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Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
In 1948 after the second world war Germany was affected by a crisis due to the city of Berlin being blockaded by Soviet military.

In 1948 Japan was still devastated after the second world war.

In 1948 the Nationalist and Communist civil war in China was still ongoing.

In 1948 the war between India and Pakistan was still ongoing.

In 1948 Korea was divided between North and South.

In 1948 Burma gained independence from Britain but there was civil war between ethnic groups.

In 1948 Indochina was still continuing its war to gain independence from France.

In 1948 Indonesia was in chaos due to the Communist rebellion and Dutch military attacks.

In 1948 the Palestinians were expelled and slaughtered by the Zionist militias who founded Israel.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
When the chaos in Gaza is over.
Even when all of Palestine land is liberated.
Nothing will be able to return what has been lost.
Material and non material that ever existed in life.

People and children who have been martyred cannot be brought back to life.
Hands and legs that have been amputated cannot be grown again.
Psychological trauma cannot be completely recovered.
Health that has deteriorated cannot be completely cured.
All the buildings in the city full of memories cannot be rebuilt as before.
All items full of memories cannot be purchased again.
Wasted age and time that has passed in vain cannot be returned.
Lost chances and opportunities also cannot be returned.
All the joy that was missed also cannot be returned.
Happiness that has faded cannot be felt again.
The lost warmth and togetherness also cannot be felt again.

Everything that has been lost must be let go.
There is nothing that can be done other than letting the past fade away.
For now and the future goal after goal must be fought for.
The smallest goal is to defend Gaza which has been completely destroyed.
The biggest goal is to get back all the land of Palestine that has been long occupied.
A new life will be built on the land from the river to the sea.
Regenerating new things of material and non material that make life worth living.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Last night when I opened social media.
I saw people partying everywhere.
Celebrating the excitement of New Year's Eve 2025.

They were cheering at the fireworks.
They were blowing trumpets making noise.
They were having fun watching concerts.
They were eating various delicious dishes at the parties.
They were toasting glasses while laughing together.


I wasn't part of them.
I wasn't part of the partying world.
Last night I preferred to stay online with the people of Gaza.

They were exhausted , their tents were flooded.
They were shivering , the rain was very heavy.
They were frustrated , all their belongings were wet from the rain.
They were hungry , there was no food at all.
They were scared , the bombardments were still going on.

Nothing new in Gaza even though the year has now changed to 2025.
At least they still have a little fighting spirit to continue to survive.
I will also continue to give them encouragement as usual.


Keep fighting Gazans !
Keep standing straight Gazans !
Keep clenching your fists Gazans !
Keep your resilient high Gazans !

I am always with you all.

Januari 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
America is dying.
Its people are getting poorer and sicker.
Losing their rights which are endlessly plundered by political clowns.
Those political clowns played by octopus tentacles.
The octopus called Israel is entrenched in the land of Palestine.
Getting fatter and more ferocious plundering the rights of the American people.
Some people are waking up and resist.
But they are being silenced by violence and nonsense law.
The rest of the people are still lulled in the mirage.
The illusion of democracy and the outdated dream of American glory.
Without realizing that America is dying.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Jan 29
The patriot spirit is the true spirit of America.
That's why a young man named Aaron Bushnell joined the American military.
He wanted to be able to dedicate himself for America.
Like the ancestors of America during the 1775 revolution.

But in the end he was disappointed.
When he realized that America had lost its true spirit.
There was no longer any patriotism that he was proud of.
It had only become an illusion full of falsehood and hypocrisy.

For a long time until now America has been gripped by Zionists.
The government is filled with political clowns who play *****.
Serving Israel's interests for decades.
Which is gnawing away at Palestinian land.

Aaron Bushnell was forced to ***** his hands.
He wanted to resist but had no power.
The only way was to free himself in the most extreme way.
He hatched a plan to burn himself with a rage he could never vent.

In front of the Israeli embassy he stood.
Wearing a military uniform that looked dashing.
Then he doused his whole body with gasoline.
Lit a fire that burned his whole body.

He was burned but still standing.
He was in pain but still standing.
Then with a loud voice he shouted
Free Palestine !... Free Palestine !...

In the end he collapsed.
The fire had burned his whole body.
Then the security guard pointed a gun.
Shot him until he died.

Aaron Bushnell sacrificed himself.
He had become a true American patriot martyr.
But the media called him suffering from mental disorders.
While awakened Americans dared to oppose their rotten government.

Palestinians learned of Aaron Bushnell's sacrifice.
In the midst of the Gaza chaos his smiling face photo was shown everywhere.
Viewed with great honor , high pride and deep emotion.
A true American patriot has become a hero who will always be remembered.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
During more than a year of long chaos in Gaza.
More than two hundred journalists have been killed while on duty.
One of whom was Ayman who was killed after Christmas.

I only know a little about Ayman.
He fell in love with a woman at the beginning of the chaos in Gaza.
Ayman then got married without a party and his wife immediately became pregnant.

After months of pregnancy Ayman's wife was finally preparing to give birth.
At Christmas Ayman took his wife to Al Awda Hospital.
While he was on duty with his fellow journalists Faisal , Fadi , Ibrahim and Mohammed.

But unexpectedly there was a jet bombardment.
The van for the news broadcast which was parked near Al Awda hospital was destroyed.
Ayman and his fellow journalists died instantly.

Ayman was killed while he was happily waiting for the birth of his first child.
He didn't even get to see his baby boy who was born a few hours later.
So the baby boy was born without his father who died on the same day he was born.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
I love eating ice cream.
But now I only want Ben & Jerry's ice cream.
You know why ?!...
Coz Ben & Jerry supports Palestine and opposes the Israeli occupation.
Ben & Jerry does not want its products to circulate in the Palestinian occupied territories.
Ben & Jerry even dares to sue its parent company Unilever which supports Israel.
That's why from now on I only want Ben & Jerry's ice cream.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
In the midst of the long chaos in Gaza.
Also difficulties and limitations in any way.
There is a ten year old little girl named Renad.
Who has an unbreakable spirit.
To do her own food cooking show.
You can see her almost every day on Tiktok.

Renad always looks cheerful.
Laughing in front of the camera while showing the ingredients she will cook.
Onions , eggplants , tomatoes , garlics , fava beans , spices , luncheon and others.
She mixes all the ingredients then cooks them quickly.
Maqluba , mulukhiya , musakhan , manakesh , whatever she can cook.
Then she shows it to the camera.

Renad is always proud to show the food she cooks.
Then she starts eating slowly while explaining the taste.
With an expression full of enjoyment she chews her food.
Making anyone who sees feel wants to taste it.
After that she smiles with satisfaction and says.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Last night my friend came to my house.
He wanted to watch El Classico with me.
While bringing some Big Mac burgers from Mc Donald's.
Big Mac has been our favorite burger since we were kids.

But I didn't want to eat that burger anymore.
Even though it looked delicious it didn't make me appetite anymore.
I was looking at beef covered in tomato sauce.
But what I saw were pieces of flesh mixed with blood.

That's how the Big Mac burger now looks terrible in my eyes.
Coz McDonald's also regularly funds massacres in Gaza.
Even Israeli soldiers also eat Big Mac burgers before and after slaughtering people in Gaza.
So there is no choice for me but to boycott Mc Donald's forever.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
A Gazan man named Omar hasn't eaten chicken for almost a year.
Because the price of chicken has risen so high that he can't buy it.
Omar can only look at the chicken being sold in the market.
He has even forgotten what it's like to eat chicken.
When he returned to the tent he only had a plate of rice.
Then he drew a chicken and put it on a plate of rice.
So he ate the rice while imagining the taste of chicken meat.

At night Omar prayed to God.
He prayed that he could eat chicken even just once.
He didn't care about dying but he wanted to be able to eat chicken first.

The next day several volunteers came to the refugee camp.
They went tent by tent to distribute food.
Children and people were happy to receive the food.
Then Omar also got a box of food.
When he opened , it turned out it was chicken shawarma.
Omar was so happy that he ate it quickly
He chewed the chicken while laughing happily.
For him this chicken shawarma was a luxury.
So after eating he expressed his gratitude.
Because his prayer last night had come true.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
The crazy evils wants us to normalize craziness as our new normal.
The crazy evils wants us to consider normal the disgusting LGBT shows.
The crazy evils also wants us to consider normal the genocide in Gaza which is extremely brutal.
So can you still maintain your sanity amidst the weird normality of this crazy era ?!

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Jan 10
A young fighter from Hebron has become a martyr in the struggle.
His struggle was only because he wanted to be able to go to the beach in Gaza.
In his entire life he had never enjoyed the beauty of the beach and the freshness of the sea breeze.
That was his biggest dream and he died struggling for that.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Setiap hari kubuka Tiktok.
Selalu kulihat banyak video.
Terus diposting orang orang Gaza.
Bercampur antara duka lara dan suka cita.

