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I fear of dying,
from growing complexity.
Leaving complications due to things
that I've left undone.
If I was simplistic enough,
Everything would be fine.
But you see dear,
I just haven't got the time.

I am penitent.
 Nov 2012 Anastasiya M
the moon keeps
all my darkest
secrets in its

yet the stars
tend to gossip
among each

each trying
to discover

about me.

the black
holes keep
trying to
**** me in;

the unknown
and the curious
lay beyond
that opening,

calling my name.

the milky way
holds all my
wildest dreams;

and the planets
help to protect
my sanity,

each keeping
my spirits high
and lifted up

from the ground.
I began making myself a coffee and
I started to make one for you too

but you weren't there.

I set the two cups down, side by side, and added the sugar
-two teaspoons, just the way you like it-
and then I remembered  

you weren't there.

The moment before that, I'd been having
a little conversation with you
in my head.

You know,
the way you do when the person isn't there?

Perhaps thats why I did it.

Or perhaps,
I just so enjoy always having my cup of coffee with you that,
when you aren't there,
I still want to feel that closeness,
that roundness and completeness I feel when I'm with you,
sipping sweet, flavoured coffee
and helping our conversation meander along.

But you weren't there.

So, I poured the sugar from your cup back into the bowl
and finished making my one, seemingly lonely coffee.

And then I texted you
to let you know what I had done
and to ask you a question ;

"Does doing that mean I love you?"

but I already knew the answer,

didn't I.
 Nov 2012 Anastasiya M
Ella Gwen
I can never let myself go

because I am afraid
that I will drift apart

like motes of dust on a sunbeam
yet not quite as beautiful

and somewhat more meaningless.
We could resurrect mausoleums with our electricity.
All I really need to find
Is someone wonderful and kind
Someone who won't lie or run
Someone to kiss till our lips are numb

Someone to sit and hold my hand
Someone to always understand
Someone to love me as I am
Silly and playful and grungy-glam

But life is a party I feel I've crashed
And my life just recently's been trashed
And this dance is one I've danced before
So I think I'll sit it out once more.
My inside self and my outside self
are as different as can be.

My outside self is quiet and shy,
unsure of things and people gone by.
It is commonly thought that I am high,
oblivious, alone, with a large money supply.

My inside self is conflicting, you see.
I am confident and cocky to the highest degree.
Cultured and smart, one day you'll agree.
I will show the world, nothing can stop me.
June 5, 2010 : Inside Outside Poetry.
Nothing left in me is logical.
I have now become dark and all things methodical.
Sadistic in the depths of my very own mind.
Slipping away and trying to find.
Caught between whats never not.
Penetrating tears that I forgot.
Only at first feeling the pain.
Letting it slowly drive me insane.
Needing now only to run....
From all I've said and all I've done
I no now there will be no relief.
As you all stand around me in disbelief.
You give your reasons as I shed mine.....
Seaping in the cold and being unkind!
Disturbing thoughts that will never fade away.
Making me breath though yet another day.
My sacrifice known all to well...........
With my soul on fire,burning here in this hell.

                                                                                         Sasha Sartin
 Nov 2012 Anastasiya M
Tate M
I wish I never loved you
Not for my sake
However for your own

If I had never loved you
You would be able to walk in that crowd
To enjoy yourself with our friends
There would be no choosing sides
Just good times and happy nights

You would be able to meet girls
You could walk in the room
With that endearing smile
And talk to that pretty girl in the corner

But I took it all away
I took your happiness
I took your smile
And most ashamedly I took your heart

Please forgive me
I never should have loved you
So you never would have loved me back.
Look at them for
who they are
the things that knit and pull
the tender threads
of thought
dragging them across tepid
pools of punctured peace

You come traipsing through my mind
like a herd of deer
grazing on the patches
of thought
I'd tried to keep a secret

Oh- you know I tried,
but the forbidden things always taste better
with a glass of disdain
to wash everything down
I am a small pebble
laying at the foot of boulders
somehow both get ground away
all the same

and If I could find the way out
of my own head
I would humbly give you the keys
I'm sure you'd do a better job than me
so since there are no keys fashioned for such a place
I will keep making
my own mistakes
and I'll leave you to yours

— The End —