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1.2k · Jul 2010
40 Winks - senryu
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Full belly, warm day.
Perfect mix for siesta.
I'll just close my eyes...
1.2k · Jul 2011
Holding hands.
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2011
The lightest touch,
A whispered glance,
Each time you take my hand.

A gentle squeeze,
will stay with me,
while I'm in foreign lands.

Side by side,
I walk with you,
although we are apart.

Your hand will always be in mine,
As you are,
in my heart.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010
1.2k · Jul 2011
Share with me...
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2011
Share with me your dreams my love,
and my promise to you.
Is to be there by your side,
and see they all come true.

Share with me a wish my love,
of how your life should be.
And I will promise you my love,
that it will come to be.

Share with me your heart my love,
a gift so great and true.
And I will hold you close to mine,
in everything I do.

Share with me your life my love,
from first breath unto last.
And we will live in dream’s my love,
until all nights have passed.
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
1.2k · Aug 2010
Simplicity vs. the machine
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
I am but a simple fisherman
just out to catch one fish
Not nets have I when fishing
for just one will fill my dish

I am but a simple hunter
a single arrow's all I need
no quiver do I carry
one **** will my family feed

I am but a simple farmer
ploughing fields still by hand
I have grow enough and never more
lest it rot within the land

These simple ways have all but gone
replaced by corporate greed
where we take like no tomorrow
it doesn't matter what we need

One day the rivers will be empty
and the game will all be gone
and the land will be so tired
how did we let it go so wrong?
1.2k · Jan 2011
Speaking up
A Thomas Hawkins Jan 2011
You tell me bout this guy you know
that's gentle kind and true
That has given you new life
banished all that made you blue

You tell me that he's handsome
that you love the way he smiles
That he's touched your very soul
bridged a gap of many miles

You tell me that you think of him
from time to time throughout the day
That you're filled with a such a yearning
wishing he wasn't far away.

And when you tell me of your plan
to surprise him with a trip
I feel that old familiar pain
of a heart about to rip

You're gonna just get on a plane
and turn up at his door
to see the look upon his face
and watch his jaw drop to the floor

Are you really that insensitive
thoughtless, even blind
To boast about some other guy
while leaving me behind

Perhaps I should have spoken up
and told you how I feel
Maybe then you'd skip the fantasy
and stick with something real

But your probably there already
I should have said all this before
and told you I'm in love with you...
One second, someones at the door...
1.2k · Jul 2010
My first acrostic poem
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Of something more than romantic flirtation
The chance to discover the truth behind the spark
Expectations, I have none
No plans, no hopes, no dreams of how things may turn out
To expect is to hope at the expense of all others
In doing so alternatives can't help but get pushed to one side
And thats the last thing I would want.
Lets just see what happens shall we?
Never done one of these before, I hope it doesn't show too much.
1.2k · Sep 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
Caught somewhere in the middle
between the darkness and the light
Her life lived in the shadows
seeking solace in the night

Innocence and tragedy
too often hand in hand
a purity of spirit
too good to grace this land

Escaping from her demons
and echoes of the past
ascending toward heaven
to redemption, peace at last.
1.2k · Jul 2011
Lost valentine.
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2011
Where are you now my Valentine,
When I need you the most,
Will you come see me once more,
Or vanish like a ghost.

Are you there my Valentine,
Were you ever real
Did I ever hold you close,
Or just dream the way I feel.

I hope and pray, my Valentine,
You wait somewhere for me,
Just out of sight,
And out of reach,
This day to set me free.
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
1.2k · Oct 2010
Little things
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
Its the little things that mean so much
The whispered dreams, the slightest touch

Catching the smile you tried to hide
Being met at the door, arms open wide

Feeling your hand reach for mine
not having to read between the lines

Brushing the hair back from your eyes
watching comets cross the skies

Picking you up whenever you're down
using a kiss to cure a frown

Knowing it matters and knowing you care
Waking each morning and feeling you there

Its the little things and what they mean
that make this life we share a dream.

