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 Nov 2012 Anastasiya M
 Nov 2012 Anastasiya M
She makes him happy,
But I wish she didn't exsist.

He says he loves her,
But I wish he still loved me.

Jealous isn't the word,
But I wish I were her.
 Nov 2012 Anastasiya M
You're handsome.
And I like your style.
If only, that was all I wanted.
 Nov 2012 Anastasiya M
Josh Koepp
a single touch
and such returned
is ample tinder
for souls to burn
and yearn for yet another
tinge from the roaring fire
the window of your house
is like a television screen
for those nighttime walkers
they gather around
faces pressed against the glass
trying to catch the scent
of us
when our show ends
i will be like them
so hungry for you
She made me dance
till I sweat my soul out
on the crowd, the girl
in the tight dress with legs
up to heaven and back
put her hands on my tired shoulders
She made me laugh out my
heart, across the lights and bass
thumps that rattled my rib cage
while the music played
and the friends on my arms
held me up to heaven and back
with their helping grins
She made me happy as
I sang my lungs out with
a fox lady whose nails
scratched sweet life all over my
back and I fell in love
I fell in love with the way
She made me dance
© Daniel Magner 2012
 Nov 2012 Anastasiya M
You make me happy.
We are from different planets
We are still so close.
 Nov 2012 Anastasiya M
Andy Cave
He calls her his princess, his beautiful queen
yes everything's perfect this isn't a dream.
They are amazing together, a couple so sweet
their love so young is a miraculous feet.
The ponds are dry
like sunken earth
A cloudy relief
shades the pain
You draw me in
with little worth
other than
a selfish gain
You had more life than anyone.
I can't help but be upset
because if you saw nothing
to live for then there is
certainly and without question
no hope for the rest of us.
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