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 Jan 2017 Angel
David Swinden
Forgive me some days are better than others
I have a problem with less supportive brothers
They do very little and live in there own bubble
Can never be found with the first sign of trouble
Only complaining about monthly financial figures
Interested only in mothers passing, what will it deliver?
Truly pathetic as this is supposed to be about family
Yet others look in and see how dreadful they can be

David Swinden © 11/12/2016
 Jan 2017 Angel
RCraig David
“Ten Life Lessons I Learned from My Mom, OK Eleven” by R. Craig David

(1) The truth is an absolute powerful force in the universe. It will remain so despite acknowledgement, understanding or respect for it. So be careful when you seek it, because you may not be prepared for the responsibility of knowing it.
(2.) A good chef always cooks as an expression of himself to others. We eat thousands of times a year, but when you share a meal that tastes amazing with people we know, we are forever influenced by the chef who made it, not the package it came in. Unrelated to when I once proclaimed to her "Best Bologna Sandwich I ever ate" at age 4, that was simply love.
(3.) You taught me that it takes more than creativity to yield great works. You have to respect the process and the amount of dedication required to get results.
(4.) You don’t always love what you do, even if you're good at it or do what you love, even if you're bad at it. You must balance this with hope and love or you will fail being good at either.
(5.) At some point in your life, you’ll need to reconcile your inability to control God, Death, Time and Love. Best to deal with these absolutes, and our powerless influence on them, early in life, though very few people do.
(6.) Unless you are self-aware, you will spend most of your life trying to make people proud of who you are, have respect for you, acknowledge your worth, and give your works value. Outside of family, fear of rejection often pushes us to spend this time on people we are not proud of, have no respect for, have little worth and whose works have no value, yet we seek their approval. Recognize this before you ask someone to rate the quality of anything you feel is a major accomplishment.
(7.) When your health is weak, one of three things is wrong with your body's systems internally:
You do not have enough of something.
There is too much of something.
Something is present that is not supposed to be in your system.
Determining which one it is takes time, hope, patience and a sense of self-preservation. Please note, building a foundation in these values is easier when we are strong, so stock up.
(8.) Choose a mate who encourages you to be a better human. Usually, a girl who only wants you to always pay attention to her and her alone in life, will rarely influence you to do anything else and ultimately you will become a stranger to your own heart.
(9.) Tons of high tech software, faster creative tools, new media outlets and new mediums are invented each year to communicate our ideas. However, you still have to have an actual, original idea to be communicated... as such, spend your time accordingly.
(10.) Learn to respect the time, energy and effort needed to take a thought provoking, complex, creative idea from inception to fruition before trying to gain an audience.
(11.) Also have respect for the patience, perseverance and commitment required to positively influence others to exchange something of value for this complex idea. This can be just as challenging as the energy it takes to create.
 Jan 2017 Angel
Emily B
quick note
 Jan 2017 Angel
Emily B
this is not a poem

I have been absent

for days and weeks.

I have been cleaning
and sewing

and trying to quiet the anger
that I can't control
in light of this new America.

They say there will be a day
when federal monies
will be revoked from arts programs.

I suggest we start looking for ways
to protect the voices
the ones that are real and true
*and not alternative
 Jan 2017 Angel
Salem Crane
Oh, what blossoms from dark earth have I found?
Tis but a flower, growing in the sun.
Refracting light casts rainbows on the ground
and I ask what contains more beauty? None.
A stem of glass, as fragile as a heart,
from which its petals of pale crystal grow.
Seem they to smile, when tears of joy do start
within my eyes. True bliss, at last, I know.
Yet when, with longing, I extend my hand
the shadows loom and terror grips my soul.
Though peaceful my intent, no malice planned,
I know my touch must surely take its toll.
So here I stand, gazing down at the earth,
aware myself judged of little worth.
To Julie. Because you're beautiful.
 Jan 2017 Angel
earth angel
 Jan 2017 Angel
I laid broken pieces of myself, in front of him,
Deciding to dance into the unknown, go out on a limb,
Expecting a scowl, or vile laughter,
I braced myself, for the foreboding disaster

Yet angelically he stood, with patience to share,
With my heart in his hands, he was truly aware,
Deciding to heal me, he reached for my soul,
Healing the pain, I had hidden from all
 Jan 2017 Angel
Rory Nunn
I started with an early climb
Left morning's waking yawn behind
And high above a sleeping street
As Tuesday's heart began to beat
The morning broke clean open
And I saw the sky torn wide

The brittle ceiling of the Earth
Recalled an oyster shell at first
The pearl horizon, silver pink,
Entranced me as I stooped to drink
The splendour of the morning down
With all its healing peace

I let the first light warm me through
And shared the incandescent view
With others perched in eyries
All along the city's edge
We watched the rolling world unfurl
And offered silent thanks
While far below the tangled flow of commerce burst its banks
 Jan 2017 Angel
Thomas P Owens Sr
your voice reaches me
how it soothes my spent mind
caresses and convinces me
we are joined for all time

we own the ocean's distance
it is you that I can see
are you only in my thoughts
an elusive fantasy?

yet here on this shoreline
we absorb, we feel
this island of dreams
where our love becomes real

daybreak approaches
the Sun beckons me
as your voice like a ghost
washes over the Sea

but I shall return
in the stillness of night
to rekindle our dream
to recapture our light
Deepest thanks to my dear friend; Alisa...who has always been there to listen, to help and above be my friend! Love you!
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