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I'm really tired of this
You were the one who wanted to be friends
You were the one who said it
not me
I was ready to let it go, like it never happened but you insisted
Now you're acting like I have some sort of disease you're going to catch from 350 kilometres away
Get a grip

Why weren't you just honest with me?
If I had known this is how it would go I would have just kept my mouth shut

It's the least you can do
just message me back when I know you've seen it
I'm not going to throw myself at you like you're the best ******* thing in the world
Acknowledging my existence isn't going to make me jump off a cliff for you
You're nothing
not any more

I just wish you would keep your promise
talk to me
be my friend like you said you would be
And if you can't even bear to do that at least have the decency to pretend

You must not know how it feels
you must not have felt it yet
I hope someone breaks your heart
wake up.
I love waves.
I can touch them but I can't catch them.
Maybe that's why I love them, they are so touchable but so unreachable at the same time.
It's a crazy feeling you get when you love something like that,
something that's not concrete but it's not abstract,
something you can point to but you can't actually see.
There is not one
Not a single one
Not a single one reason
Not a single one reason why I should feel this way

But I do
And I'm starting to think
Either I'm crazy
Or I made the wrong decision
I should've started listening sooner
It's hard to admit when you're wrong.
This screeching silence makes me think
Maybe I'm not so intoverted
As everyone including me thought

One second surrounded by people
Who know me
Who like me
Who comfort me
And the next saying yet another goodbye
And the next who the hell can even count-

Sometimes solitude revives
And sometimes it kills
  Oct 2014 Alexandra Garfield
Since when was being called a child an insult?
Is a child so dumb and unknowing?
Is a child not a sponge absorbing knowledge and experience?

If I'm called childish, it seems more a compliment than an insult.
You never gave me anything of you to hold onto

Not a word
Or a smile
Not a look
Or a graze

So why am I still hanging here
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