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 Mar 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra
Watching the night sky,

all I want is to fly,

so far away,

where there are no hardships in the way,

away from all the worries,

in a land of fairies.

Watching life change its course,

opening and closing various doors,

I try to grab every opportunity that comes my way,

to row my boat a long way.
 Mar 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra
Life is all about experiences,

Some may be good, some may be bad

But you’ve to embrace them all

Life is queer with its twists and turns

You may not be happy with what’s in store,

But you’ve to embrace them all

All you've to do is learn from your past,

And don’t repeat those mistakes

So those regretful memories don’t last.

No one said life would be easy,

But, in the end,  it would be worth it.
A Thick Chord Echoed,
Weaving With Sly Precision,
Through The Sleeping Trees,
At The Sound Of Such Beauty,
I Decided I Must Sing
 Mar 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra

I've been so busy
As mothers often are
It's why I can't write much.


J'ai été tellement occupé
Comme souvent, les mères sont
C'est pourquoi je ne peux pas écrire beaucoup.

I've been busy lately and so that's why you don't see me writing poetry on HP much. . . But I'll try to write here as often as possible.
 Mar 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra
Grace walked hand in hand with me,
In the pretty green lea,
Then she picked a flower;
And drinked in it's beauty, forgetting about the hour.

Grace walked hand in hand with me,
Out to the pretty blue sea,
We picked up sea-shells on the shore;
And found jewels that no pirate ever found before.

We waded in the waves, and rested in the sand,
Grace and I near the sea walked hand in hand,
And found buried treasures of old;
But were the brightest of all instead of dull and burried with mold.

Grace and I walked hand in hand today,
Out near the lakes where flamingos wade and play,
And where birds never had flown so high;
In the royal sapphire sky.

We walked hand in hand together,
We were time is forever,
Right here in Fairyland;
Grace and I walked hand in hand.

In Summer we walk in the meadow,
In Winter we laugh we snow kisses our cheeks and we have fun in the snow,
Out be the sea of eternity;
Grace walked hand in hand with me.

For my sweet and most beautiful sis and princess, Madi Grace!!! <3 I love you so much!!! You rain such peace and amazing Grace, Madi!!!! And this poem is all for you!!! <3<3
 Mar 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra
Think that
Christmas is
Very pretty
Like the falling snow
That kisses my fair cheeks
With pretty lacy snowflakes
That fall on a cold Winter's day
Christmas is such a sweet Holiday

"In love, what do you expect?"
her eyes peering into his, seems to ask,
His smile answers
"love demands nothing"
 Mar 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra
Thank you, my dearest Mom!
For everything!
I appreciate everything you've ever done for me
Like helping me with my bedroom!!

And also for just being my loveliest and prettiest Mom
I always appreciate everything you ever do
Even though I may not show it in the way I would like to
But please know that you're the best!!! Truthfully!

I hope you always know that your daughter, Marian
Always loves you and cares for you so much, ever so much
And that she thinks you are the BEST
Because you are the BEST

I love you ever so much more than
You'll ever know
And the same goes for Dad too
Even though me and him like to tease each other sometimes!!

But that is just a sign of love
Sweet, pure, and innocent and warm
A love of purest joy and warmest bonds
Between me, and you Mom, and Dad

I love you both so much!! After Jesus you are the most
Wonderful of wonderfuls!!!

For both of my parents who are the BEST EVER (after Jesus, that is)!!!!!!! I love you both so much more than you'll ever know!!! <3<3
 Mar 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra
Water for the thirsty desert
I know it would drink every drop
Because I've been thirsty before many times
And I know how it feels to be thirsty and
Parched and then to have a drink of water
And it feels wonderful like rain in a desert
So I know the sand would turn to mud
And after that things would start to grow
And it wouldn't be a desert anymore
It would be a place to live
Like all the others

I know it probably sounds silly but I just had to write it! How have I done?
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