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 Jan 2016 acinonyxe
Olivia Kent
Have a passion for music.
A passion for plays.
Must be left overs of purplish haze daze.
A passion for words and good looking birds.
Elegant peacocks and pheasants that flap.
Tail feathers extended in preparation for glory.
Male display is a vigorous thing.
All for the sake of having a fling.
 Jan 2016 acinonyxe
In the dark of night

I snuck out of bed

The monster picked a fight

So quickly I fled

Stood by my sister, poked her a bit

A sleepy frown above her eyes

She told me to sit

I was scared and she was wise

She pulled the cover over me

And told me to sleep

She was a big girl, older than me

She held me close, I needn't weep

I dreamed of fields with flowers

And strange round trees

Mountains with towers

And puddles with bees

She stood beside me

Like a  light beam

Watching over me

Setting me free

I was brave for a time

Brave as brave could be

Searching for the monster

Hiding up the tree

The monster saw me

I screamed, he’s got me

Oh no he’s not

We both jumped under the covers

My sister and me.

                                   Lily Nurmi & Paul Gaffney.
 Jan 2016 acinonyxe
Arlo Disarray
Drowning in thoughts, my face covered in paint
Stains on my shirt, no food, gonna faint
I'm telling the words to come out, but they ain't
What the **** was I saying?

My blood on the wall with bits of my skin
Knuckles part busted, and bones wearing thin
Head spinning, heart racing, feeling dizzy again
Wait, what the **** was I just saying?

Screeching out songs on my haggard geetar
As my vocal cords bust and expose blood and tar
Split my lips open too, teeth have traveled too far
Seriously, though. What the **** was I just saying?
death walks among us
offering free drinks
we are a party
where the last guest to leave
is fallen down
and caught
the trees themselves fortell
our fated silences
extinctions as sudden as
a candle being lit
late to the taper
quick to the blade
we are merely guests
in the house
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