Anas sang jurnalis di Jabalia.
Menyiarkan berita bombardir pesawat jet.
Menghancurkan rumah dan sekolah.
Mayat anak anak tergeletak dimana mana.

Hamada sang juru masak di Khan Yunis.
Bersemangat memasak shawarma ayam.
Lalu dia membagikan untuk anak anak.
Mereka tertawa gembira bisa makan enak.

Motasem sang jurnalis di Beit Lahia.
Mendatangi beberapa tenda pengungsi.
Anak anak di dalam tenda tenda itu.
Semuanya kurus kering kelaparan.

Mona sang relawan di Al Mawasi.
Sibuk membagikan bahan bahan kebutuhan.
Beras , tepung , minyak , gula , mie.
Para pengungsi senang menerimanya.

Bisan sang jurnalis di Al Maghazi.
Bertemu banyak rombongan pengungsi.
Mereka kelelahan berjalan jauh.
Sandal dan sepatu mereka sobek semua.

Tito sang badut di Gaza Utara.
Selalu enerjik menghibur anak anak.
Bermain , bernyanyi , berjoget.
Tertawa gembira bersama sama.

Dr Mohammed di rumah sakit Kamal Adwan.
Merasa kelelahan dan ketakutan.
Sendirian mengurusi orang orang terluka.
Sementara rekan rekannya ditangkap semua.

Said sang relawan di Al Nuseirat.
Tanpa lelah memasang tenda tenda.
Memasak makanan dan membagikan barang.
Untuk pengungsi yang terlantar.

Saleh sang jurnalis di Khan Yunis.
Menemukan anak lelaki saat tengah malam.
Menangis sendirian di kuburan ibunya.
Tidak mau kembali ke tenda hingga pagi tiba.

Dahlan sang relawan di Deir El Balah.
Mengadakan acara nonton kartun bersama.
Anak anak berkumpul dan merasa gembira.
Nonton kartun sambil makan popcorn.

Ahmed sang jurnalis di Al Nuseirat.
Merasa kasihan melihat anak anak di dalam tenda.
Mereka kepanasan saat siang terik.
Dan kebanjiran saat hujan deras.

Samaa sang gadis pemain biola di Tel El Hawa.
Duduk di bawah pohon sambil memainkan biola.
Anak anak yang melihatnya tampak tenang.
Terlarut melupakan semua penderitaan.

Youmna sang jurnalis di Shujaiya.
Bertemu anak anak yang terlantar.
Mereka memungut makanan dari sampah.
Dan meminum air dari comberan.

Alaa sang tukang cukur di Al Nuseirat.
Mencukur rambut orang orang tanpa bayaran.
Dia cukup senang mendapat sedikit imbalan.
Rokok , roti , kopi atau ucapan terima kasih.

Hossam sang jurnalis di stadion Yarmouk.
Meliput banyak pengungsi yang berdatangan.
Mereka kelelahan , kelaparan , kehausan.
Terlantar tak punya tenda.

Renad sang gadis cilik di Deir El Balah.
Selalu ceria memasak berbagai makanan.
Dia memasak maqluba tanpa ayam.
Harga ayam naik tinggi tak terbeli.

Doaa sang jurnalis di rumah sakit Al Nasser.
Mengunjungi anak anak yang terluka.
Ada yang tangan dan kakinya buntung.
Ada yang kulitnya mengelupas terkena fosfor.

Israa sang guru di Al Bureij.
Mengajak rekan rekannya membuka tenda sekolah.
Mereka memberi alat menulis dan menggambar.
Anak anak senang bisa sekolah lagi.

Hind sang jurnalis di rumah sakit Al Aqsa.
Menyiarkan berita yang mengerikan.
Tenda tenda di sekitarnya hancur berantakan.
Terbakar terkena bombardir pesawat jet.

Samih sang pemuda pemain oud di Deir El Balah.
Penuh semangat bernyanyi sambil memainkan oud.
Sementara teman temannya lincah menari dabke.
Menghibur orang orang yang mengungsi.

Samara sang jurnalis di Al Zaitun.
Mendatangi tenda tenda para pengungsi.
Banyak anak anak yang kulitnya gatal.
Penuh borok dirubungi lalat.

Abdullah sang petani di Khan Yunis.
Nekat menyelinap kembali ke kebunnya.
Agar dia bisa memanen sekarung buah olive.
Cukup untuk dibagi para pengungsi.

Faiz sang jurnalis di Rafah.
Meliput jalanan yang sepi.
Tak ada apapun selain mayat mayat berlumuran darah.
Tewas bergelimpangan diserang quadcopter.

Hassan sang dosen di Al Rimal.
Tanpa lelah melakukan kuliah online.
Para mahasiswa bersemangat melanjutkan kuliah.
Tak peduli dengan kekacauan , kesulitan dan keterbatasan.

Mahmoud sang jurnalis di Shujaiya.
Menutup hidungnya sambil melakukan liputan.
Mayat mayat membusuk menjadi tulang belulang.
Dimakan anjing anjing liar yang kelaparan.

Abdallah sang relawan di Deir El Balah.
Sibuk mengurusi banyak kucing liar.
Dia mengobati dan memberi makan.
Lalu membelai belai dan bermain main.

  Mousa sang penyelamat sipil di Beit Hanoun.
Merasa putus asa tidak bisa menolong.
Orang orang yang terluka tertimpa bangunan.
Merintih rintih kesakitan menunggu kematian.

Fadi sang relawan di Al Maghazi.
Terus bergerak bersama rekan rekannya.
Mereka memasang solar panel , mengebor sumur dan membuat.
Para pengungsi memuji kerja keras mereka.

Yousef sang petugas medis di rumah sakit Al Quds.
Merasa ketakutan naik ambulance.
Drone pengebom terus mengejar.
Meledakkan jalanan yang dilewati.

Menna sang pelukis di Al Shati.
Menyuruh anak anak untuk mengantri.
Sementara dia melukis wajah mereka satu persatu.
Lukisan semangka , Handala dan bendera Palestina.

Nofal sang jurnalis di Shujaiya.
Mewawancarai seorang pria kurus penuh luka.
Pria itu baru saja dibebaskan dari penjara.
Terus disiksa hingga mengalami trauma.

Maha sang jurnalis di Deir El Balah.
Bersantai di pantai sambil memandangi senja.
Sementara anak anak muda di sekitarnya.
Penuh semangat bermain sepakbola.

Naji sang sopir taxi di kota Gaza.
Menyetir mobilnya pelan pelan sambil menangis.
Dia sedih melihat seluruh kotanya hancur lebur.
Tak ada yang tersisa selain puing puing reruntuhan.

Fatema sang relawan di Al Shati.
Berkumpul bersama anak anak perempuan di tenda besar.
Mereka duduk di tikar sambil membaca ayat ayat Al Quran.
Terdengar merdu hingga meneguhkan keimanan.

Ouda sang jurnalis di Jabalia.
Bertemu seorang pria yang naik kereta keledai pelan pelan.
kereta keledai itu mengangkut mayat anak anak yang berlumuran darah.
Ada yang kepalanya pecah , ada yang perutnya hancur.

Nour sang jurnalis di kota Gaza.
Tertawa senang melihat anak anak muda di sekitarnya.
Mereka bermain parkour melompati puing puing reruntuhan.
Lalu mengibarkan bendera Palestina di atas atap yang hampir roboh.

Khaled sang jurnalis di Beit Hanoun.
Tergesa gesa meliput pengeboman drone di jalanan.
Ledakan bom menghancurkan mobil hingga ringsek.
Orang orang di dalam mobil tewas mengenaskan berlumuran darah.

Ashraf sang insinyur elektronik di Al Nuseirat.
Tampak senang memamerkan barang barang buatannya.
Kipas angin , lampu meja , charger ponsel hingga kulkas.
Semuanya dibuat dengan rongsokan yang dia temukan.

Lubna sang jurnalis di rumah sakit Al Shifa.
Meliput kengerian setelah pembantaian massal.
Ratusan mayat membusuk bergelimpangan dimana mana.
Semuanya hancur tak berbentuk setelah dilindas tank dan buldoser.

Firas sang relawan di Al Bureij.
Naik truk bersama rekan rekannya ke tempat pengungsian.
Begitu tiba mereka langsung membagikan sepatu , mantel dan jaket tebal.
Anak anak senang tak lagi kedinginan.

Jumana sang janda di Al Mawasi.
Menangis teringat suaminya yang tewas tertembak quadcopter.
Dia juga lelah berusaha bertahan hidup tanpa suaminya.
Sementara anak anaknya masih kecil semua.