1.2k · Aug 2010
The gift
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Sometimes we measure the value of a gift based solely on its value
"Wow those aren't cheap"
"That must have cost him a pretty penny"
"Thats quite the gift"

All of these things are said as if to impart something special about the gift, as if its increased value increases its value.

And yet the exact same thing can be a bad thing
"Oh its too much, really it is"
"But we hardly know each other"
"I wish you hadn't, it's too soon"

But the irony of all this...

Is that the greatest gift costs nothing

The greatest gift is free

And of all the gifts you ever give to someone, this is the one that you hope above all hope that they return. No receipt necessary.

You can't buy it because its not for sale

You can't create it because it has no parts.

No assembly required (or batteries)

You can't wrap it up in nice paper with a big bow on it because it has no substance.

It doesn't come in a small velvet box

It will always match your eyes, your shoes, your purse and whatever outfit you wear.

It will always fit you perfectly

And it will never make your **** look big

It doesn't wear out, break down, go out of style, look old and jaded or ever get faded.

It grows.

Without sun

Without water

Without effort

This is the gift that I have to give, and all you need to do is know it.
1.2k · Mar 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Mar 2010
In solitude I sit
quieting my mind
with peace and stillness all around
my inner self I find

A tranquility so beautiful
A silenced deafening roar
of normal life that carries on
beyond this temple door

Colours vivid, vibrant hues
a clarity unmatched
shattered like glass the moment that
the door became unlatched

Try as I might the moment lost
at least for now it seems
My meditation gave just a hint
a taste of the serene.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
1.2k · Jul 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
My return doth find me wandering hill and dale.
Ten years have passed from whence I did set sail,
and as I crest the peak of Cotham Hill,
fore my eyes a field of naught but Daffodils.

Their vibrant yellow dazzling the sun.
A fanfare of golden trumpets play as one.
I sit amongst them with no further plans to roam,
for in this spring time field of beauty lies my home.
1.2k · Jul 2011
In dreams...
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2011
In dreams we meet most every night,
though strangers in the day.
At twilight lovers we become,
at dawn we drift away.

I know your body perfectly,
each wrinkle, line and scar.
And yet I do not know at all,
if you are near or far.

But doubt I not that you are real,
for what you say to me,
reflects my very souls desire,
and hold you the only key.

If by some fate we ever meet,
I will not pass you by.
For in my dreams so clear I see,
what lies behind those eyes.

Perhaps tomorrow on the street,
or across a crowded train.
Our eyes will meet by pure chance,
that spark I'll see again.

And when that moment comes to pass,
as I am sure it will.
Will you notice that its me my love,
and will your heart be still.

For do you dream the same as me,
while each night in bed you lay.
Of someone who completes your life,
from dusk til dawn's new day.
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
1.2k · Jul 2010
The Dance
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Would you dance with me
if I were brave enough to ask
From what you've seen and what you've heard
am I worthy of the task

Would you take my hand
and let the other take your waist
Would you let me pull you close to me
or take off in frightful haste

Would you look at me
and stare deep into my eyes
Would the music start to move you
or would fear paralyze

And would we move about the floor
with symmetry and grace
Or would I just be standing here
alone within this place

I haven't danced in many moons
I'm not even any good
but if I had to dance again
you're the one with whom I would

So tell me would you dance with me
and please don't play it cool
It takes more than you know to ask
but hurts more to be a fool
1.2k · Aug 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
its been 4 days since I've showered
5 days since I've shaved
6 days and 7 hours
since you chose to go away
two cartons of cigarettes
a bottle and half of scotch
it like time is stuck in neutral
nothings moving on my watch
I haven't been outside for days
the curtains have stayed drawn
the days rolled into endless grey
no nightfall, dusk or dawn
this won't go on forever
each day a bit more pain has gone
one day I will be numb enough
rumour has it, life goes on
1.2k · Jul 2010
Duvet Day
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Ease me slow into the day
wake me gently from my sleep
if you must steal me from my dreams
the highlights let me keep

Don't wake with a noisy bell
or unexpected calls
wake me with the sound of rain
as on the metal roof it falls

Rouse me with sounds of nature
rising winds before the storm
give me time to close the shutters
before returning to the warm

If you could do this in the morning
and wake me in a gentle way
For once I'd take the day off
and in my bed I'd stay.
1.2k · Jan 2011
A Thomas Hawkins Jan 2011
She lives in a cage
made of glass and tears
built by her own hand
over all these years

She looks out as life
seems to pass her by
and each tear that falls
is engraved with a "why?"

