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 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Caught between the screen and the glass.
Please release me.
Seeing the outside but still trapped in.
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Natalie Sym
Faces pressed up against the windowpane of my soul
They are trying to peek into my life
All that they can see are the roses of innocence and the rainbows of happiness
They do not look close enough to see the snakes of betrayal that are coiled in camouflage around the stems of those roses
They do not pry long enough to understand that the wisps of clouds that float so closely to those bright rainbows are the white lies that have materialized to form and ocean of deception and I am drowning in the middle, stranded
No one stops by long enough to learn that the crumbling ruins that they admire so ardently for their barren beauty are the result of what a hardened heart looks like when it decides to break down the barriers it has hidden behind for so long
These faces are merely tourists; I should not be surprised when they leave me
I should expect it; I should accept it
Yet how can I accept the fact that I am merely considered to be an attraction, pretty to look at but easily forgotten. Why should I be the acting freak show that gets the round of applause yet when all is said and done and the families go home to their superficial lifestyles, I am left alone in a litter filled theatre sterile of trust and of friendship.
I only tell you these things now so that you may see
No one has ever bothered to get to know me
Until you
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Iris Liu
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Iris Liu
i find it baffling how easily
people believe what they hear
yet are so unwilling to listen

to the truth
Where do we leave from here?
Once the signs point towards the sky
and the wax dries on our eyes.
will we finally see the light
that opens up the world?

The path has been depleted
without its natural sounds.
Lost without a trace of home;
belonging where you stand
and living while you can.
the long grass tickles my back as we lay beneath the sun's warm blanket
in this place, who I am and what we are become one and the same if we just let

let's play here together
please stay near forever

because I need you, see, like these fields need the rain
put your roots in my ground and we'll harvest the grain
A lover's poem I guess.
Title taken from a song by The Dear Hunter
They say.
I don't smile like I use too.
This isn't the first time someone said it.

Someone stated I look down.
Some trace it to you not being around.
And they're not far from the truth.

My hapinness ended the moment I lost you.

Yes, I laugh.
Sure, I smile.
It's just a facade hiding hurt.
Since you're no longer around.

Like the stock market that crashed.
So did my world of happiness.

Your love was my invested.
And now without you.
I'm bankrupted.
And money wasn't involved.

Friends all know.
My happiness ended when I lost you.

They try to cheer me up.
Except it's no good.
They try to take me out.
It doesn't accomplish what they wanted.

Cause my world of happiness ended when I lost you.
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
When I look back at my story
When I was very very young
I was given no direction
I often stared up at the sun

I tried to find the answers
Without a question on my mind
I searched through pain and suffering
Never read a single sign

I worshiped only pleasure
And it always paired with pain
I thought I’d learned a lesson
But I’m right back here again

I robbed, I stole and cheated
Thinking only of myself
I never cared for others
All for me and no one else

I projected my reflection
Saw an evil sinful world
Everything around me
Caused my peril to unfurl

Then I stood upon a crossroads
I was a broke and tired man
With no home or destination
Nowhere was a helping hand

Then I looked upon the life I lead
And the things that I had done
And I thought about that little boy
Who would stare up at the sun

And I wondered what would happen
If I had another try
If I had someone to show me
How to live a better life

How to love a little better
How to spend a little time
Making other people happy
Never caring what was mine

Not to worry about the money
Do away with foolish pride
Take some time to smell the flowers
Truly find the reasons why

Find a God of understanding
Ask Him who I really am
Stretch my hand out to a brother
Be the one to lend a hand

It was then I got a feelin
One I’ve never had before
The answer I’d been searching for
Was standing at my door

He reached his hand out to uplift me
I rose a strong but humble man
Now all the things that brought me down
Where now my armor to defend

As I looked upon this crossroads
From a different point of view
My life now had a meaning
I felt empowered by the truth

The fear and pain have left me
I can help my fellow man
I truly think that little boy
Would be proud of who I am
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