Rami sang pemuda kreatif di Al Nuseirat.
Mengumpulkan banyak kardus bekas dari tempat sampah.
Setelah itu dia membuat beraneka mainan kardus untuk anak anak.
Mobil mobilan , motor motoran , kapal kapalan dan lainnya.

Wedad sang gadis remaja di Al Mawasi.
Termenung sedih sambil memegang kunci tua dan kunci baru.
Kunci tua itu milik neneknya yang terusir dari rumah sejak 1948.
Kunci baru itu miliknya sendiri yang terus dibawa setelah rumahnya dihancurkan.

Mosab sang pelukis mural di Rafah.
Membawa banyak peralatan lukis dan cat beraneka warna.
Dengan penuh semangat dia melukis mural di reruntuhan tembok yang lebar.
Yang dia lukis adalah sosok Handala sedang makan semangka.

Dokter Ayaz di rumah sakit Al Awda.
Menangis melihat bayi bayi prematur yang tidur dalam inkubator.
Tak ada kiriman bahan bakar untuk terus menyalakan listrik yang hampir padam.
Bayi bayi prematur itu akan segera mati satu persatu.

Aboud sang pemuda kreatif di Al Maghazi.
Mengajak anak anak membuat layangan besar bendera Palestina.
Lalu mereka menerbangkan layangan besar itu di tepi pantai.
Siapapun yang melihatnya merasa masih punya harapan.

Duka lara yang dialami orang orang Gaza masih terus berlanjut.
Tapi orang orang Gaza masih terus melanjutkan suka cita.
Melakukan apapun yang masih bisa dilakukan.
Menikmati apapun yang masih bisa dinikmati.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Jan 28
The end of Kaliyuga the world is filled with darkness.
The light is getting dimmer the darkness is getting thicker.
But the light is struggling to reach a turning point.
The darkness is fading the light is shining.
The beginning of Satyayuga the world is filled with light.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
The existence of a nation is to have land and people.
A nation will not exist if there is only an empty land which is then claimed by other nations.
A nation will not exist if there are only people who are in diaspora throughout the world.
People needs land to build life.
Land needs people to be built life.
Life is about existence.
So people and land sustain the existence of a nation on the earth.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Jan 27
A week after the cease fire a Gazan man named Yousef returned to the north.
He was riding a truck with other people through Salah Al Din street.
When he arrived at Tel El Hawa he walked limply seeing everything had been destroyed.
Then he arrived at his destroyed house not far from the beach.
He immediately prostrated while crying.
After that he sat in the rubble and continued to cry.
Because all his family had died when his house was bombarded a year ago.
For Yousef life has no meaning anymore after he lost everything.
Now he had nothing and doesn't have anyone.
He also doesn't know how to continue living.
But he still tries to smile to cover up his sorrow.
A fake smile that makes people think that he is fine.

Januari 2025

By Alvian Eleven
If one day there is an Indonesian man singing and playing guitar on Gaza Beach.
Just go watch that man.
Coz that man is me.
I want to entertain people in Gaza with everlasting Western songs.
I want everyone to see me , take photos of me , record videos of me or write about me.
Coz I want to be famous in Gaza.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Jan 27
If Gaza had not experienced a long period of chaos.
I would never have known the people of Gaza.
Been in contact with them through all social media accounts.
Created a deep mental and emotional bond for more than a year.

Usually every day I always thought about them and worried about them.
They always told me whatever was happening and what they were experiencing.
Fear , suffering , sadness , bitterness , tiredness , anxiety.
The feeling of loss the beautiful past , trapped in the painful present and questioned the uncertain future.
I also felt all of that every day until I felt no longer normal.
I lost sanity in my mind and my soul.
I lost enjoyment and pleasure in anything.
I lost my spirit to live.
My life became a mess because I worried too much about their fates.
They were always threatened death everywhere.

When they felt fragile I gave them words of encouragement.
When they felt sad I gave them words of comfort.
When they were in despair I gave them words of hope.
Every day I was always there for them.
Virtually accompanied them through a long chaos full of suffering.

I also felt happy when they shared memories of the past.
Talked about nostalgia of their colorful past lives.
Their peaceful homes and neighborhoods.
Beautiful corners of their cities.
Their favorite places and streets.
Their pleasant habits.
Their fun moments.
All of that made me engrossed.

I was also happy when they shared about their daily life in the refugee camp.
They tried to enjoy whatever they could still enjoy.
They tried to do whatever they could still do.
Even though each day was full of difficulties , limitations and dangers. They could always smile and laugh.
As Mahmoud Darwish said.
We love life whenever we can.

Now that the long chaos in Gaza has ended.
I feel so happy and relieved just like them.
I no longer have to think and worry about them every day.
They have regained peaceful days without any threats.
They can celebrate euphoria full of joy.

But I also feel sadness.
This means it's time to say goodbye to them.
I have to go back to restore my messy life.
Likewise , they have to rebuild their lives that have been destroyed.
So this is a farewell.
I will always miss them all.
Relationships with Gazans are the best thing that happened in the worst time.
I am grateful to have got to know Gazans.
See you all in the good time.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
When life in Gaza was still normal.
Various foods were to be enjoyed.
Everything could be enjoyed easily and cheaply.
Satisfying the appetite of Gaza's culinary delights.

Really delicious typical Gazan dishes like...

shawarma , maqluba , shaksuka , mulukhiya , hummus , musakhan , manakesh , zaatar , zibdiyyit , sayadiyya , mansaf , falafel , qidra and many more.

Likewise with typical Gaza cakes such as...

kaak , baklava , kunafa , qatayef , harisa , warbat , basbousa , halva and many more.

Also typical Gazan drinks such as...

sahlab , barrad , maramiya , arak , kharoub , qamar al din , arabica coffe and many more.

When life was still normal people in Gaza always enjoyed it all.
But now life in Gaza is no longer normal because of the long chaos.
Scarcity of food and financial difficulties making life feel so heavy.
There are no longer delicious foods and people who are often hungry are forced to eat anything to survive.

They can only eat...

stale rice , lentil soup with bad taste , canned food and instant noodles that are almost expired , bread made from flour infested with worms and maggots , wild plants , animal fodder , and other inappropriate bad foods.

Day after day people in Gaza try to find anything to eat.
They eat just to survive from day to day.
If they are lucky enough to be able to get delicious food from volunteers.
It is a luxury for them.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Jan 27
The long chaos in Gaza was the culmination of Israeli occupation since Nakba 48.
But now the chaos has ended and the displaced Gazans can return to their own land.
This is a significant turning point for the liberation of all Palestinian land.
The struggle will continue until there is no more Israeli occupation.
People in Gaza and West Bank have the right to return to the confiscated land of their grandparents.
They will return with the old keys that belonged to their grandparents.
To carry on the long awaited hope.
Standing on the land that has been liberated.
From the river to the sea.

Januari 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Jan 14
Konbanwa Furusawa San !
You are like a modern ronin.
Fighting alone to support Palestine.
Four seasons have passed and you are still fighting.
In the middle of the hustle and bustle of Tokyo.
Full of apathetic people.
People coming home from work.
People enjoying the nightlife.
People carrying lots of shopping.
No one cares about you.
But you still speak out loud.
Speak out tirelessly for Palestine.
Trying to make people aware that genocide is happening in Gaza.
Even though people ignore you but you still try tirelessly.

Ganbatte kudasai Furusawa San !
you are used to seeing the sunrise in Japan.
But one day you will see the sunset in Palestine.
Palestine you fought for will finally be liberated.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Genocide is a very disgusting word.
The word genocide should have ended with the Srebrenica massacre.
The word genocide should not still exist after the third millennium.

But the reality is not like that.
Now you have seen how disgusting the genocide that is happening in Gaza. Endless barbaric massacres that can be photographed and recorded on video.
Uploaded to the internet by people in Gaza and then seen by the whole world.
Becoming a daily live horror show that continues to be watched via smartphone.
How disgusting it is to see genocide still happening in the midst of a modern civilization.

This genocide carried out by Israel is extremely disgusting.
International law and human right watch cannot stop Israel from continuing to carry out genocide for more than a year.
Meanwhile the hypocritical West actually supports genocide while talking about peace and humanity.
The West always denies and looks for justifications without caring that there is a lot of evidences that people all over the world have seen.
Also the western media and social media have become propaganda tools to distort the true reality.
The truth is silenced for pretext of hate speech and antisemitism.
The pretext of terrorism is also used to arrest people who support Palestine.

