In the dark of night
I snuck out of bed
The monster picked a fight
So quickly I fled
Stood by my sister, poked her a bit
A sleepy frown above her eyes
She told me to sit
I was scared and she was wise
She pulled the cover over me
And told me to sleep
She was a big girl, older than me
She held me close, I needn't weep
I dreamed of fields with flowers
And strange round trees
Mountains with towers
And puddles with bees
She stood beside me
Like a light beam
Watching over me
Setting me free
I was brave for a time
Brave as brave could be
Searching for the monster
Hiding up the tree
The monster saw me
I screamed, he’s got me
Oh no he’s not
We both jumped under the covers
My sister and me.
Lily Nurmi & Paul Gaffney.