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Life descends into the vice of those who judge...
Unconditional opinions give those the nudge...
The nudge into darkness we ride...
Back into the corner we hide...
From those high on life's pleading destruction...
It's hard for us to begin our reconstruction...
People unable to enter society's plains...
Due to the judgmental's menacing claims...
It's time we stop listening to those of scorn...
It's time to know those are the ones truly torn...
For we are all beautiful in our own little ways...
It's time to realise it with no more delays...

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
My heart will not be denied
Soul, body, and mind
I will not be confined
I'll reach for the sky
This, I will live by

Even after I die
I will be immortal
My words have no goodbyes

**-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
The strain of survival in its most righteous form
Fighting arrogance through a repetitive storm

Day in and day out I pled guilty to incompetence
Bowing to the man who wears a crown of dominance

Seen through his lens of ineffectual views
Is the man of abhorrence yet to pay his dues

The roars of demise are seen as sweet
To the man who is begging for rigorous defeat

The man screams and he shouts for an endless battle
While I stand from afar seeing him beat from his cattle

The man seeks for loyalty in all the wrong places
True colors can't be veiled behind multiple faces

**Weakened with regret of abusing all his peers
He is forever lost in his home made of tears

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
A place with elves
dwarves, hobbits and men
A place with tales
We hear again and again

A place with adventure
That will never die
A place to laugh
And a place to cry

A place with songs
Of ancient days
Sung by elves
Merry and gay

A place where you hear
The hobbits laughter
Where they live
Happily ever after

Where mountains are filled
With silver and gold
Where the dwarves mine
Mighty and bold

A place with men
In cities of stone
And their great king
Sits on a beautiful throne

A place with lore
To others unknown
A place that I love
A place that's my own

There I live
And there will I die
In middle earth
My heart will lie
The grass is green
And blue is the sky
The air is clean
And the clouds sail by

Far up in the Tallest tree
The birds sing Jolly and free

The children are running
In the meadows and play
It truly is a beautiful day

Our hearts are warm
And free from fear
That's how we know
Summer is here
What I can feel
I've never felt before
This burning desire
I just can't ignore

It must be a spell
Cast from hell
What else could this be
Who has taken hold of me

This evil temptation
I cannot resist
You must truly be
The most evil witch

Your enchanting eyes
And irresistible lips
That dark blonde hair
And those beautiful hips

But I have to resist
I have to be strong
Before I do something terribly wrong
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