Why give so much
yet get no return
such a painful lesson
she took too long to learn

at last she can see
that her happiness matters
and prepares for the day
when this cage of hers shatters

Preparing herself
for a new better life
Where again she's herself
not just somebody’s wife

And daily it grows
the strength that she needs
as the cracks start to show
while she's planting the seeds

With hope comes momentum
which generates speed
thrusting her forward
to a day when she's freed

1.2k · Aug 2010
The dream
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Please do not wake me from this sleep
leave me in this dream
for here life is perfect
unlike there where its in between

In my dream I live with you
a simple life beside the lake
we got to bed at sundown
and rise as each day breaks

No telephones, alarm clocks
pagers or fax machines.
Just books and pens and paper
filled with poems and other dreams

A stress free life I get to live
at least while I'm asleep
But that seven am wake up call
is the reality I keep

Hopefully we'll meet again
perhaps in dreams tonight
When in our old four poster bed
you'll kiss and hold me tight
1.2k · Jul 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
for every choice we make in life
there could be a different way
for every word we utter
there's twice as many we don't say

for every word that makes the page
theres plenty cast aside
and for every door we close
there's others left open wide

its an unbalanced equation
where x is joy and y is strife
its how you do the transposition
that sets your quality of life
1.2k · May 2010
Un-pretentious poetry
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
I write tidy little poems
uncomplicated rhymes
to paint for you a picture
contained within its lines

I have no time for flowery words
or eloquent pretense
I write poems people talk about
over the garden fence

I don't try to be too clever
or try to be too flash
Because making out your better
just leads you to a clash

Like "who the hell does he think he is
speaking down like that to me
Some others may like what he says
but his words are not for me"

And thats not what I'm all about
I write to share a thought,
a feeling, an emotion,
hell I even write 'bout sport.

I write so people know
that in their thoughts they're not alone
to arrest those night time monsters
that in our minds have grown

A trouble shared is a trouble halved
or so they used to say
but in our disconnected lives
we don't communicate that way

So instead of just sitting there
haplessly afloat
Do yourself a favour
and read the stuff I wrote

Some of it is happy
and some of it is sad
and some of it may just be like
experiences you've had

And once you find that piece
read it, take it home
and sleep a little better now
knowing you are not alone.
1.2k · Sep 2010
Between the lines
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
I see you in the spaces between words
in the things that go unsaid and go unheard
Your presence seeps into the things I cannot say
for to speak of them would give the game away
I work so hard just to keep things to myself
lest my soul become another book upon the shelf
But how can I keep this secret never shared
until I know how much or if you even cared
Do you ever think you see between the lines
the words you long to hear but cannot find.
1.2k · Oct 2010
The rain
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
And so the rain begins
to try and wash away the past
Relentless in its downpour
I wonder will it last

Will be sufficient
to wash away the pains
that lingered all these years
like some oh so stubborn stains

Or will it all come flooding back
with debris from days gone by
will I rise above the current
or will I simply drown and die

For now it gives a moment’s pause
distracts me from this place
and soaks me to my very bones
while I’m chilled in its embrace

Eventually my Spring will come
rain will stop and floods recede
Only then will my sun shine again
only then will I be freed.

