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 Jan 2013 Alice Kay
As today passes
I feel a few months back
Where the days
They begin to unravel
And I know I won't
Be able to recall them
When I wake up
My memory, it's disappearing. But where is it going?

© Amara Pendergraft 2013
 Jan 2013 Alice Kay

      midnight quill
                    stains more than            
   just my eyes
Silver laid  
to where    
rest &                 
                    still                                       ­               
               w                                 ­             

i                                                                   ­                                    
s                           ­                         
  p                                    ­                            

   .. .-.. --- ...- . -.-- --- ..-                                                                  ­                                    
...with my very best wishes for 2013
 Dec 2012 Alice Kay
I used to wear my heart upon my sleeve
But then it frayed,
And now I'm left with a pile of string
© Amara Pendergraft 2012
 Dec 2012 Alice Kay
Lucky Queue
Love is a riddle
A Gideon's knot of emotion
That can only be untangled
By two sets of hands
And a pair of hearts
Inspired by a song line and inspiration for a drawing. Funny, eh?
 Dec 2012 Alice Kay
Lucky Queue
So you've dared your girlfriend to write you a poem
Detailing why she loves you,
So what shall she write?
Perhaps that she imagines your kiss will be ambrosia to her,
And that she so easily trusts, and talks to you.
But the point of this poem is why she is in love with you
And so I think she'd say this;
I love you because you're so crazy, and different, and that's so right for you
I love you because you're so kind and sweet to me and other people
I love you because you've got awesome taste, in music and movies and the arts
You're a poet, artist, genius and I love you for it
I love you because you challenge me, and you appreciate intellect
I love you because you don't act excessively proud of what you've done, even though it's really great
I love you because you're quiet, unlike what I am most of the time
My list could go on for pages if I wanted, I've got so many reasons to love you
I love the way your hair covers your eyes
And when it gets ruffled up it's so cute, and reminds me of a flustered bird's feathers
I love how you use words and graphite to create beautiful art and gorgeous depictions
I love you, and pretty much everything about you
And you've got this sort of air, an aura one might say, about you
One that I can only describe as irresistable and curious, curious in both senses of the word
I love how you don't put me down, and are actually so supportive of me
I love how you comfort and understand me so quickly
I love you for talking me out of all sorts of depression, cutting, anorexic tendencies, and still loving me despite my craziness
I really truly thank you for that
You're an incredibly fantastic best friend and boyfriend,
I'm still so amazed at how I got lucky enough to get you, and that you feel the same
The only thing I don't love about you in this moment is that you aren't here
Because I miss you more than life right now
And I love you so much
My love dared me to write him a poem, and so this is the result
 Dec 2012 Alice Kay
Yejin Lim
Here, I'll write you a letter,
all sweet and cliché,
folded in an envelope
and sealed with a kiss.

I'll tell you all about my self
and ask, with interest, of yours;
each thought and idea illustrated
with my doodles and notes.

I'll speak of fields with grasses green
and sparkling stars up high
that we could lay in and marvel at
if we were to fall in love.

I'll write down my daydreams
of a small apartment with you -
one pet, two kids,
you and I, aging together.

I'll put in a love poem,
with unique combinations
of twenty-six letters and more
to promise my eternity to you.

But at the end of the letter,
maybe you'll come to see
that I signed no name
nor written an address.

So there, that is the end
to our short love affair;
we'll leave it to one letter
to keep the perfection forever.

The daydream I created for us
in that one paper, front and back,
will remain our tiny little secret
and our perfect little world.
 Dec 2012 Alice Kay
Jon Tobias
Underneath the burning building in my gut
So much is preserved safely
In the memory where you are smiling
I find peace
I want to be lonely in private
But there is no space for that

Under the rubble
Compound fracture of bitter jawline
That same smile a photo
Warping in fire

I want to preserve you
Like a wasp in amber

But we are not as slow as that
Not as gentle

The theory is
Two objects fall at the same speed
Regardless of mass
Except for people
We do not fall for each other at the same pace

I felt like the man with the rescue dog
That heard your heartbeat
After the cement settled
And the wood grew cold
White ash
Black cinderblock paperweights
Your body preserved under
Layers of broken building
But you felt safe
Because you set the fire

And I was the man that found you
Some secrets can’t stay buried

We were cave people
Found and revived

I’m not new to this
Just rusty
Just dusty
There are burn marks on our bodies
And I have almost forgotten how mine got there

There were things you thought you should go back for
Things you wanted to leave behind
But in the saving you took what you could carry
There was baggage in your desperation
To save what you thought was important

When you burnt yourself to the ground
You forgot that fire is a funny thing
It lives too
And you can’t control it

There were some houses
Left standing
Whole acres unlit for no reason

Not everything gets burned

And there is a photo of you
Cigarette hole dimples
A smile that brings me peace

And you brought with you
Bits of burning ribcage
And smoke filled lung
To hide your heart minimally

I brought nothing
Mine is slightly weather calloused now
But it works just fine
It’s just rusty
Just dusty

So take this
What is left of my burning breast plate
Carved message on the inside
like an oversized locket
Underneath the black and white negative of your film strip

“Thank you for trying”
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