catfish from the lake,
I would help crank the ice cream to go on the chocolate cake.
Only the fondest memories of you will I hold dear.
Oh Norma, my sweet Aunt Norma, your time is very near.

*For my Aunt Norma
Harrogate, TN  May 2013
 May 2013 Anonymous
Dan Gray
I’m back in my dark, safe place.
Familiar after so many years.
When I next leave it,
I will be clothed in my armour of a fool.
The best defense is to make it appear you have no offense.
Be the fool - you are not a threat.
Be the fool - who can take you seriously.
Be the fool - people don’t notice if you’re around.
Be the fool - make them laugh; you’ll not belong anyway.
At the end of the day I go to my safe place and remove my armour.
I am alone, it’s safe.
I pour a drink and read, escape with my mind.
I am alone, it’s safe.
I watch TV, I’m board but,
I am alone, it’s safe.
I go outside amongst the trees, I stare longingly at the stars above,
I am alone, it’s safe, I cry;
I am all alone.

Dan Gray
-years ago
Sorry to be away so long, but a terrible four letter word, work gets in my way once in a while and one
must pay their bills.  Now if we all could survive on our art, such a dream  ;-)
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