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 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Where do we stand?
I ask myself this question every day,
we've been through so much together,
then you were gone,
I was so alone even though I was mad,
I can forgive but never forget,
now you are back,
you seem to give little signs,
but what do they mean?
Do you miss us?
Do you want to be friends?
Are you just saying everything is okay?
Or am I just over thinking everything?
Where do we stand?
Life would be so much easier if I knew...
But that would mean talking to you...
I need you to know, how I want you like I do.
I am afraid if I tell you I might lose it all.
I look into your eyes as you speak to me,  they seem to taunt me so.
I watch you move and my stomach cramps and begins to ache.
I have always dreamed of someone like you,
You remind me so much of someone else I know.

You're the perfect person for me, this I know.
Your touch, just one fingertip, and it fills me up.
If only I could touch your face and kiss your lips,
I have laid awake in my bed at night just dreaming of this.

If only you'd give me a chance to be more than just a friend,
You are my missing piece.
I know it got weird when we tried to be more than friends.
Maybe there was too much pressure from everyone else who knew us,
To do the right thing.
Can we try again?
We stopped talking for weeks at a time,
Things just weren't the same without you around.

As a friend, and maybe nothing more,
I am so comfortable with you,
I feel I could tell you anything and you would listen.
You really care, and you are always there.
I have told you so much already, more than any other guy that I've known for just one year.
You have a kind heart, a warm smile, with every "Hi" in the hall as you pass me.

I hear someone say your name and it burns in my heart.
I love talking and sharing with you.
We have stayed up many nights just talking about nothing at all.
It has been so nice.
You make me feel at ease, and we have so much in common.
We are alike in so many ways;  I have stopped counting when I ran out of fingers.
You, like no one else I know has the same disturbed sense of humor and we always seem to laugh at the same kinds of things.
We like all the same old classic movies, and have the same music taste.
Before meeting you, I thought I was the only one who still listened to Price, and belted out the lyrics to all his well- knowns.
We have so much to talk about, I feel that we could go on for days.

When will you let me know, if I am the one?
I know we are too good of friends to ruin it all.
But haven't you ever thought about it, or wanted it too?
It's too much like a game with you because you don't know what you want.
I will let you know I want to walk with you, hand in hand,
If you asked me to marry you, I definitely would.
I want to tell you things I've told no one else because the sound of your voice comforts me.
I've pictured us together someday.

I wished that day would come sooner as I know it will never be.
We've had some good times together anyway, that I will never ever forget.
I just think of the memories we could have if we could be even more.
Is that possible? I don't know?  Or would it change it all?

You leave me and your scent lingers behind,
I breathe it in and picture you making me laugh, as only you know how to do.
If I ever needed to find you I can always trace your path and where you've been down the hall.
I just follow the warm Polo scent, which you leave everywhere you go.

I want to be more than a friend to you.
But time and again you leave me for the desire of another girl.
I wait patiently for your return for I know it won't last long.
Days pass and I see you with another, you seem happy, and I guess I'm glad.

Then the day comes when there's a knock at my door,
I open it to see you standing there to say again that it was over, and that things didn't work out.
You always seem to come back to me after something with another girl went sour.
I don't know if you have just come to talk about it, or to say that it was over, will you be my second choice?
I realized it time after time that I always come in second with you after something with a girl had gone terribly wrong.
Did you beg for my forgiveness?  Or just wait for me to say, "I told you so."
I don't really know?

You are the nicest guy I think I have ever met.
Maybe you are too nice and that is what attracts me to you time after time.
Maybe you are too real and too close to me.
You are too good of a person to happen to me.
And finally I realized it by the end of the year, you would never happen to me.
You would always pick and desire another girl and that's not me.

I am glad I've gotten to know you like I have,
In just one short year, you became one of my best friends.
I wouldn't have made it through my first year of college without you.
You are a special guy to me, and always will be.
I'll never forget you no matter what happens in the future and what you think of me.
I think of you often and it always makes me smile.
You always knew just what to say to get me to laugh.
I just wonder what you are doing now, at this very second, while I am thinking of you.

I guess there comes a time when I would have rather had your friendship as a friend and nothing more.
Than not to have you in my life at all.
You mean a lot to me, more than you will ever know.
I couldn't stand losing you.
That's maybe why we've both decided in our own minds just to stay friends and not more.
You don't have to say anything,
I believe that we share a special bond that will never be broken or forgotten.
No matter what happens next,
I will never forget you "Fannie"
And all the times we shared.
Up on top of cloud nine
If I sing I'll jump
An octave or more

I feel like smiling
Like laughing and running
No, not running away
Running to you!
Running into your arms,
Laughing as we
Once more

This won't last forever
So I'll hold on
To this joy that I
Feel like nothing is wrong

It all comes back
To You

Without you I'd be

I can't see life
Without your words
Your life means so much

I can hide nothing
From you
Nor do I want to

With each boundry
We cross
The more confident
I grow,
That we will have
Forever; of course, to this
I won't admit, that
*You're the one
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
night night
fragile world

I say goodnight
without saying
I sadden myself

the end is coming
we all know this

the end is something
that can be prepared for
but the best finish
comes out of the corner
of your eye
or from way out of left
or even like a snake
sitting right in front of
your face

the end is nigh
as we all know

the end is coming
the end is here
this end is one of many
this end is a simple thing

so close your eyes
or don’t
I hope it comes
when I’m seeing something
but it can come however you

you can choose your finish
or you let fate make up its
Wake up
Grow up
Stand up
Face up
...because I love you

Buckle down
Swim down
Break down
Fall down
...because I probably always will
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Luis Lezcano
What to call you?
The light that shows me the way?
My inspiration?

My everything?
or simply
My love.
That says everything.

A tender heart
With a beautiful personality
Eyes whose gaze ensare me
and take me for a ride.

You and I
A connection
like no other.
A love like no other.

A love that
grows every
passing day.
A feeling that
will never vanish.
A feeling that
will remind me
Of you.
No words to
describe how
much you
mean to me.
Only actions
can describe it.
You are unique.

I am forever yours
I'll always be here for you
And at the end of the day,
You will always be

My love.
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Jenny Lark
When we meet a person we subconsciously inspect each feature
We intuitively notice flaws and perfections
the less we see a person the less our eyes renew the image in our minds
we focus so ******* reinventing an exact, lifelike image
causing it to eventually slip away
so we try harder, pushing the image even further
until sooner or later we begin to question ourselves
and a cloud of mist forms and impedes our ability to visualize
creating more distance between the memory and ourselves
and no matter how hard we resist
we gradually lose pieces of the face that will never reappear
and wish our eyes could mend the broken image
just one last time
no one has solved the mystery of how to capture this memory
or even hold it for eternity
so as victims we watch it slip away
we helplessly forget
and pray for one last chance to remember
not the ambiguous, blurred remembrance
but the clear, flawless one
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