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I want to smile
And say 'im fine'
And i want that
One day...
To not be a lie
The sands become my tomb
As I lay staring
At natures mirror

Memories invade my gaze
The mirror depicts a face
Staring back

Is this the face of the man I was?
Or the glare of the stonecut man
That I've become?

Etched from marble
Or maybe granite
By the horrors it's seen

This sandy grave consumes me
And my glare turns upward
Inflection of this mind begins

The mirk above does not churn
It does not waver
And I realize I'm alone

The Vast reflects back at the stonecut
Mirroring the emptiness
In his eyes and soul

The realization of internal emptiness
Is deafening in the silent night
Has revenge done this to me?
A vibrant shade 
A strong color
Used to depict so many things 
A color with a use other than just brightening life
Red is for love in roses
Red is for freedom in the us flag
Red is for stop while driving 
Red is for enemy in all my games 
Red is for her. 
The color that shone brightest on her 
The color that always made her beauty more beautiful
The color that i have come to know as joy 
As blush
As hearts and love

And yet the color red
Is so dark 
So mysterious that you cannot explore every possibility 
Every direction which it takes
Every form it follows
Red is the brightest of colors 
Red is the darkest of colors
Red is the color I see before fading to darkness 
And enteral slumber
What once was a smile
Has faded to pain
With wrinkles and lines
And clouds filled with rain

Wishing our lives
had been so much more
Than pain and regret
And walking the floor

Now loneliness fills
every room and hall
With echoes of goodbyes
that shadow the walls

Not looking back
To what once was okay
Now with a focus
Of turning away

We dare not speak
Lest it should finally end
Trying to salvage
What might have been
 May 2013 Alice Kay
you are a faceless ghost
living in the marrow of my bones
and sometimes
i feel
like you are sitting
right behind me
but there is no one there
when i turn around

i wish you were there when
i turn around
so then
maybe i could justify
that lingering
on my fingertips

and why i feel
so connected
to the
emptiness in my bed
(and why I whole heartily
believe you
fill it)
I stated my grievances
3 for each class
Each handful of problems
Each pain in the ***

I stated my grievances
But thought of the perks
I couldn't find a piece
That didn't really hurt

So I stated my grievances
Shouted them loud
I'd love to discuss them
But I'm *not allowed
This is in no way affiliated with Mr. Baker I just used the quote. This is about school and adolescence in general. I tried to think of something positive from each class but I could only think of negatives. They weren't the 95 Theses but there was a pretty ****** lot of them.
 May 2013 Alice Kay
Lucky Queue
They say you cannot have
Compassion and innocence
And yes I can see that.
But you have great compassion
And that is the greater virtue
They say that there ain't
No rest for the wicked
But what of the kind hearted?
The sweet and gentle?
They say that ignorance is bliss
And that knowledge is power
But do you know, these tables
Can also be turned?
I know you have a kind gentle heart
A tender soul and a listening ear
I know you have a wearying life
A tortured soul and a sore heart
And I know you have a bright mind
Brilliant thoughts and a clever eye
I know because with these
You've touched me
Touched my life and heart
And mind in an irrevocable way
And shown that you can lighten
The world for those in need
I literally just found this 8:42 on 5.7.13. I have no words, absolutely no words for how shocked I am right now. It's not been a great day. Not at all. But I have two beautiful friends who are helping me get better and I have this gorgeous feeling of shock that'***** me. I still can't believe I wrote this. Sorry if I'm tooting my own horn here, you can completely ignore this note, it's just for me. But dang, I can't believe I wrote this. What in heck. Anyway. I've got this and two great friends(Storm is one) and a new favorite shirt for an important reason. I still don't know how I feel exactly. But dang.
 May 2013 Alice Kay
 May 2013 Alice Kay
It started out as a flame
Dancing off a matchstick that was an idea.
It kindled an idea to help renew,
To regenerate what was once lost.
The fire grew
And with it
A passion that could not be extinguished.

The warmth was welcomed by her body
A body so cold
So helpless against the dangers of the world
And herself.
The fire gave power
And with the power there grew an inferno
Once ignited, could not be smothered.

The fire whispered
Through smoke and cinders;
It whispered
To encourage the distressing ideas that flowed through her.
She was frozen
Frostbitten to the bone without the fire
And so
To stay alive
She stayed close by the hearth.

When friends became concerned
They tried to call her back
But she was too attached to the blaze.
While the smoke tangled in her hair
And coursed through her veins
She drew in ever closer.
She huddled towards the light
That was leading her to her dangerous desires,
Cutting everything off
Except for the sea of flames.
She clung to her damaged thoughts
And kept the fire steady.

Going almost unnoticed
Her skin turned red and warm;
She was too happy to embrace the heat.
She understood she was too close,
Yet she rose from her perch
Roused by the incandescence
The feverish luminosity.

A mere mortal
Drew within reach of the alluring fire.
The flames licked her face
Her hands
Her hopelessly lost mind
As she dove in

Everyone she had turned away watched
Unable to help.

She registered one single thought:
It's too hot.

It was too late.
She couldn't step away from the furnace;

For suddenly she was bound by ropes of her own doing
A funeral pyre just for her.
She was stuck within the depths
Of the scorching fire she had so arduously cared for.
She tried to call out
To those just outside the fireplace
But the fumes enveloped her
Stifling her pleas,
Her cries for help.

She couldn’t breathe
The embers burning her lungs as she inhaled,
Silencing her voice as she exhaled.
She flickered for a second more;
The life left her eyes.
She collapsed
Leaving ash and bone to intermingle into nothing.

What she had once mistakenly perceived
As an idea,
No larger than a matchstick,
Was something she could not control.
But no one could control a fire that destructive
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