Now you understand how truly disgusting this sick modern civilization is.
We will no longer see the reality in the same way as before.
The genocide in Gaza has opened our eyes to see the true reality.
That the world order is full of rottenness covered with falsehoods.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Why are there so many beautiful women in Gaza ?...
Nour , Eman , Mariam , Zinah , Aya , Maha , Basma , Sarah and many other beautiful women.
Just five seconds of looking at their photos made me fall in love instantly.
Gazan women have beautiful eyes and charming lips.
Their smiles seemed to brighten the gloom of the soul.
It's very natural that I immediately fell in love and wanted to have a Gazan woman as my wife.
My life would feel perfect if I married a Gazan woman.
The most beautiful one that could possibly be fated for me.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Jan 23
After 470 days of being trapped in long chaos.
The people of Gaza can now feel relieved.
They can sleep soundly without fear of being bombarded.
They can eat well without having to go hungry again.
They can look at the clear sky without jet planes , helicopters , drones and quadcopters flying around.
They can hear the birds chirping without being disturbed by the buzzing of the zananas.
They can sing and dance until they are satisfied.
They can pray and bury the martyrs in peace.
And the morgue at the hospitals has been locked without a single corpse.
That's a good new normal for the people of Gaza.
So let the good roll on.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Hell is still hell.
Yesterday they still had some bread.
Today they have nothing to eat.

Hell is still hell.
Yesterday they were still living in refugee tents.
Today they are displaced on the streets without carrying anything.

Hell is still hell.
Yesterday their belongings were still stored in the tents.
Today strong winds tore down their tents and their belongings were flooded with rainwater.

Hell is still hell.
Yesterday they were still able to relax and enjoy the sunset on the beach.
Today they were bombarded by gunboats approaching the shore.

Hell is still hell.
Yesterday they heard rumor of cease fire negotiation.
Today jet planes and helicopters are still bombarding as usual.

Hell is still hell.
Yesterday they were still able to take refuge at school.
Today the school was destroyed by a jet bombardment.

Hell is still hell.
Yesterday they were still able to play football.
Today they are lying in the hospital without legs.

Hell is still hell.
Yesterday they still gathered with their family.
Today a drone bomb blew up the tents and killed their family.

Hell is still hell.
Yesterday they were still playing happily and laughing cheerfully.
Today they are silent and wrapped in blood stained shrouds.

Hell is still hell.
Yesterday the price of vegetables was still affordable to buy.
Today the price is increasing so high and people can't afford to buy.

Hell is still hell.
Yesterday they were still able to feed their cats.
Today cat food is hard to find.

Hell is still hell.
Yesterday they were still able to charge their smartphones on solar panels.
Today they are confused because the heavy rain doesn't stop.

Hell is still hell.
Yesterday they still had petrol to fill their cars.
Today they have to ride a donkey cart to go everywhere.

Hell is still hell.
Yesterday they were still able to pass Salah al Din road.
Today the tanks are blocking and shooting anyone who passes by.

Hell is still hell.
Yesterday they still had enthusiasm and hope for the future.
Today they feel hopeless and helpless again.

Hell is still hell.
Today they still have a bit of luck.
Tomorrow there may be no more luck.

Hell is still hell.
Today they wish for a miracle.
Tomorrow the miracle never comes.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Hello you there.
You don't need to imagine hell.
Because now hell is here.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Jan 28
In the midst of the long chaos there was NO WAY HOME for the people of Gaza.
The people of Gaza were displaced FAR FROM HOME.
Now the long chaos is over and the people of Gaza celebrate their HOMECOMING.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
I forgot the taste of Big Mac burger from Mc Donald's and crispy fried chicken from KFC.

I forgot the taste of beef cheese pizza from Pizza Hut and various donuts from Dunkin.

I forgot the taste of drinks like Cola Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Pepsi and coffee from Starbucks.

I also forgot the taste of Oreo , Cadbury chocolate , Danone biscuit and Walls ice cream.

Do you know why I've forgotten everything I ever liked ?!

Coz I've been boycotting it all for over a year until I forgot what it felt like.

And I have to forget forever coz I have decided to boycott forever.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Orang orang Indonesia suka makan Indomie.
Anak anak kos kere selalu makan Indomie.
Warung warung burjo juga selalu menyediakan Indomie.
Begitu juga aku yang seumur hidup selalu makan Indomie.

Indomie juga disukai orang orang Gaza.
Indomie menjadi makanan penyelamat mereka.
Indomie terus dikirimkan truk truk yang mengangkut bantuan.
Indomie dimasak dan dibagikan di tempat tempat pengungsian.

Tapi zionis zionis sinting malah menghancurkan Indomie.
Mereka mencegat truk yang mengangkut berdus dus Indomie.
Diambil secara paksa lalu diinjak injak hingga hancur semua Indomie.
Padahal seharusnya orang orang Gaza yang kelaparan bisa makan Indomie.

Banyak foto dan video yang menampilkan aksi penghancuran Indomie.
Tentu saja aku marah melihat zionis zionis sinting menghancurkan Indomie.
Orang orang Indonesia benar benar marah melihat hancurnya berdus dus Indomie.
Sosial media penuh komentar kemarahan tak terima melihat dihancurkannya berdus dus Indomie.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
It's a bad bad bad world.
But I still want to stay alive in here.
I don't want to go back to the sky too soon.
I want to last longer in this bad bad bad world.
Watching the collapse of this bad bad bad world while eating chocolate parfait.
I think it's fun enough to be the reason I stay alive in this bad bad bad world.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Jan 20
After more than a year of long chaos in Gaza has finally ended.
The people of Gaza cheered and sang happily on the streets.
full of enthusiasm shouted
Allahu akbar !... Allahu akbar !...
And prostrated together while sobbing.
Celebrated the ceasefire and gratitude for surviving through the endless days of hell.
Now the hell is over and they can breathe a sigh of relief.
They are preparing to return to their destroyed homes.
Riding donkey carts with their family while smiling and keep saying.
Alhamdulillah... alhamdulillah... alhamdulillah...

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Tengah malam di pinggiran kota Surabaya.
Aku duduk sendiri di teras kafe tua.
Kupandangi jalanan yang lengang.
Sambil kuhisap pelan pelan rokokku.
Dan kuteguk kopiku yang tak lagi panas.

Tapi pikiranku tidak berada di sini.
Pikiranku masih berada jauh di Gaza.
Dimana kekacauan panjang tak kunjung berakhir.
Hingga aku lelah melihatnya setiap hari.
Seperti pertunjukan horor harian tanpa akhir.

Kusambungkan ponselku dengan wifi.
Lalu kulihat layar ponselku yang kusam.
Dan kubuka akun sosial media orang orang Gaza.
Ahmed , Omar , Eman , Mariam , Abdallah , Mohammed dan lainnya.
Seperti biasa mereka selalu memposting.
I'm still alive... I'm still alive... I'm still alive...

Tapi ada akun Facebook yang telah lama membisu.
Akun ini tidak lagi memposting apapun selama berbulan bulan.
Tentu saja aku sangat mengkhawatirkannya.
Dan aku menerka nerka apa yang terjadi padanya.
Apakah dia masih hidup atau sudah mati ?!?...

Akun ini milik seorang gadis bernama Nour.
Dia mengungsi dari Al Rimal kota Gaza.
Aku mengenal dia sejak akhir tahun kemarin.
Lalu kami merasa saling dekat satu sama lain.
Terhubung pikiran dan perasaan.
Antara Gaza dan Surabaya.

Aku ingat setiap hari aku selalu memberinya kata kata penyemangat.
Agar dia sanggup melalui hari demi hari yang kacau , berat , melelahkan dan berbahaya.
Nour selalu menceritakan apapun yang dia alami.
Penderitaannya... ketakutannya... kegetirannya... kecemasannya... kelelahannya... kesedihannya....
Aku juga merasakannya.

Ada kalanya situasi tenang sesaat.
Cukup tenang bagi Nour untuk mengenang kehidupannya.
Dia mengunggah foto rumahnya , lingkungannya , kampusnya dan juga sudut sudut indah kota Gaza.
Saat semuanya masih ada sebelum 07 October.

Bagi Nour nostalgia adalah penghiburan sesaat.
Pelipur lara di tengah penderitaan panjang.
Aku selalu terlarut nostalgia apapun yang dia ceritakan padaku.
Bersama teman temannya dia suka nongkrong di kafe tepi pantai.
Menyusuri keramaian jalan Al Rashid lalu makan jagung dan es krim di tepi jalan.
Atau menghabiskan uang untuk belanja baju di Watan mall dan Capital mall.

Membaca buku adalah hobi utama Nour.
Dia sering membeli buku di toko Samir Mansour.
Lalu dia membaca buku buku itu di kamarnya.
Berdinding pink , meja yang tertata rapi.
Dan sebuah teddy bear besar di atas kasur.

Memasak adalah hobi Nour yang lain.
Setiap hari dia memasak apapun di tungku tanah liat depan tendanya.
Falafel , mulukhiya , shakshuka , maqluba.
Tampak begitu lezat hingga membuatku penasaran.
Seumur hidup aku tidak pernah memakan hidangan Arab.

