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The Dawning Sky Awaits For Me,**
It's Time For Me To *Soar
 Mar 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra

Such beauty takes away my breath
As the sunrays shine across the peaceful path
The trees of this forest sway and nod in the dancing breeze
Which caresses my cheeks

Pastel clouds in the watercolor sky
Makes the forest with its path beautiful
And birds sing and warble in the tall treetops
God alone creates this beauty

The bluebells bordering the path
Are kissed by sparkling dewdrops
And snowdrops have long come out of
Their veil of snow

Lacy green leaves from the blowing trees
Provide shade in the sweet summer
And the breezes provide coolness on a hot day
At this lovely place of beauty


Une telle beauté enlève mon souffle
Comme les rayons du soleil brille à travers la voie pacifique
Les arbres de cette forêt se balancent et hocher la tête dans la brise dansante
Qui caresse mes joues

Pastels nuages dans le ciel aquarelle
Rend la forêt avec son chemin belle
Et les oiseaux chantent et modulées dans les hautes cimes
Dieu seul crée cette beauté

Les jacinthes qui bordent le chemin
Sont caressées par les gouttes de rosée mousseux
Perce-neige viennent depuis longtemps de
Leur voile de neige

Dentelles feuilles vertes des arbres de soufflage
Fournir de l'ombre en été douce
Et les brises offrent fraîcheur par une chaude journée
À ce bel endroit d'une beauté

 Mar 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra

I do love to write
When I am not doing work
This is what I say.


J'aime écrire
Quand je ne fais pas de travail
C'est ce que je dis.

 Mar 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra
Little noses sniffing
Eagerly waiting for their meal
Little meows are heard
And paws tap me and my Mom's skirts

Haha thinking about how our cats cry and beg us for their meals!!
 Mar 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra

The air is filled with the song of birds
And the cooing of the mourning dove
Pastel clouds float across the morning sky
And the sun smiles happily at the dew
Which kisses the faces of flowers and plants
Cool breezes caress my cheeks
And the trees bow and nod in the blowing wind
Paths are greeted with the beautiful morning-
A lovely new day
Beauty is everywhere!


L'air est rempli avec le chant des oiseaux
Et le roucoulement de la Tourterelle triste
Pastels nuages flottent dans le ciel du matin
Et le soleil sourit joyeusement la rosée
Qui embrasse les visages des fleurs et plantes
Brises fraîches caressent mes joues
Et l'arc d'arbres et de clin de œil dans le vent soufflant
Chemins d'accès sont accueillis avec le beau matin-
Une belle journée
La beauté est partout !

 Mar 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra
Hello, my friends!
I am so glad to be here
Happily writing with pen and ink
Or typing on the computer

Hello, sweet friends!
It's so wonderful to be here, my dears
I'm so happy I met you, dear friends
Ever since I first joined in this huge circle of poets

Hello, my friends!
Pretty soon I'll say "goodnight"
But I shall see you very soon I hope
And I'll greet you with hugs tight

Goodnight, dear friends!
I'll see you soon
I shall meet you in Dreamland tonight
Where Faeries sprinkle dreams into our heads

Goodnight, sweet friends!

 Mar 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra
Part I

Goodnight under the shimmering Moon
It's lacy shadows reflecting into the lake
As it moves across the sky silently
Like a bowl that tips to it's side and spills out
D. R. E. A. M. S

Goodnight under the shimmering Moon
Where breezes blow and stirr the trees
And the sweet smell of lavender
Drifts through my bedroom window

Goodnight under the shimmering Moon
Where dreams forever are
And where dreams are always pretty
But where they never end

Goodnight under the shimmering Moon
Where dreams forever reside
And where they always come true
Under the shimmering Moon there's a place for me and you

 Mar 2013 Akarshi Mehrotra
Part I  

Cicadas and katydids
Sing from the branches of the lilac bush
And whippoorwills call
From the lacy green weeping willow tassels

And fragrant buds unfurl their petals
While owls hoot to each other
And the Moon looks silently on
While Fairies dance and sing

And I watch the Fairies dance
On the enchanted Moonlit Forest path
And as they dance they sing their enchanting lullaby
And hush the whole world to sleep with a sweet "goodnight"

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