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Adam Childs Jun 2016
Not knowing where I am going
I am lost in an forgotten hinterland

I used to have such direction
But now I have absolutely none.

Wondering in this place
I am lost in Outer space

Surrounded by cloud
Like cotton wool

As all my lists
Dissolve into the mist

I look north, east ,south and west
No land marks valleys or peaks

As I sniff a little heather
And become as lite as a feather

Somewhere in my stomach
I feel an empty passage

But I take a gentle breath as
Something says nothing is urgent

I am cushioned by the cosiness
of the spongy undergrowth

As I Feel myself grow I delve
Into the peaty marshes bellow

Lost in this sleepy land
I can not help but enjoy

The forgotten Hinterland
Adam Childs Jun 2016
Are we to reject a greater unity
for the sake of a superficial
For does not the richness of
every need its canvas.
And every flower deserve a special
place in the garden.
As every star sits in the nights sky
belonging to a constellation.
I never hear them complaining
only gently sparkling.

Are we to reverse down a dark alley
not knowing where we are going.
Do we wish to offer a clenched fist
or are we to open our hand and heart.
Have we become so inwardly looking
that we switch of our lights close our
eyes as a room full of blind nations
continue to fight.

Are we to be influenced by papers
that serendipitously cloud the difference
between EU immigrants and Syrian refugee's.
As Rupert Murdoch and corperate power
divides and conquers.
Trillions gather of shore sit on the world
like a giant cancer and all we do is fight
with each other.
As they in circle us with their power we become
the entertainment at their coliseum.
Or do we pour love within the gaps becoming all
so much closer bringing back all our power.

Are we to live in a shrinking world where
other people's problems do not matter.
Is it time to close our eyes or time to look
in the mirror.
Out out out keep the bad guys out
as though our hands were clean
that we had never done anything wrong.
Are we we to cling to a penny pinching surface
or delve into the depths of our character looking for
a deeper treasure that truly matters.

Will not the true values of our heart not proper
when connected more deeply on the inside
and out.
By clinging to a superficial sovereignty we may
find ourselves also clinging to a wobbly mast.
As our island drifts of into a rough sea we maybe
to involved with surviving that we forget
who we truly are.
Just in response to the many who wish to leave the EU
Adam Childs May 2016
I just want to say I love this site
whether i feel I have created some art
or just improved my head space
when I post a piece.
I love the the way support each other
through our emotions
Adam Childs May 2016
Walking through the darkness
A world made of ash
Everyday I keep on walking
My feet keep on burning

Tyrants live in temples
Made of the broken
Relaxing with their
Model girlfriend

Shareholders count their
War dividends as they send
Their children to Eton
While in a distant land
a little girl
just got Shot

Lost in the darkness
Brutality has no ending
Looking to balance the equation
Only finding a black hole
a never ending continuum

As people preach of hope
But are so often wrong
More flowers placed by
The roadside why do the good
Often die young

As single mums struggle
tormented by ex lovers
Who walk away smiling
With their new girlfriend

As the faint hearted
Seek reason where there is none
And sense in the senseless
Like broken glass
can ever have any purpose

But as good deeds do lie
Buried unseen forgotten
In their life only find ruin
Let us not betray the scattered
Lights discarded by life  
Thrown to the wind like ash
Let them be our stars

For however dim my shine
However weak I may feel
I stand with God by my side
Holding my hand

Softly whispering
" Please not you Adam
don't let me loose you
hang on  
let me just love you"

As I promise to hold  
Onto goodness
Like a flower
On a cliff edge

And however faint
I maybe
Like a distant star
I shine
And shine
I do
with new  hope
Adam Childs Apr 2016
Cheap is what they call me
as the play their game of
parse the parcel with
laughter and a chuckle.

Walking with a sleepy smile
in my waking dream
an inner nightmare
I cannot scream

Needing some company
I sell my body, accelerating
into a black hole as I look
for another soul.

An abandoned child
who has no father
waiting for a missing piece
to fill an empty space

Feeling invaded has become my
normal as I hide a million wounds
in the camera.

As the audience
becomes my shelter
bright lights are my protection

Always lived in a glass room
the whole world looking in
as my sense of boundaries
disappear trampled on.

As I sometimes find a full on
invasion like carpet bombing
much easier than a more
secret drone intrusion.

Images taken passed on
like domino's falling
spread like butter across
the internet for digestion.

I some how wish i had boundaries
that there was someone who could
help me rebuild them.
But maybe that is not me
maybe it is true what they say
maybe i am ...........
just experimenting
Adam Childs Apr 2016
I softly cradle and embrace
My deepest pain
firmly but not tightly
Holding gently
Kissing her forehead lightly
Sitting quietly  
Watching over her nightly

Tenderly tucking her up
Like a great army my
My Love surrounds her
I cherish her
Like my child
As I secure her safety

I sometimes whisper
Into her ear
Late at night
" you are doing fine treasure"
But she cannot hear

As the venom of the world
Falls like rain drops of acid
Onto fresh skin
As many holes are burnt
Into my delicate heart
As I feel her many screams
But delivered by many chariots
she finds her new streams

As we find the secret passage
the hidden path
The kept secret
To keep us apart
As we find the way
Up the mountain
That had long been forgotten

As I slide through the
Many layers of pain
I find much silver,
And precious stone
With all my deep down parts yelling
I also find a
Crystal clear diamond

As hell is not my damnation
But some how my salvation
Somewhere deep in my soul
Which I treasure and hold
As I find my wounds
Become my freedom
As all cages are broken

For I welcome pain
I say,
"Come on
Come In
Sit down
have a cup of tea
Feel human again"
As I live in deep comfort
With arm chairs
But no conflict

So eagerly I confront
My many wounds
And all my pain
Rushing quickly
Like water down a mountain
I walk through the valley
But carry no doubt
Carving canyons
That forever
Hold their Beauty

Walking the narrow path
Between sensitivity and pain
Is not an easy task
But with the MAGIC
word YES
You will gain
A twinkle in your eye
The many Stars above
And a Vast Ocean
Adam Childs Mar 2016
Addiction is
My something bitter
My something sweet

An unholy nightmare
I partly love
But mostly hate

My happiness ripped away
Like cement from a building
I cannot move
For inside out
I am crumbling

All around me my house is collapsing
As I find myself wide open
Standing in the rain
Which keeps falling
Just need a little more numbing

As I am bound to my body
Like an Egyptian mummy
A fight I can not win

Give me another
Another drink
Another pill
Another line

I am not sure
If I can even tell
The difference anymore

A vacuum under my feet
Where floor boards
Once met
My self esteem gone

A diminishing will that
Once stood like a mountain
Is now just empty Canyon

I am Sledging in the snow
Sliding down a mountain
But some how all
My joy has gone

My desire dissolving
Into a glass as
My heart has given in
As I fall into a drain  

Humiliated I feel
As I escape into another pill
As I am truly conquered
But not by a great army
Just my weak will

Slipping to my death
In quicksand I am sinking
And all I think is
Is Spar Open

Skidding on black ice
I can see I am about to crash
But I can not even flinch
Just have another drink

As I take another dive
If only there was
Something inside of me
That could say
Lets stay a Live

Then maybe I could pull
Out of this

My unholy nightmare
I partly love
But mostly hate

My something bitter
My something sweet
But mostly I hate
I just wanted to make the point that often addiction comes when life for some reason has taken away someones basic happiness
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