Nour juga suka mendengarkan musik.
Dia menyuruhku mendengarkan lagu lagu Fairuz.
Penyanyi diva legendaris dari Lebanon yang dia idolakan.
Aku terpesona mendengarkan suara lembut Fairuz.
Menyanyikan lagu lagu Arab yang liriknya tak kumengerti.

Nour punya kucing berbulu putih tebal.
Kucing gemuk dan lucu yang bernama Kimba.
Setiap hari Kimba selalu dimanjakan Nour.
Tapi terkadang Nour mengeluh karena Kimba makan terlalu banyak.
Sementara makanan kucing susah dicari dan harganya naik tinggi.
Tragisnya , setelah lebaran Kimba menghilang berhari hari lalu ditemukan tewas tertembak quadcopter.
Kematian Kimba membuat Nour sangat depresi.

Nour kuliah di Universitas Islamic Gaza.
Kampusnya telah hancur dan kuliahnya terhenti pada semester lima.
Tapi dia selalu bangga pernah menjadi muridnya Refaat.
Mewarisi ajarannya untuk melawan dengan tulisan.
Menulis apapun tentang Palestina dan kehidupan apa adanya di Gaza.
Dimana jiwa jiwa yang punya kehidupan tidak cuma dianggap sebagai angka.

Aku takut jika pada akhirnya Nour hanya menjadi angka.
Angka statistik para martir yang terus bertambah setiap hari.
Sementara dunia tidak mampu melakukan apapun selain hanya melihat pembantaian tanpa akhir.
Merampas kehidupan secara paksa dan menyakitkan.

Tak ada yang tidak menyakitkan di Gaza.
Tapi bagiku lebih menyakitkan tidak ada kabar apapun dari Nour.
Aku merasakan kehampaan kehilangan dia.
Aku merindukan percakapan dengan dia.
Yang bisa kulakukan sekarang hanyalah memandangi foto wajahnya yang cantik.
Aku sungguh mengagumi kecantikannya.
Tatapan matanya yang berkilau , senyuman bibirnya yang mempesona.
Sepertinya aku telah jatuh cinta padanya.

Where are you now ?... Where are you nour ?...
Selama berbulan bulan aku selalu bertanya seperti itu pada Nour.
Tapi hingga sekarang tak ada jawaban sama sekali dari Nour.
Jika seandainya dia memberiku kabar singkat saat ini.
Aku benar benar akan merasa sangat lega.

Don't leave me !.. please don't leave me alone !..
Nour selalu memohon seperti itu padaku.
Dia ingin aku selalu ada untuknya.
Tapi sekarang dia tidak ada untukku.
Dia telah meninggalkan aku tanpa kata.

Ketika kupandangi langit malam untuk sesaat.
Aku bertanya tanya tentang takdir Nour.
Apakah dia telah menjadi satu diantara bintang bintang di langit ?!
Ini tidak adil , aku mengenal Nour terlalu singkat pada waktu yang buruk ini.
Aku hanya ingin dia tetap berada di bumi , berada di kota Gaza yang dia cintai.
Aku sangat ingin menemuinya pada waktu yang baik seperti yang kami harapkan , waktu ketika tanah Palestina telah terbebaskan.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
A woman in Gaza once said to me.
Don't be sad seeing our suffering.
Sadness will weaken you.
You have to feel the anger.
It will give you the strength to fight.
Fight for us with courage.
Because you are our only hope.

But I'm not the only one.
All over the world there are many people like me.
They are all fighting for Palestine to this day.
Protesting , demonstrating , boycotting.
Facing repressive authorities and sickening laws.
Without any single one giving up.
Nothing can stop us.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
The tent should only be used for a week picnic.
But people in Gaza have been living in tents for more than a year.
On Tiktok you can see their daily life in the refugee camp.
And if you want to know how it feels.
Just imagine yourself in Gaza.

Summer is really torturous.
During the day it feels very hot in the tent.
Your body is full of sweat that flows profusely.
Then while you are sleeping rats and various insects will come in.
Crawling on the mattress , carpet or your body.
Mosquitoes also disturb your sleep every night.

Winter is also very torturous.
At night your body will shiver from the cold inside the tent.
If it rains very heavily the inside of the tent will be filled of ***** puddles.
Wetting the mattress , carpet and your belongings.
And the worst thing is that strong winds can tear the tent down.
If the tent collapses there will be no longer any shelter.

The worst of the worst are the unexpected various terrors.
Drones and quadcopters can suddenly attack.
Tanks and soldiers can also suddenly come to surround the refugee camp.
The most dangerous thing is that jet planes and helicopters can bombard tents at any time.
If the refugee camp is destroyed all people will be left displaced on the street.

Can you imagine all that ?!
You are lucky , you can still living in a safe and comfortable home.
And only see the suffering of people in Gaza on Tiktok.
If you are a weak person who is used to living in ease.
You will not survive even just a day.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
This morning I came to my friend's house.
He had just bought a new Playstation 5 console.
And he wanted me to play a game with him.
The Tekken 8 battle game which was really cool.

But when playing game I couldn't enjoy it at all.
My character repeatedly lost against the character played by my friend.
My mind couldn't focus because I thought about the children in Gaza who suffer every day.
How could I have fun playing game while they were suffering ?!

Finally I stopped playing game coz it didn't feel fun.
I felt like I had losing pleasure in anything I used to enjoy.
For more than a year I have always felt like this.
And I think I will always to be like this as long as the chaos in Gaza does not end.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
There are too many martyrs in Gaza which continue to increase every day for over a year.
Souls who previously had life continue to be wiped out until they end up becoming statistics.
Refaat , Hind Rajab , Dr Adnan , Mahasen , Medo Halimy , Ismail Al Ghoul , Shaban , Uncle Khaled , Chef Mahmoud , Awni El Dous , Ayman , Heba Zagout , Fathi Ghaben , Hassan Hamad , Dr Thabat and tens of thousands of other martyrs.
If they were all written down in poems it would take years to write poems about them all.
But they should be written down in poems one by one.
At least with poems they can always be remembered.
So if you feel motivated to write poems about them , just write immediately.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Bulan tampak besar dan terang.
Aku memandangnya pada saat tengah malam.
Sambil berdiri di tepi sawah yang sepi.
Dekat rel kereta pinggiran Surabaya.

Kukeluarkan ponselku dari saku celana.
Lalu kupotret bulan yang kupandang.
Setelah itu langsung kuunggah fotonya.
Pada akun Instagramku.

Kulihat ada banyak postingan foto.
Dari akun Instagram orang orang Gaza.
Ternyata mereka juga sedang memandang bulan.
Bulan yang sama dengan yang kupandang.

Maha sedang duduk di atap rumah.
Dia memandang bulan sambil minum kopi.
Tanpa peduli bombardir pesawat jet.
Meledakkan pemukiman di Deir El Balah.

Omar sedang nongkrong dengan temannya.
Dia memandang bulan sambil merokok.
Melepas lelah setelah membantu relawan.
Membagikan makanan di Khan Yunis.

Mariam sedang termenung di depan tenda.
Dia memandang bulan sambil mengenang.
Kehidupannya yang hilang tak tersisa.
Terkubur puing puing rumahnya di Tel El Hawa.

Malak sedang menangis sedih.
Dia memandang bulan sambil mengingat.
Seorang teman akrabnya yang telah tiada.
Tewas terkena tembakan ******.

Dr Abraham sedang duduk di balkon.
Dia memandang bulan sambil mengeluh.
Kelelahan mengurusi orang orang terluka.
Memenuhi rumah sakit Al Nasser.

Saleh sedang melihat sekumpulan anak muda.
Mereka gembira menari dabke dan bermain oud.
Di atas puing puing reruntuhan bangunan.
Sementara bulan bersinar terang di belakang.

Begitulah bulan yang besar dan terang.
Menjadi penghias malam orang orang Gaza.
Yang masih terjebak kekacauan panjang.
Tanpa tahu kapan akan berakhir.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Stop looking at the sky.
Because the sky doesn't care about your suffering.
There are no miracles that fall from the sky.
So stop looking at the sky.
Look at this rotten earth and fight.
Fight to overcome all difficulties.
Even though you are tired and weak force yourself to fight.
You will create miracles with your own hands.
Small miracles are good enough as long as you are consistent.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
When this craziness is over.
The first thing I will do is go to the cafe.
I want to eat chocolate parfait with added waffles and red jelly.
That is my way to celebrate victory.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
The new year 2025 has just begun.
Everyone is wishing for the new changes.


It's still the same old fear.
It's still the same old pain.
It's still the same old hell.


