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  Sep 2016 Alex Parker
Carolyne McNabb
I told you that I was born to fly.
You said "Let me be your wings."

I told you that I'm broken inside.
You said "Come to me for healing."

I told you that my walls are built too high.
You said "Let me climb over, please."

I told you that I'm lost and I cry.
You said "Let me dry your tears and guide you from suffering."

I told you that I hate being surprised.
You said "Let me prove my love won't change for anything."

I told you that I need you in my life.
You said "Let me be your everything."

I told you that I love you.
You said "Together and forever in love,
let us be."
  Aug 2016 Alex Parker
Carolyne McNabb
Sometimes I ask myself
"Why am I still here?"
but then you take my hand,
I can almost almost taste your smile,
so sweet, my dear.

Everything I hold dear
is in my hand,
in my hair,
the smell of you lingers
and I have to sigh through the tears.

You have stolen my heart,
enraptured my soul,
and devoured me whole.
My mind is tethered yet torn apart
when I think of you and what you've done to me.

Just you wait, my love.
Not much longer, someday,
when I have taken your oath and sealed it
I'll steal you away swiftly.
Swiftly we'll fly across oceans, my dove.

Take my hand,
hold my head to your heart
and remind me that it's mine.
Each beat whispers as soft as desert sand
*"I love you and we'll never be apart."
Alex Parker Aug 2016
When our eyes met under the moonlight,

All that is time and space was forgotten.

Like a storm raging across an ocean,

Two hearts were simultaneously beating,

Racing and pounding as though lost,

With the soothing feel of your hands,

I melt into the way your body touches mine.

Lost in a trance of no return.

The sound of your voice calling my name,

Feelings slowly turn from wants to needs.

Needs to love as though to be loved,

Time slows from minutes to seconds then stops.

Free to love while holding no regrets.

With the soft touch of your kiss,

My body surrenders completely.

Sends chills throughout my spine.

We’re alone in a world of just two.

In reality only seconds go by but

To us, it felt like infinity.

— The End —