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 Dec 2012 Alice Kay
 Dec 2012 Alice Kay
Tonight I realized,
I really am alone.
© Amara Pendergraft 2012
And you're just a song that I can't seem to get out of my head.
Same beats, same tune, same mistakes.
Everytime I try to escape,
Somehow I end up right back at your feet.
 Dec 2012 Alice Kay
Avery Sharp
Sunlight playing on my tapping foot
Wishing this bus could ride forever
The images seen through glass, flash and pass
Manifest into destination
And my stomach lurches
Butterflies for the past and future
This poem is for a class I'm taking where we need to put our public out in the public and get feedback so any comments are appreciated! Thanks!
 Dec 2012 Alice Kay
Alex Brown
You're the prettiest thing in the world to me,
God knows you always were,
The way your cheeks and jaw hang in perfect symmetry,
And your body flows and curves so perfectly.

Youre eyes glisten, it's cliched I know,
But to call them brown is a sin, they are ***** of hope etched on a canvas of pure ecstacy,
To run my hands down your body, to feel your burning hair in my palms,
To grab and twist and pull and pinch, to stroke and kiss and hold and hug.

Its a dream you know. You are. A dream. A fantasy.
Call my name, start it with an "Oh" and end it with an elongated deity,
That's how I always loved it "Goddddd" you'd say as we did anything.
"I want to take you to dinner" i'd say.
"No lets stay in, it's more fun this way".
And we'd laugh, and scream and play and sing our own jolly weaving song of love lust and pleasure.

"What're you thinking?" "I think i love you.." I'll never get the line right, it was so perfect, so full of everything we ever needed.
10th of the 10th of the 10th.
Was to be our year. Does it even matter now i'd grin ear to ear.
I have you back, my precious, my love, my baby girl.
Love me sweet, love me kind, love me gentle.
Im but a fragile heart broken so many times.
As are you my love.
We'll Grow
We'll Bond
Always and Forever...

Lay your head on my chest..
It'll be ok.
In the end.
 Dec 2012 Alice Kay
Her sandal straps sat as thrones on her heels, embellishing the sand that clung close to her skin. Her smile seemed painted on by some distant relative of an old famous painter. And her hair it was a mixture of ocean and tears. Tangled in hopes and last chances.

Never brushed, never tamed.

It was only then, sitting on that porch, tasting that sweetest lemonade, could she ever think about anything besides her summer.

Of course she could, but she never quite did. She was one of those loose cannons.


Then again why would anyone hate her for it? She was so new, so fun, so much potential for anything at all. She was wild and free.

Everyones first kiss and last dance were delicately braided into the gallery of bracelets strung on her arm.

Heartbreak and loneliness was etched in blues and blacks on her hands. Tattoos of worn adventure printed on her fingertips.

Her arms, so easy to fall into, so hard to let go of.

With every kiss she pulled you deeper into her world until you were drowning with affection. Affection for her, for you, for love

And you tried, you really did try writing her letters, telling her how much you missed her. But life got in the way. All good things come and go and she was here but now, now she is gone.

And perhaps one day you'll find her again. Old and frail like all great lovers end up you will laugh about how the two of you used to run barefoot on the streets of your city. How you would kiss her in the rain.
  And perhaps then, she will love you.
I sort of personified love, so if love was a person....
 Dec 2012 Alice Kay
"I don't want anymore heartbreak,
                  I'm tired of the sound it makes."
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