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Happy birthday...
I love you.
I miss you.
Why can't you stay?
Please come back...
It's her birthday today...
I miss those nights when we would text till 2.AM.
Where have they gone?
It seems only yesterday I looked at the clock and replied "Whoa it's half-past 2!"
Now you're too busy...
You notice how angry I am?
You FINALLY notice that what you did is wrong?
You're "gonna change?"
No you're not.
You're the same creeper, the same stalker.
I didn't mean to tell you anything. I didn't WANT to tell you.
Yet you made me your puppet so you'd keep it quiet.
I'd tell you to **** yourself but you do too much already.
A certain train-loving stalker is blackmailing me again.... *sigh*
Frozen, flaky, fragments
Of forward flashing time
Stellar stars are stupefied
When you beg them to align

For angry angels answer
And angry angels weep
Scribbled constellations
Will sing your soul to sleep
Alliteration what
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
Sara Teasdale
I said, “I have shut my heart
As one shuts an open door,
That Love may starve therein
And trouble me no more.”

But over the roofs there came
The wet new wind of May,
And a tune blew up from the curb
Where the street-pianos play.

My room was white with the sun
And Love cried out in me,
“I am strong, I will break your heart
Unless you set me free.”
The Broken Ties of happier days,
    How often do they seem
To come before our mental gaze.
    Like a remembered dream;
Around us each dissevered chain,
I    n sparkling ruin lies.
And earthly hand can ne'er again
    Unite those Broken Ties.

The parents of our infant home,
    The kindred that we loved,
Far from our arms perchance may roam.
    To distant scenes removed,
Or we have watched their parting breath,
    And closed their weary eyes,
And sighed to think how sadly death
    Can sever human ties.

The friends, the loved ones of our youth,
    They too are gone or changed,
Or worse than all, their love and truth
    Are darkened and estranged;
They meet us in the glittering throng
    With cold averted eyes,
And wonder that we weep our wrong,
    And mourn our Broken Ties.

Oh !  who in such a world as this,
    Could bear their lot of pain,
Did not one radiant hope bliss
    Unclouded yet remain?
That hope the Sovereign Lord has given,
    Who reigns beyond the skies;
That hope unites our souls to Heaven,
    By Faith's enduring ties.

Each care, each ill of mortal birth,
    Is sent in pitying love,
To lift the lingering heart from earth,
    And speed its flight above;
And every pang that rends the breast,
    And every joy that dies,
Tell us to seek a safer rest,
    And trust to holier ties.
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
Emma Spalding
You told me all of these
lovely, wonderful, amazing
things that I had been longing to hear.
But when you said it all,
I had no idea what to say.
You said such beautiful things and I..
I stumble on my words and sound so clumsy.
So instead, I said nothing at all.
I smiled and kissed you
wishing I had the courage to speak.
She was afraid
But aren't we all
Afraid that we'll drown
afraid that we'll fall

She was alone
Her, her, and her
In a room that was silent
Where nothing would stir

She was a fool
Dumb and naive
A silly little girl
With her heart on her sleeve

She was a dreamer
You're ****** if you're not
Hope keeps you fighting
...or that's what she thought
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
Don't listen to a word I say,
                         The screams all sound the same.
                  Though the truth may vary,
    This ship will carry our bodies,
Safely to shore.
From the song Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men
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