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Apr 2014 · 361
A Girl Apr 2014
She stands there in her beautiful gown
made of the shadows and light
She smiles at me as if she knows.
As if to say my time has arrived.

She left me for good, but she will never leave
I want her gone, but i beg for her return.

She stands there in her beautiful gown
a flicker of hope and faith
Watching me as if she sees

I could mimic her scars, do as she's done.
leave by my hand, this world of suffering

She stands there in her beautiful gown
A ghost of my nightmares
She smiles as if she can tell
Her death will soon be my own
Mar 2014 · 387
The Endless Drop
A Girl Mar 2014
falling into the hole,
demons cling to the walls on the sides, shouting out at me.
They say that which my mind has been telling me from the beginning.
Only difference now is i'm beginning to believe it.

A never ending trench,
leaving me wishing i were dead.
I shout out to those above, only wishing for a helping hand.
Nobody hears me, nobody sees For now i'm gone not leaving a single thread.

A bottomless pit,
I hope you never understand the feeling
The pain that wrenches through your body as the air blows past.
But if you do, i'm here to be with you, hoping to help reach someone for you.
Mar 2014 · 301
The Light to Recovery
A Girl Mar 2014
A light is glowing at the end of the winding path.
You just have to take it slow.
The faster you run the further it appears.
The only way to escape is to accept that which you fear.

I cry out into the darkness, having run so fast
it completely disappeared.
There is no more hope for me left here.
I have no chance to be saved.

Never rush what is needed to be done.
Do what is right and forget about the face
at which your peers believe you must hold.
For if you deny and rush, your light will never glow
Feb 2014 · 368
Am I an Awful Person?
A Girl Feb 2014
I fell in love, with a boy who knew.
He knew my troubles and he knew my life.
I fell in love with a boy who has changed.
He once was sweet and kind.
But now he's hateful and ignores.
I left for a few days, promised i'd be back soon.
He never called, not a hey, or an I miss you.
While I was gone there was this other.
He also understood my troubles.
He was kind and different, Not like the last.
He was sweet and gentle to me.
I did nothing with him but talked.
It was nice to be relaxed.
But now i'm back in the arms of the first.
But my mind wishes I were somewhere else.
Somewhere with the last.
Feb 2014 · 532
I'm Leaving
A Girl Feb 2014
Listen to me!**

I'm tired of the games.

Tell me whats wrong.

Tell me your story.

I want to know. I want to help.

I want to be the one to guide you to the light!

You say your afraid.

Afraid that i will leave if I know.

But keeping it from me makes me want to walk away.

You expect me to trust you.

To trust you with my past!

I have secrets I've never told.

Yet you wish to learn them.

Yet you wish from me to never learn yours.

I don't just hand you the trust.

You must deserve it.

I need to know you will listen.

I need to know you will understand.

So tell me now.

While i'm still here.

Because if you wont even  tell me the small facts.

How can I tell you my darkest pasts?

So let me hear. Let you speak.

Or I'm walking away.

I'll never return.
Feb 2014 · 514
Conflicting Emotions
A Girl Feb 2014
I don't know how to say what I feel.
I don't know how to express the words I want to say to you.
You make me angry, crazy, and wanting to scream.
You keep these secrets yet, you expect me to trust you enough to tell you mine.
You tell me everything's okay but you won't speak to me, even look at me.
Have I done something wrong? Did I hurt you in some way?

I don't know how to say what I feel.
I don't know how to express the words I want to say to you.
I love you like crazy, happy, and completely giddy.
I can't get you out of my head. I'm up late at night smiling about your texts.
You tell me the sweetest things that leave a warm feeling in my chest.
What is it about you? What have you done with the hateful girl inside me?

I don't know how to say what I feel.
I don't know how to express the words I want to say to you.
You leave me confused, and torn. Completely contradicted.
One minute you are happy as can be and the next you are silent and brooding.
You won't let me help. You won't let me listen. Everything changes drastically.
Why won't you tell me what to say? How can I help?
A Girl Feb 2014
Do you see that light?
It's straight ahead,
Do you see it?

Can you feel that breeze?
It all around.
Do you feel it?

Do you smell the salty air?
It’s from the escaping sea.
Do you smell it?