There is no abracadabra for instant new changes.


If you want the new changes just do it yourself.
The rest just let the laws of cosmic work.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
People in Gaza are always asking why ?!
Why are we going through this big mess ?!
Why are our lives like this ?!
Why we can't live normally like everyone else ?!


People in Gaza are always asking when ?!
When will this big mess end ?!
When will we no longer feel fear and suffering ?!
When we can return to normal life ?!


People in Gaza are always asking how ?!
How will this big mess end ?!
How we have to survive any longer ?!
How do we continue our lives after this ?!


People in Gaza are always asking what ?!
What if we die ?!
What if we don't survive ?!
What is our fate ?!


People around the world don't know the answers.
They don't know the answers.
Anyone doesn't know the answers.
Nobody knows the answers.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Two years ago a Gazan girl named Sondos felt enthusiastic.
She started studying international law at Al Azhar University in Gaza.
She bought and studied many thick books.
Because she wanted her country Palestine to get justice.

But since last year Gaza has started to become chaotic.
Long chaos full of destruction and massacre.
It has not been stopped despite numerous protests around the world.
And also the pointless trial in Haque.

Where is justice ?!... why is there no justice for us ?!...
Don't we deserve justice ?!... why don't we get justice ?!
For over a year Sondos has always questioned justice for Palestine.
But it was useless , the justice never came.

Sondos feels disillusioned.
She has realized that international law is just a nonsense.
All she can do now is just sit in front of the campfire.
Warm herself while burning all her thick books about international law.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Setelah 07 Oktober adalah normal baru.
Orang orang Gaza tak lagi punya kehidupan.
Kehidupan telah dihancurkan kekacauan.
Kekacauan panjang yang penuh penderitaan.

Tiap hari Hassan dan keluarganya terlunta lunta.
Menyusuri jalanan tanpa tahu harus kemana.
Tenda dan barang tertinggal di pengungsian yang hancur diserang.
Itulah normal baru Hassan.

Berkali kali Asmaa mendapat kabar buruk.
Murid muridnya telah tewas satu persatu.
Dia hanya bisa menangis teringat mereka.
Itulah normal baru Asmaa.

Samara sedih ketika anaknya ulang tahun.
Dia tak bisa membuat kue **** seperti biasanya.
Yang dia buat hanyalah lumpur berbentuk kue ****.
Itulah normal baru Samara.

Berbotol botol minyak goreng dibeli Mai.
Semuanya diisi ke dalam tanki mobilnya.
Setelah itu dia melintasi jalan Al Rashid yang penuh kehancuran.
Itulah normal baru Mai.

Mustafa sering duduk di tepi pantai.
Terus terusan termenung sedih sambil menangis.
Teringat gadis pujaannya yang tewas mengenaskan.
Itulah normal baru Mustafa.

Fadi sering kelelahan berjalan kaki jauh.
Mencari cari solar panel untuk mengecas laptop.
Dan juga tempat yang menjangkau internet.
Itulah normal baru Fadi.

Tiap hari Mariam selalu kelelahan.
Dia harus mengantri air dan mencari kayu bakar.
Setelah itu mencuci , memasak dan membersihkan tenda.
Itulah normal baru Mariam.

Tiap pergi ke pasar Heba selalu merasa jengkel.
Harga telur , ayam dan sayuran semakin naik tinggi.
Sementara dia kesulitan mendapatkan donasi.
Itulah normal baru Heba.

Yousef sering ikut nelayan ke laut.
Naik perahu sambil membawa jala untuk mencari ikan.
Tapi hanya sebentar di laut kapal perang datang menggempur.
Itulah normal baru Yousef.

Tiap melihat foto dirinya Mohammed selalu sedih.
Badannya kurus kering dan pucat kulitnya.
Akibat sering kelaparan dan kekurangan gizi.
Itulah normal baru Mohammed.

Abdullah selalu kesulitan mendapatkan donasi.
Dia sudah senang jika bisa membeli mie dan kopi.
Baginya itu menjadi suatu kemewahan.
Itulah normal baru Abdullah.

Tiap teringat kebun olive miliknya Ali selalu sedih.
Kebun warisan keluarganya itu sudah terbakar habis.
Tak ada lagi yang tersisa selain hanya kenangan saat musim panen.
Itulah normal baru Ali.

Melanjutkan sekolah online memang melelahkan.
Tiap hari Tareq harus berjalan jauh untuk mengecas laptop.
Dia juga sering kesulitan mendapat koneksi internet.
Itulah normal baru Tareq.

Gas dan bensin sulit didapatkan.
Satu satunya bahan bakar hanyalah minyak goreng.
Ayahnya Omar menjualnya di pinggir jalan.
Itulah normal baru ayahnya Omar.

Khaled dan keluarganya sering kelaparan.
Uang donasi tak menentu dan tak ada bantuan makanan.
Satu satunya yang bisa dimakan hanyalah makanan ternak.
Itulah normal baru Khaled.

Tiap melihat foto dirinya Eman sering menangis.
Wajahnya tampak kusut dan kecantikannya memudar.
Bibirnya yang kering tak bisa lagi tersenyum.
Itulah normal baru Eman.

Musim dingin Aya sangat menderita.
Dia meringkuk kedinginan di dalam tenda yang kehujanan.
Tak ada selimut atau apapun yang menghangatkan.
Itulah normal baru Aya.

Tiap hari Walid pergi kemana mana.
Naik kereta keledai mengantarkan orang orang.
Sambil berhati hati menghindari drone terbang.
Itulah normal baru Walid.

Kamera Nassar tampak kusam.
Tiap hari dia selalu menyusuri jalanan berdebu.
Yang dia potret hanya rombongan pengungsi dan mayat mayat bergelimpangan.
Itulah normal baru Nassar.

Ketika ramadhan Fatema merasa sedih.
Dia tak punya bahan untuk membuat kue.
Yang dia punya hanyalah sisa tepung penuh belatung.
Itulah normal baru Fatema.

Kakeknya Ashraf terbaring lemah di dalam tenda.
Sering berteriak ketakutan saat mendengar suara.
Ledakan demi ledakan bombardir pesawat jet dan helikopter.
Itulah normal baru kakeknya Ashraf.

Khalil sering menggerutu.
Tiap pertandingan El Classico dia tidak bisa nonton.
Yang bisa dia lakukan hanya membaca berita sepakbola.
Itulah normal baru Khalil.

Huda merasa lelah meneruskan kuliah online.
Sementara dia sering terkenang dengan kampusnya yang telah hancur.
Dan juga teman temannya yang telah tewas.
Itulah normal baru Huda.

Ketika musim panas Kareem sangat menderita.
Dia kepanasan di dalam tenda yang sempit.
Sementara di luar matahari benar benar terik.
Itulah normal baru Kareem.

Shayma kesal laptopnya rusak.
Dia tak bisa lagi menonton film dan anime yang sering dia unduh.
Sementara tukang servis laptop baru saja tewas.
Itulah normal baru Shayma.

Tiap pergi ke pasar ayahnya Lubna merasa sedih.
Sayuran dan buah buahan harganya naik tinggi tak terbeli.
Padahal dulu bisa dipanen banyak di kebun sendiri.
Itulah normal baru ayahnya Lubna.

Malak sering sakit sakitan.
Tak ada yang bisa dia lakukan selain hanya terbaring lemah.
Kehilangan semangat untuk melakukan apapun.
Itulah normal baru Malak.

Tiap sore Zaina selalu kelelahan.
Dia terus keliling tempat pengungsian menjual falafel buatannya.
Tapi hanya sedikit orang yang punya uang untuk membeli.
Itulah normal baru Zaina.

Saat merasa suntuk Dima sering menyesal.
Dia tidak membawa koleksi novelnya yang tertinggal di rumah.
Satu satunya penghiburan hanyalah mengingat berbagai cerita koleksi novelnya.
Itulah normal baru Dima.

Anak anaknya Hussein selalu kelelahan.
Tiap hari mereka menghabiskan waktu berjam jam.
Hanya untuk antri pembagian air dan makanan saat panas terik.
Itulah normal baru anak anaknya Hussein.

Tiap hari Reem selalu kelelahan kurang tidur.
Apalagi saat menstruasi dia benar benar menderita.
Sobekan tenda yang kasar dia jadikan pembalut.
Itulah normal baru Reem.

Amal telah kehilangan semangat dan harapan.
Tak sanggup meneruskan kuliah online di tengah kekacauan.
Rencana melanjutkan kuliah ke Eropa sudah dia lupakan.
Itulah normal baru Amal.

Dr Ghassan sering kebingungan.
Pasokan obat obatan di rumah sakit Al Quds semakin habis.
Sementara tiap hari puluhan orang dan anak  yang terluka terus berdatangan.
Itulah normal baru Dr Ghassan.