1.2k · Jul 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Sometimes I think I have it tough
that nothing goes my way
and I'm blinded to the real ****
that others have come their way

But its not until you sit and think
and listen to your friends
that you realise things aint so bad
at least you have **** that ends

For them it truly is a case
of not raining til it pours
like life's intent on rubbing salt
into all their open sores

so in future I'll be thankful
that my **** it aint so bad
and try to be better friend
to those who've never had
1.2k · Mar 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Mar 2010
At times in life we settle
for whats available, whats around
Then we meet our one true love
And its time to settle down

But come the end, when the guy upstairs
balances the book
Its to settle one last time
Its time to settle up
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010
1.2k · Oct 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
you are the one I truly miss
you are the one I long to kiss
you are the one forever young
you are the song I never sung
you are the ache within my soul
you are the loss that takes it toll
you are the one that went away
you are the dream of every day
you are my only true regret
you are the one I cant forget
you are a vision from my past
you were the love that couldn't last
you were the calm within my storm
you were the touch that kept me warm
you were serenity defined
you were the love that wasn't blind
you were my North, my guiding star
you were so near and yet so far
you were what life was all about
the one I cannot live without
1.2k · Mar 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Mar 2010
I watched you pick the pieces up,
and carefully set them down.
Where no more harm could come to them,
no more in tears they'd drown.

I watched you carefully wipe them dry,
and blow away the dust,
with love and tenderness your tools,
you cleaned away the rust.

And then I watched you take each piece,
and work out where it went.
And soon my heart was whole again,
'cause of the time you spent.

And finally I watched,
as you brought it back to life,
with the words that you would love me,
that you would be my wife.

And now my heart is strong again,
your presence makes it sing.
Now I give to you the rest of me,
together, with this ring.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010
1.2k · Jul 2010
Willow Haiku
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Forests on decline
Weeping willow sheds no tears
Only her leaves fall
1.2k · Sep 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
When the sun comes up tomorrow
it’ll be a brand new day
and the pain I’m feeling now
will be that bit further away

It may not be forgotten
may stiil be a little raw
but this path I’m used to taking
been down it many times before

Then one day the time will come
when I’m no longer on the bottom
and suddenly I’ll notice
that this pain I have forgotten

And tomorrow will hold promises
of joy and better things
and all this will be forgiven
for the peacefulness it brings
1.2k · Aug 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Today I forgot everything
and it felt great
like an etch-a-sketch falling down the stairs all memories have been erased
all images of you
all those painful memories gone
memories of....
but I remember there is a you

why is that?

is it because even after falling down the stairs an etch-a-sketch still has that little thing that makes the pictures?
are you the thing that still makes all my pictures?
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2011
I would share with you each flake that falls,
and every inch of snow.
I would share with you the scenery,
of everywhere I go.

I would share with you each raindrop,
that falls upon my head.
I would share with you the pillows,
that lay upon my bed.

I would share with you my every wish,
my dreams and every prayer.
I would share with you my here and now,
to be with you, right there.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010
1.1k · Aug 2010
I need a kick in the ass...
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
I need a kick in the ***
to get me on my way
I need a kick in the ***
so I don't waste another day
I need a kick in the ***
to make me see the light
I need a kick in the ***
to make sure I get it right
I need a kick in the ***
to be all I can be
So line up ladies and gents
to kick the *** of me
1.1k · Aug 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010

Just take a breath
take a moment to reflect
and take a breath
take a second just to think
is it worth kicking up a stink
then take a breath

Just take a breath
take in everything around you
and take a breath
look around at all you see
hear birds singing in the trees
then take a breath

Just take a breath
close your eyes and look inside
and take a breath
feel the breeze upon your skin
feel her love warm you from within
then take that breath

Just take a breath
'cause one day t'will be you last
and then comes death
will you close your eyes in peace
or struggle not to be deceased
just one more breath...
1.1k · Jun 2010
Overnight guest
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
Come, lay down here beside me
and hold me through the night
and as I dream don't slip away
please stay and hold me tight

As the night turns cold embrace me
blanket me with love
and as our bodies do entwine
would you fit me like a glove

When the rising sun opens my eyes
will you face be the first I see
Would I awake still in your arms
or would it be just me
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Riddles and rhymes
are all very fine
but sometimes they're a pain in the ***

They get in the way
of what you're trying to say
Like the fog inside of the glass

So if you've something to say just spill it
to my face don't sneak up from behind
Cos I'm not very smart in affairs of the heart
I'm not just short sighted I'm blind
1.1k · Jul 2010
The first date of summer
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Break out the candles
grab the wine
go find the matches
while there's time

Turn on the wireless
find the music for the mood
perhaps some popcorn
before there's no time left to brood

It's gotten colder
you feel a chill run down your spine
no need to worry
you're well prepared, you'll be just fine

You hear her coming
no more the gentle breeze
The dust is flying now
gets in your eyes then makes you sneeze

Batten down the hatches
it's really gonna blow
pull your armchair to the window
settle in and watch the show.

