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 Jun 2013 AJ Salazar
I've noticed that
you glow when you're in love
so she must be something special
because you're positively
 Jun 2013 AJ Salazar
Another night without you,
morning come and you're gone.
Where are you,
in a world filled with hatred and war.
I hope you're somewhere safe,
somewhere much more inviting.

Children with their fathers,
hand in hand,
laughing until they can laugh no more.
And I sit alone,
quietly watching them with the fear
that I will never see my daddy again.

I've cried all my tears,
I haven't laughed for the whole year.
There's not a day I don't think about you,
or a day I don't miss you.

Maybe, someday,
we will meet again.
In an afterlife
with so much more joy than this one.

But I hope you'll recognize the broken girl I've become,
with scarred wrists and teared eyes.
I'm not the happy child I was when you left,
I'm something much darker.

It's not a happy Father's Day for the fatherless.
 Jun 2013 AJ Salazar
Sharina Saad
Juliet looks at her watch
feeling bored,  Mrs Saad please stop blabbering
Juliet glances at her friends
ah cmon, stop pretending writing notes
Juliet stares at the whiteboard
The alphabets are dancing
The sentences jumbled up
Juliet looks again at her watch
convinced Mrs Saad would never stop
Juliet peeps between Steve and Chris
there is Romeo looking so serious
concentrating in Literature class
Romeo is the most outstanding
His art is most envied
Now Juliet feels ashamed
To win Romeo, she should at least
try to write a stanza of poem
role play a scene from Shakespeare
and write a script for a play...
who would notice her enchanting beauty
In Mrs Saad's  literature class
unless she proves the beauty of her brain
in a form of literary texts that convince
and win....
so to all Juliets in my class, stop building castle in the air...
 Jun 2013 AJ Salazar
Callie Dee
What is love
A four letter word
is it a decision, a feeling
Or maybe a verb?
Can you feel it in your gut
or maybe circling in your head?
Can you find it in the store
Or find it in your bed?
Does it change with the weather
Or like a plant grow?
Does it flutter like butterflies
or will it never go?
Is it a grand affair
Like the Town Parade?
Or is a secret,
a silly game fools play?
Is it the scent of a flower
a most breath taking bloom?
Or a smell so rancid
it can clear the room
Love to me
is sweeter than air
A feeling no words
can even compare
covers you like a blanket
of the purest white snow
The love that I feel
will never want to go
But make life better
us against them
and should we fall
get up and do it again
Its the sweetest smelling flowers
gardens for miles
It's a colorful sunset
Whatever to make you smile
Its not found at the store
or in a bar, or your bed
It's a conscious decision
choices made in my head
Because feelings lie
and marriage is dead.
I could be like the world
But I'll do Proverbs 31:10 instead.
 Jun 2013 AJ Salazar
 Jun 2013 AJ Salazar
Nightmares sometimes become reality,
A walking, living experience you didn't think
Was real, tangible, possible,
Until your fears come true.

Nightmares aren't subject to night,
When all is dark and shadowed;
Sometimes nightmares are set in broad daylight,
Where you can see it all unfold.

Nightmares aren't so cliché,
Where clowns chase you,
You end up naked in public,
Or you're free falling from a cliff.

No, nightmares are becoming
Your worst version of yourself
And imposing that upon others,
And realizing you made their reality a nightmare too.

Nightmares are becoming what used to
Grapple at your feet,
What would pull you down,
And keep you from standing back up.

Nightmares are when the things that hurt you
End up becoming familiar enough that
You hurt other people the same way,
And you're now apart of a cycle.

Nightmares are when you lead
Someone else into your own,
Long enough that you become the nightmare
Rather than just enduring one.
 Jun 2013 AJ Salazar
I don't think we did

I know we both remember
those nights so long ago
when all our  limbs would tremble
as we thought we would know
... it wouldn't last

but it did

Still we face another day
and skin to skin we touch
Our hearts remember
We belong together
but only by so much

I thought we did

Did you forget the Summer night
we camped out by the stream?
Nature blessed us with a beautiful night
and blessed me with a dream

I remember it did

Did you forget about the night
on the sheepskin on the floor
Eternal love is when I look into eyes
of our Daughter created that night
who we both adore

I know you didnt

No two lives are ever the same
and for that I won't take blame
We're opposites but a perfect match
we got lost inside the game

I think we did*

Laying next to you
in the dark of night
is the only thing
in this world
that keeps me sane

Vows whisper across skin
beneath our fingertips
asking you and me?
and the answer would be,

*We will never forget
 Jun 2013 AJ Salazar
Kyleigh Anne
Love is so often misunderstood
It is a feeling that is very rare
Love takes time
Time to create trust and to build walls
Walls of protection to keep out muggles
For love is magic and it must be kept safe
If it falls into the wrong hands
Love will fade
Between you and I, surrounded by our walls
I am happily in love with you
 Jun 2013 AJ Salazar
I wish you would take me and make me your own
and I wish you and I could run away together
to our own tiny, unknown paradise
a land to call our own and a love to call perfect
me and you, two teenage **** ups with
nothing left but each other
you and me, though young and foolish,
perfect for each other
but our love was always under the weather
we were never going to be perfect
'cause you were never going to be in love
with a shy sad girl who you little acknowledge
but I love you with all of my heart
and I really hope you see that
you blank me out like I am nothing because
that's the honest truth
I really am a nobody to you
but I love you
and that's all that counts
and I hope when you're alone
and you have no one else to think about
I cross your mind
from time to time
and I hope you smile slightly
 Jun 2013 AJ Salazar
you say you’re at rock bottom
that there’s nothing lower than you
but you're wrong

there are rocks lower yet
and there’s always a chance to
float back to the surface
 Jun 2013 AJ Salazar
ken ken
I want to write you

there are are so many ways to describe you

who are you?
could you be just like me?

we may become the greatest of friends.
we may become lovers.

Lysander and Helena
not exactly a Romeo and Juliet

I could write you.
just the way I imagine you'd be.
I can only dream.
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