Ahmed dan keluarganya kelelahan bertahan hidup.
Berkali kali mereka pindah tempat pengungsian.
Setelah tenda tenda dibombardir pesawat jet dan helikopter.
Itulah normal baru Ahmed.

Saat tengah malam Aboud sering bersedih.
Dia menyesal tidak bisa menyelamatkan rekan rekannya di rumah sakit Al Shifa.
Mereka tewas dieksekusi massal hingga Aboud merasa sedih mengingatnya.
Itulah normal baru Aboud.

Tiap malam Mahmoud sering meratapi nasib.
Dia kehilangan segalanya tak punya apa apa lagi , tak punya siapa siapa lagi.
Dia sering mempertanyakan kenapa dirinya masih hidup.
Itulah normal baru Mahmoud.

Sham mengalami trauma parah.
Tatapannya kosong dan sering menangis.
Teringat keluarganya yang tewas dilindas tank.
Itulah normal baru Sham.

Saat malam yang dingin Sondos selalu menghangatkan diri.
Dia membakar tumpukan buku kuliahnya dengan rasa kecewa.
Baginya hukum internasional dan hak asasi manusia cuma ilusi belaka.
Itulah normal baru Sondos.

Tiap malam Bayan dan Layan tidak bisa tidur.
Di tengah bombardir pesawat jet tanpa henti mereka terus memandangi langit.
Berharap keajaiban akan mengubah keadaan.
Itulah normal baru Bayan dan Layan.

Normal baru menjadi masa kini yang menyakitkan.
Terlalu menyakitkan untuk dijalani selama setahun lebih.
Tak ada yang tahu kapan berakhirnya kekacauan panjang yang tak berkesudahan.
Terus menerus menghancurkan kehidupan dan mengancam masa depan.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Sebelum 07 Oktober adalah normal lama.
Orang orang Gaza masih punya kehidupan.
Kehidupan yang telah menjadi masa lalu.
Masa lalu yang hanya bisa dikenang.

Hassan selalu senang tiap jumat siang.
Setelah shalat jumat dia bisa makan enak bersama keluarganya.
Lalu bersantai di tepi pantai hingga sore.
Itulah normal lama Hassan.

Tiap hari Asmaa bersemangat mengajar.
Pelajaran bahasa Arab untuk sekolah dasar.
Murid muridnya selalu berisik di dalam kelas.
Itulah normal lama Asmaa.

Samara selalu merayakan ulang tahun anaknya.
Dia membuat kue **** dan memasang hiasan lucu.
Boneka besar menjadi hadiah untuk anaknya.
Itulah normal lama Samara.

Tiap sore Mai selalu menyetir mobilnya.
Pelan pelan melewati jalan Al Rashid yang ramai.
Sambil melihat lihat suasana tepi pantai.
Itulah normal lama Mai.

Mustafa sibuk bekerja siang malam.
Mengumpulkan uang untuk membayar dowri.
Agar dia bisa secepatnya mengawini gadis pujaannya.
Itulah normal lama Mustafa.

Fadi selalu begadang tiap malam.
Saat listrik menyala dia sibuk melakukan banyak hal.
Mengecas laptop , mengetik makalah , mencuci baju dan lainnya.
Itulah normal lama Fadi.

Tiap hari Mariam selalu sibuk.
Pagi hingga sore dia berada di kantor.
Bekerja mengurusi periklanan dan digital marketing.
Itulah normal lama Mariam.

Heba selalu senang belanja di pasar.
Dia membeli daging , sayuran , buah buahan dan bumbu masakan.
Saat tiba di rumah dia langsung bersemangat memasak.
Itulah normal lama Heba.

Saat pagi Yousef sering pergi ke dermaga.
Dia melihat laut sambil menghirup udara segar.
Lalu membeli banyak ikan yang baru ditangkap nelayan.
Itulah normal lama Yousef.

Mohammed bertubuh kekar.
Tiap sore dia rutin pergi ke gym atau latihan tinju.
Terus berolahraga menjaga kebugaran tubuh.
Itulah normal lama Mohammed.

Lulus kuliah Abdullah masih menganggur.
Dia sering berhutang apapun di toko tetangganya.
Saat ditagih seperti biasa dia selalu menghilang.
Itulah normal lama Abdullah.

Keluarga Ali punya kebun olive.
Tiap musim panen dia selalu senang memetik olive.
Sambil makan manakeesh dan zaatar bersama keluarganya.
Itulah normal lama Ali.

Tiap malam Tareq sibuk belajar.
Dia ingin mendapat nilai tinggi saat ujian tawjihi.
Agar keluarganya merasa bangga padanya.
Itulah normal lama Tareq.

Ayahnya Omar bekerja di bengkel.
Dia sering memasang tabung gas untuk mobil.
Sopir sopir taksi tidak perlu membeli bensin.
Itulah normal lama ayahnya Omar.

Tiap menerima gaji Khaled merasa senang.
Dia selalu mengajak keluarganya makan enak.
Menyantap berbagai hidangan sea food di restoran Abu Hasira.
Itulah normal lama Khaled.

Wajah Eman selalu tampak cantik.
Dia rutin pergi ke salon melakukan perawatan.
Produk produk kecantikan juga dia beli semua.
Itulah normal lama Eman.

Ketika musim dingin Aya selalu senang.
Dia menghabiskan waktu membaca koleksi novelnya.
Sambil makan burger dan mereguk hangatnya sahlab.
Itulah normal lama Aya.

Tiap hari Walid selalu keliling Elsaraya.
Dia menyopir taksi mencari cari penumpang.
Sementara anak anak jalanan menjual tissue dan biskuit.
Itulah normal lama Walid.

Saat ada orang menikah Nassar selalu diundang.
Dia menjadi fotografer untuk memotret pengantin.
Pernikahan meriah di hotel dan resort tepi pantai.
Itulah normal lama Nassar.

Saat ramadhan toko Fatema selalu ramai.
Orang orang datang membeli berbagai kue buatannya.
Kaak , qatayef , baklava , kunafa dan lainnya.
Itulah normal lama Fatema.

Ketika hujan deras malam hari.
Kakeknya Ashraf selalu mendengarkan radio.
Menunggu lagu lagu Fairuz diputar sambil menghisap hookah.
Itulah normal lama kakeknya Ashraf.

Saat pertandingan El Classico.
Khalil dan teman temannya selalu pergi ke kafe.
Nonton bersama sambil bersorak sorak.
Itulah normal lama Khalil.

Huda kuliah literatur Inggris di Universitas Al Azhar.
Dia senang menghabiskan waktu di kampus.
Nongkrong di kantin atau baca buku di perpustakaan.
Itulah normal lama Huda.

Ketika musim panas Kareem tidak betah di rumah.
Dia sering nongkrong bersama teman temannya di tepi pantai.
Sambil makan jagung , kacang dan minum barrad.
Itulah normal lama Kareem.

Generator di rumah Shayma sering mati.
Biasanya dia keluar membawa laptop nongkrong di kafe.
Mereguk hangatnya mocca sambil mengunduh film dan anime.
Itulah normal lama Shayma.

Ayahnya Lubna punya kebun buah buahan.
Stroberi , jeruk , lemon , semangka dan kurma.
Tiap hari kebun itu selalu diurus secara telaten.
Itulah normal lama ayahnya Lubna.

Malak sering ikut kegiatan.
Pemberdayaan dan kreatifitas anak muda.
Dia belajar coding dan konten multimedia.
Itulah normal lama Malak.

Setelah lulus kuliah Zaina sulit mendapat pekerjaan.
Dia membuka kios kecil yang menjual falalel.
Orang orang selalu datang membeli falafel buatannya.
Itulah normal lama Zaina.

Dima punya banyak koleksi novel.
Dia sering membeli berbagai novel di toko Samir Mansour.
Lalu dia membacanya sambil berbaring di kasur.
Itulah normal lama Dima.

Tiap pulang sekolah anak anaknya Hussein selalu senang.
Mereka dibelikan Playstation agar bisa bermain game.
Ada balapan , pertarungan dan petualangan.
Itulah normal lama anak anaknya Hussein.

Tiap hari Reem selalu enerjik.
Dia menjadi instruktur fitness dan aerobik.
Tak mengherankan kalau tubuhnya tampak langsing dan kencang.
Itulah normal lama Reem.

Masa akhir kuliah Amal sibuk belajar.
Dia ingin segera lulus dengan nilai yang bagus.
Mendapat beasiswa kuliah ke Eropa adalah impiannya.
Itulah normal lama Amal.

Menjadi ahli bedah adalah pekerjaan Dr Ghassan.
Selama puluhan tahun dia menjadi dokter di rumah sakit Al Quds.
Walaupun gajinya tak seberapa tapi dia selalu semangat bekerja.
Itulah normal lama Dr Ghassan.