If not, you aren't alone.
I only know what I've been told.
But it sounds beautiful doesn't it?
It sounds like a world of hopes.
A world I couldn't even dream.
Feb 2014 · 251
Music of my Life
A Girl Feb 2014
I feel the beat of the heart
Like a drum that plays on and on.
My mind continues searching
For the words of the song.
The song that is my life,
That plays day and night.
I wait for it to come,
But today it officially stopped
Never again will it be heard
Never again will it be thought.
A Girl Feb 2014
Darkness consumes me,
Hatred fills me.
I see nothing but shifting
shadows and sketchy corners.

The voices of my demons
Drawl on in my head
I feel afraid, afraid of me.
I feel corrupt and out of place

Why does this happen
Why at this time.
What can I do
To stop this right here.

They come closer.
I fall deeper.
This never ending fall
Speeding along its way.

Into the pit of a world
I wish nobody else must see.
A world so dark,
A world so sad,
That I fear I may never leave.

Please, whoever sees this.
Tell me it's okay.
Tell me there is an end.

An end to the falling
An end to the monsters.
And end to the voices,
Shouting at me to die.

Why must I do this.
Why am I by myself?
When others out there
can easily grab my hand,
They could pull me up.

Why don't they stop this spiraling
Stop this pain.
They are just to selfish to see the name.
Feb 2014 · 286
A Girl Feb 2014
I look at you and I see light.
A light to lead me from the
darkness that has consumed me

I look at you and I see hope.
Hope that there is a place
In this world that I can belong

I look at you and I see stars.
Stars that are forming beautiful
Complex forms that I want to solve

I look at you and I see a future.
A future in two minutes or two years
In which I will be happy to be there.

I look at you and I dream.
Dream of a better world
Filled with those like you.

I look at you and I never truly see.
I see the glow and fog that surround you
In which I search and find the smallest things.

I look at you and I loose all thought
Because you are all I want
And all I need.

Right here, right now.
That's all I'll do.
For this will never change.
Feb 2014 · 319
A Girl Feb 2014
I see the world as darkness,
The world sees me as light.

They say I shine like the heavens,
My mind as bright as the stars.

So why do I feel so broken?
I feel so lost and confused.

Why is my mind so black and bruised?
My thoughts against my every move.

The world see's me as an angel,
But they don't know what is beneath.

I'm nothing more than a song on mute.
Played until the tape is bare.
Feb 2014 · 230
A Girl Feb 2014
Come along my broken soul,
Our path here now must change.
We look on through to see some hope,
When all we do is lose.

I know you try to find the light,
I know you wish to be free.
Free from the shadows that
Have killed all life
Free from the pain at sea.

Come along my broken soul,
We must start again.
Along the endless journey,
To search for the never end.
Feb 2014 · 405
Just One More Moment
A Girl Feb 2014
Isn't it crazy how one minute you are just moving along
When the next something happens.
How one minute your closest friend is by your side laughing
And the next she's leaving with floods of tears

Our life isn't forever, things aren't permanent
But right now I wish I could go back and stop
Starting with the day we sat in your room for hours just laughing
To the day when we fought and we stopped talking for days

I would go back to the good, and the bad,
I would remember every detail
Because I don't think I can live these next few months
Without your footsteps along side mine.

Our paths have crossed and the intersection begins to fade
In the distance I can just make out your outline moving away from me.
All I wish is for one moment, just one, where I can spend an eternity with you.
Feb 2014 · 355
Will You Save Me?
A Girl Feb 2014
Carry me to my end,
I'll trust you with the choice
To hold me close, and never let go
Or throw me away, to fall in the endless void.
To be left in an ally
To show the shame
To leave me, scrambled and crying in a heap
A broken soul, unburied from beneath.
Feb 2014 · 375
I Trusted You
A Girl Feb 2014
A secret worth a million lies
A whisper filled with the smallest of truths
I hold this dear, you can never share
What's gotten into me? Trusting you
But you will now know a part of me
That I have never told.
Feb 2014 · 359
I'll try to stay
A Girl Feb 2014
Why can't I stop crying?
Why do I feel like hiding?
Today I might try surviving.
But tomorrow I might try dying.
Feb 2014 · 393
A Girl Feb 2014
Speakers blare as volume rises
Rhythm flows from the heavens to my soul
Worry free, the world is gone
My heart takes over, beating with the drums

— The End —