What happened-
Along the way
To reality, insanity
Nothing, everything
Sitting outside
In the freezing cold
Refusing to return inside,
To another world
Where nothing ever is better than the last
Looking for comfort in ignorant friends
Absent friends
Not existing
On the inside
In the parallel universe
Needing alcohol, drugs and cigarettes
Hugs and kisses
To forget
When there is no reason for it all
Everything can seem so strange
It might be hard to understand
Maybe you’ve never been to the parallel universe
I can’t escape
On the way
I accidently locked the door
And threw away the key
It’s safe in here
They can’t hurt me like they used to
It’s unpredictable
Your logic wouldn’t work
I can’t be responsible
For my own actions
It’s lonely
But I can see everyone
Like through a window
There you are
So close
So far away
I don't know, some insight to my brain maybe?
Any thoughts?