Ahmed dan keluarganya baru saja pindah ke apartemen.
Apartemen berfasilitas lengkap yang dibangun di tepi pantai.
Kehidupan terasa nyaman tanpa mengalami masalah apapun.
Itulah normal lama Ahmed.

Setelah lulus kuliah medis Aboud langsung bekerja di rumah sakit Al Shifa.
Dia senang bekerja dengan rekan rekannya yang penuh semangat.
Menyembuhkan orang orang dengan berbagai keluhan penyakit.
Itulah normal lama Aboud.

Kehidupan Mahmoud benar benar bahagia.
Dia tinggal di apartemen mewah bersama keluarganya.
Berbagai bisnis yang dia punya terus menerus untung besar.
Itulah normal lama Mahmoud.

Tiap hari Sham senang menghabiskan waktu di rumah.
Berkumpul bersama keluarganya menikmati kebersamaan yang menyenangkan.
Baginya keluarga adalah segalanya.
Itulah normal lama Sham.

Sondos kuliah hukum di Universitas Al Azhar.
Dia mempelajari hukum internasional dan hak asasi manusia.
Dia ingin Palestina yang terjajah mendapatkan keadilan.
Itulah normal lama Sondos.

Melukis adalah hobi Bayan dan Layan.
Mereka paling senang melukis langit seperti lukisan Van Gogh.
Bagi mereka langit menyimpan segala misteri yang tak diketahui manusia.
Itulah normal lama Bayan dan Layan.

Normal lama berakhir setelah 07 Oktober.
Orang orang Gaza tidak lagi punya kehidupan.
Hanya ada masa kini yang menyakitkan.
Dan masa depan yang terancam.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Israel is a vicious octopus.
Its tentacles gripped Europe and America.
And its mouth devoured Palestine.
So if you want to liberate Palestine.
Cut off the tentacles then hit the head hard.
This octopus will die and become the carcass of history.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Jan 29
Oh Habibti.
Why are you so beautiful ?
Your smile seduces my heart.
Your gaze brightens my soul.
You are the most beautiful woman in Gaza.
I want to make you my beloved wife.
Oh Habibti.

'Uhibuk habibti.
Ant 'ajmal amra'at habibti.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
6 a.m di Surabaya - 1 a.m di Gaza

Saat bangun tidur badanku terasa lemas.
Masih terlalu pagi aku masih ingin berbaring di kasur.
Sambil kubuka akun X orang orang Gaza yang kukenal.
Tapi hanya akun Omar yang tampak aktif.
Memposting apapun yang sedang dia alami.

Omar mengeluh susah tidur.
Kedinginan berselimut kain tipis usang.
Banyak nyamuk masuk ke tendanya.
Sementara di luar suara zanana mengganggu.
Diselingi ledakan bombardir pesawat jet.

10 a.m di Surabaya - 05 a.m di Gaza

Aku bosan menunggu antrian bank yang ramai.
Sambil menunggu sepi kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh melihat banyak belatung.
Merubung sisa tepungnya yang hampir kadaluwarsa.
  Dia tak bisa lagi membuat roti.

11 a.m di Surabaya - 06 a.m di Gaza

Aku menunggu ojek online di tepi jalan.
Sambil merokok kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh kehabisan sabun dan shampo.
Sementara air untuk mandi dan mencuci.
Hanya tersisa setengah ember.

01 p.m di Surabaya - 08 a.m di Gaza

Aku sedang makan siang di Peneleh.
Makan pecel sambil kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh saat mengantri di toko.
Menghabiskan waktu dan tenaga.
Berdesak desakan hanya untuk sekantung roti.

04 p.m di Surabaya - 11 a.m di Gaza

Saat sore aku nongkrong di Wonokromo.
Minum kopi sambil kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh setelah belanja di pasar.
Bawang , tomat , terong , kentang dan cabai.
Harganya semakin naik tak terjangkau.

06 p.m di Surabaya - 01 p.m di Gaza

Aku sedang duduk di beranda masjid.
Menunggu isya sambil kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh setelah berjalan jauh.
Merasakan kepanasan dan kelelahan.
Hanya untuk mengecas ponselnya di solar panel dekat pantai.

08 p.m di Surabaya - 03 p.m di Gaza

Aku masih makan malam di Tunjungan.
Makan rawon sambil kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Ternyata di Gaza sedang hujan deras.
Omar mengeluh setelah tendanya kebanjiran.
Barang barangnya basah terkena air hujan.

09. p.m di Surabaya - 04 p.m di Gaza

Temanku mengajak minum kopi di kafe.
Minum cappucino sambil kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh sudah lama tidak makan ayam.
Yang bisa dia lakukan hanyalah menggambar ayam.
Lalu menaruhnya di atas piring kosong.

10 p.m di Surabaya - 5 p.m di Gaza

Aku sedang menonton sepakbola.
Saat jeda kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh setelah memeriksa Gofundme.
Hampir seminggu tak mendapat donasi.
Sementara uangnya hanya tersisa puluhan shekel.

01 a.m di Surabaya - 08 p.m di Gaza

Tengah malam aku bersiap tidur.
Sambil berbaring di kasur kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Ternyata pemukiman dekat tendanya baru saja dibombardir.
Omar mengeluh setelah kelelahan membantu evakuasi.
Dia hampir muntah melihat serpihan tubuh berlumuran darah.

03. a.m di Surabaya - 10 p.m di Gaza

Aku merasa kesulitan tidur.
Sambil mendengarkan musik kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Ternyata dia masih tetap mengeluh.
Merasa lelah terus menerus mengeluh.
Terlalu banyak keluhan hingga kelelahan mengeluh.

Aku juga lelah melihat Omar terus mengeluh.
Tapi orang yang menderita memang harus mengeluh.
Hanya mayat yang tak bisa lagi mengeluh.
Mayat tak merasakan penderitaan untuk dikeluhkan.
Daripada menjadi mayat lebih baik Omar tetap hidup walaupun terus mengeluh.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
On your smartphone screen.
You can see corpses covered in blood.
But you can't smell it.
You can see the explosion of a jet plane bombardment.
But you can't feel the danger.
You can see children seriously injured.
But you can't feel their pain.
You can see hungry children queuing for food.
But you can't feel their hunger.
You can see people displaced on the streets.
But you can't feel their fear , despair and exhaustion.

On your smartphone screen.
You've still been watching for over a year.
Endless daily horror show from Gaza.
Like a Hollywood apocalyptic film but not fiction.
Real blood , real corpses , real bullets, real explosions , real scenes.
Everything you see really happened and makes you confused.
Because you can only watch for over a year.
And it still continues while you can't do anything.
You pray , pray and pray for a good ending.
But you don't know when and how it will end.
So you still continue watching every day.
Until you lose your sanity.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
A Gazan man named Hassan told me.
In the past his grandfather used to live in the city of Jaffa.
His grandfather was a farmer who had a large orange orchard.
The harvest every year was very plentiful to be exported.

Hassan said Jaffa oranges taste sweet and juicy.
The size is large , the skin is thick and only have a few seeds.
In the past so many merchant ships carried crates of Jaffa oranges at the port.
Transported across the Mediterranean Sea for export to many countries.
Palestinians used to feel proud that Jaffa oranges became Palestine's mainstay trade commodity.

But that was only the glory of the past.
After the Nakba 1948 the city of Jaffa was conquered by the Zionists.
Hassan's grandfather and all the residents of Jaffa were expelled.
Leaving behind their homes , orange orchards , whatever buildings they owned.

After decades have passed oranges from Jaffa are still an export commodity.
But Jaffa oranges have become an Israeli trade commodity and no longer belong to Palestine.
Palestine has lost oranges from Jaffa that were once proud of in the past.

Hassan often imagines about Jaffa oranges.
If one day Palestine is truly liberated Hassan has the right to return.
He will return to the house and orange orchard that belonged to his deceased grandfather.
Hassan will continue his grandfather's work of planting and managing orange gardens.
Becoming an orange farmer like his grandfather is his biggest dream.

Hassan also promised me that every harvest season I would be sent a box of Jaffa oranges.
Of course I would be happy if one day I received a shipment of oranges from Jaffa.
I think I'll be addicted once I taste what Jaffa oranges taste like.

January 2025

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
If there is no more Palestine the world will be gloomy and full of darkness.
If there is no more Israel the world will be bright and full of light.
The existence of Palestine or Israel determines what our world will look like in the future.

If you have light soul , conscience and humanity.
You will definitely support Palestine.
If you have rotten soul , greed and hypocrisy.
You will definitely support Israel.
So let's fight each other to determine.
Who will still stand tall in history.
Who will fall into the wreckage of history.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
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