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Jose Luis Carreño Troncoso
M/Chile, San Antonio    " IN THE DANGER GROWS, WHICH ALSO SAVE US..." Tragediographer and Submythological Demiurge - Screenwriter, Novelist, Essayist, Tragic Poet, Narrator-Storyteller Translator and Researcher.
jeffrey conyers
united states    A proud African American male simply called an American. Who interested in church and the vision of God? And admire the illustrations, of Neal Adams …
Broken Pieces
19/F/Looking for home🛣️    "I'm still trying to forgive myself for all of the things I failed to become. I'm still trying to make peace with the broken pieces …
Max Neumann
M/Inner Shelter    Writing poetry since 2002
Mohan Jaipuri
60/M/India    All poems are my inner voice and are protected under copyright laws.
I wrote 2301 verses here. Moved to my own website since then. Adios!
Wandering and wondering, around and about.

— The End —