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Apr 2017 · 344
Alex Kapecki Apr 2017
People suspended like puppets from the medicine
Everyone can feel their strings
Willed by the hands of a creator
Or guarded by spirits from centuries of worship

Look where we dance
Look at how we smile for a shared guess
Wonder how you sleep?
Make yourself an offer for your children
You can't give up the poison
Your neighbor has a fetish
How many strings hold you up?
Apr 2017 · 967
Stranded At Sea
Alex Kapecki Apr 2017
It's impossible to be stranded at sea without loathing your brothers and sisters of the blood
I can tell you all things you already know about silence
It's impossible to experience silence even when stranded at sea
You'll always have screams in your mind to break the silence
Wether you hear them or not
Troubled centering of youth
Both a flesh and a shell
Leveling your every passion to a sheet of comfort
Suddenly one day you wake up feeling alone
You can't explain yourself
You can't find sanctuary in anything but your own squirming mind
Stranded at sea you have the moments of euphoric isolation then crippling delusional silence
Some noises sound silent but are in fact louder than anything else
Stranded at sea you have no option for asylum or temptation for youth
Your troubles are not what swims underneath your thin raft
Your troubles float in an invisible orb in your void of contentment
All impartial to the self taught interaction of various possibilities
Challenge the possibilities and you'll never rest again

I'm so tired of floating on my safety
But the mysteries beneath beckon like a dead prisoner

Stranded at sea I close my eyes in the baking sun and observe every atom that makes up my sight
Efforts are futile but respected by the jury of neurons and nerves
Stranded at sea my skin slowly burns off my bones
My skull shrinks and my stomach digests any and all hope remaining
Stranded at sea I will die
But at least I'll die stranded
Apr 2017 · 365
The Empire Of Strings
Alex Kapecki Apr 2017
The empire of strings
The garden of war-bugs
The misshapen things
Sight of the unfortunate
Believing for fear for courage
The bird of death potency sings
For the empire of strings

— The End —