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 Aug 2016 Ami Shae
It was hard to breath; death was coming for me soon.
I knew I had so much left to do, but I’m out of time.
I always thought and sometimes even dreamed about death.
I have wanted to die for a while now.
I keep telling myself I’m not afraid, I’m afraid though and I want you to hold me please.
Hold me in your arms and tell me I will be alright, hold me in your arms until I fall asleep.
Never let me go please, maybe then things will be alright for you and me.
 Aug 2016 Ami Shae
This world is full of sorrow, how sad can this world get?
How sad can this world get before happiness takes over?
What has to happen before happiness is the norm and not something you occasionally see.
A sad story happens and everyone gets use to it.
People forget about how it can be.
I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten anything.
I don't know how much more I can take.
 Aug 2016 Ami Shae
I’m tired of this world, it’s so hard to breath at times.
It’s hard for me to get out of bed.
It’s hard to go out and see people.
I’m tired don’t you see I want to sleep?
Leave me alone please.
If I don’t talk, no one can get mad about what I say.
If you don’t listen I won’t be heard, that’s fine no one has listened to me any way.
You are all too busy, you say I need to talk to someone I have tried.
I have tried to talk to people, nothing changes.
I don’t feel better, don’t ask if you can do anything for me, you know you can’t.
Don’t pretend, you don’t care about me.
Keep the curtains closed, the sun hurts my eyes, it’s too bright.
Darkness is my friend.
Sleeping pills have ran through my mind today, if I take enough I’m dead.
I’m tired of you, my head hurts I’m stressed.
I can’t sleep tonight, I never sleep.
 Aug 2016 Ami Shae
Nothing will change, it will never change it will all be the same.
That’s why I want to get away.
She will never get help, I’m stupid to think she would.
I was hoping she would, I wanted things to work.
While I was waiting for things to change, I hung onto things from the past trying to remember when things were ok.
Was it ever ok?
I don’t remember it ever being ok, not once, not ever. Not even a little.
I’m tired of everything, I want everything to end.
You said talk things out maybe you won’t self-harm that way, I did try to talk to someone.
I’m numb.
How can I forget
Thou art the apple of mine eye
But live to regret
We're but apples and oranges

How can I forget
That night, that day
But live to regret
A smiling lie danced my way

How can I forget
Thou art a lass so braw
But live to regret
There broke a drunken brawl

How can I forget
Such a twisted malady
But live to regret
For it costed my lady

Kikodinho Alexandros**
30th August 2016
 Aug 2016 Ami Shae
A Lover Should ......
Your soul
Your mind
While bewitching
Your body
Fitting together
Like the proverbial glove
Your dreams
Your sorrows
See eternity
Hidden in your eyes
Into the unknown
Be brave
And true
Their own heart
Themselves too
Take your breath away
Lie spellbound in your arms
Cherish your value
A Lover Should
Only ....
You .....

(C) Pixievic
I wrote this a couple of days ago after reading an article about what being a 'Lover' means .... not just physically but overall - so this is what being a Lover means to me ....
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