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A shove
you push me across the line
I stumble forward a few steps
looking at you staring at me cross-armed
I back up, trying to cross back over to you
I bump into something solid
the line has turned into a wall
I can't see you anymore
if I look hard enough
I can see small holes forming
but they are too hard to get through
too small
I don't know if I would ever be able to reach your side again

You can't just shove me over here
in a new atmosphere, a new town, new people, new places,
nothing is familiar
and you toss me in here
like yesterday's trash
expecting me to mix
to fit in perfectly

*but what if I can't?
I recently moved, and only some will know when it gets hard. It is tough when you are just expected to fit in with the new group you're tossed into. It's really hard sometimes, and it gets you down and it's impossible to drag yourself out of your personal hole of misery. But I guess I can. It's hard. I'm not sure if I really could. Like a fantasy...
 May 2017 allie
 May 2017 allie

 May 2017 allie
Vanessa Gatley
Your my Mary of God
God bless you
bullets ricochet off my chest
never to hit my steel heart
but like a grenade,
your bomb hits me
breaking my heart
Is the view of the world slanted within your rare view?
A well built imagination of what you'll love me to become
My ****** body wouldn't allow you to keep falling before your time is called to serve
Lack of understanding allowed us to become
a project of what most people have lost the feeling of
Our soulmates are ideals of ourselves
I won't attend to losing myself within your views

By: Leory Santana Dawn
Will I become the pages in your diary?
A breath taker created in the form of words,
a title to tell a story of a prince fighting his way to you, an idea of creativity and distraction
Will you rip me from your diary if I only brought to you sorrow
a flow of words that others won't comprehend other than yourself.
How many endings will you make of me until everything falls into place?
Will I become your final sonnet ?
Continue giving breath to your diary filled with words

By: Leory Santana Dawn
He became the very breath that she couldn't chase after as for her... she became the the tale of a lost woman
Together they were bonded

By: Leory Santana Dawn
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