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Paint the words of your symphonies and sorrows
And hide them beneath your dreaded tomorrows
For tomorrow never comes.
 Jan 2013 Alice Kay
If only
 Jan 2013 Alice Kay
His arms are strong,
And embraces the weak.

His piercing blue eyes,
Melt anything they see.

His voice is like velvet,
Singing so soft and sweet.

And his heart is true.
He loves no one but me.
 Jan 2013 Alice Kay
 Jan 2013 Alice Kay
You horrid person, you poor ignorant soul.
We write for love, something you would not know of.
We write because we **can
, therefore we will.
You have no right to silence our songs, no right to quiet our cheers.
Do not shush of serenades of glory, do not hush our odes.
How dare you judge us?
How dare you judge her?
How dare you even try.
She amounts to more talent in an eyelash than you do in your whole fully developed being.
If you understood you would stop, but you do not.
Your poor ignorant fool.
A friend and fellow writer on this site, Clarrise, has stopped writing because she has been continually judged for by a foolish person. I ask all of you to show her support and to encourage her to write again. Here is a link to her profile:
the ground, it trembles.
as if thousands of little feet trample its surface,
rhythmically packing the hard earth.
And none can see a thing.
their eyes matter not,
touch overwhelms their being.
it caresses their necks
and trickles between their fingers.
it washes over them
in undulating waves.

they dance, and they inspire dance—
in fire
in gusts
in light, filtered through wind ravaged trees
and kitchen windows.
which glitters entrancingly as it kisses the floor.
 Jan 2013 Alice Kay
The world we created together is gone.
The world of civil wars and his and hers.
The world we created together with the spark of kiss and the endless night.
We were freer than the birds and as tall as the lions,
But we both knew the vacation could only last for so long…
Stories of lost shoes and parking lots,
train tracks and beaches,
now fall on silent ears,
Absorb into the grassy hills and frothy shores of our failed relationship.
Songs were never sung and maps became useless
Without explorers to search them.
I packed my bags, you bought your ticket and we both kissed our world goodbye.
You locked the gates
I barred the windows,
And we both began the long journey home.
We left our world to become a ghost town, forever harboring the secrets of the summer we spent there.
I grew up and you moved on, while meanwhile the world we loved worsened.
What once was thriving and vibrant,
Is now abandoned completely,
Left to rot away and fall apart.
Never to be vacationed to again.
We will never again explore its shores or lie in its fields.
We will never rest in its shade or swim with the tide.
I won’t enjoy its childish dreams or take comfort from its moon.
You’ll forget how those yellow fireflies and red tents transformed you into a little boy,
And the colorful soft streams demanded your love.
 Jan 2013 Alice Kay
I threw your heart out to sea
Just to see if it would drown.
I carried the weight and pole,
Fishing for that blue soul.

This is the house of mystery
And your the guessing game.

Just as you caught the world
Old Atlas strung and stronge.
Ignited a blooming flower
With love and merry song.

But today I'm traveling on,
Traveling on.
 Jan 2013 Alice Kay
Lucky Queue
Lies are lullabies
Sweet songs that we sing
To ourselves and to others
Trying to convince ourselves
That something isn't our fault
That our world is more utopian than
Reality allows for
We tell ourselves that
It's better to live a lie
Than face the harsh world
Without our emerald glasses
Or maybe everything we believe
In is a lie*
The faerie tales have even been
Changed to suit our own needs
Pretty ballgowns and sparkling glass shoes
Forget the truths of rags, dirt, blood and filth
The romance still remains
But the glamorous side is tougher
More truthful, less plastic
The grime and dirt gives the story life
These Disney-fied, prettied up stories
Are just machine made, molded
Plastic. Commercialised. Dead.
And they spell faerie wrong too
Wrote this a couple weeks ago, thanks to star and nick for the inspiration :)
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