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samriddhi upreti
22/F/India    Be ready for the surprises of life.
Smothered Divine
18/F/Where minds go to dream    "Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." - Edgar Allan Poe ...
Bongani G-kay
18/M/I vory park    Rap n poetry
For Kindle:
22/M/India,Asia    Philanthropic+adventure sports+hilarious baker +motorcylist + HiGh Af on music and writing and cook ,musician ,writer and lastly a good listener Interested to know /collab follow ...
Michael Faudet said, "lost is a lovely place to find yourself" I've been lost my whole life and can't see anything beautiful from where I ...

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