She's right on time
grab a blanket, wrap up warm.
light the candles, pour the wine
enjoy your first date with the storm
1.1k · Jul 2010
How I lost my hat
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
I cast my hat, into the ring
so full of fearful doubt
expecting you, to pick it up
and simply toss it out
But unbeknown to me
hidden there behind your eyes
was a secret hope and longing
that it might just be your size
So casually you picked it up
and looked it up and down
I was expecting any minute
'pon your face to see a frown
You brushed it off so thoroughly
cleaned every little bit
closed your eyes then put it on
and smiled as it fit
Almost instinctively you opened them
and were looking right at me
My surprise and expectation
must have been plain for all to see
You casually walked over
and whispered in my ear
"but its always been you silly,
now lets get out of here"
And so my friends thats how it was
that I came to lose my hat
and why you see me grinning now
like a hatless Cheshire cat.
1.1k · Jun 2010
With you
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
To live with you and love with you
is what I dream about
To sleep with you and wake with you
and end this lonely drought

To walk with you and talk with you
everywhere I go
To laugh with you and cry with you
and let my feelings show

To share with you all that I have
no longer live in doubt
I dream of you til dreams come true
and no longer live without
1.1k · May 2010
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
What happens to me when I die?
in perpetual darkness do I lie?

Or do I get to try once more,
equipped with lessons learned before?

with hopes that this time I will be,
a better man for all to see.

A kinder man with bigger heart,
than went before this second start.

More patient that I was in before,
no longer tired, no longer sore.

With slate wiped clean reborn anew,
no memories of me or you.

If that is all that dying holds,
I will not fear this coming cold.

Nor chills that wake me in the night,
as 'gainst this ill I lose my fight.

Once born again I long to see,
if I can be a better me.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
1.1k · May 2010
A goodbye letter.
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
This is the hardest letter
I've ever had to write
knowing as I sit here
you may not make it through the night

I love you oh so very much
and know you are in pain
all I want and nothing more
is to see you well again

But what I want
has made me blind
the truth I cannot hide
your time with us will soon be up
as god takes you to his side

So here I sit and write my thoughts
in a letter you'll never read
because writing is what i do best
after you planted the seed

I remember as a little boy
we would talk into the night
I would make up poems and stories
that you encouraged me to write

So it seems only fitting
as I sit here well past two
that I should write this letter
and give my thanks to you

I love you
and I will miss you...
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
1.1k · Dec 2010
Happy New Year
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Three hundred and sixty five days ago
did you think this would be your year
Three hundred and sixty five days ago
did you imagine your dreams so near
Three hundred and sixty five days ago
did you envisage so much change
Three hundred and sixty five days ago
Did you know just what you'd arrange
Three hundred and sixty five days ago
Did you think you would feel so alive
Three hundred and sixty five days now gone
here's to the next three sixty five

1.1k · Aug 2010
Looking for Trouble
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
That look is my undoing
yeah you know the one I mean
its not angel, its not devil
but something in between.

It a look that say's "I'm trouble"
and most definitely you are
dangerous when up close
exhilarating from afar

I know there's more to you than that
perhaps Trouble is your shield
an alter ego of protection
you wear til safe to be revealed

But I'm addicted now to Trouble
thinking perhaps she is the one
Will she share herself with me one day
Unmasked, undressed, undone.
The next installment in the Trouble saga
1.1k · Sep 2010
Keeping it simple
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
A life of pure simplicity
is all I've ever asked
A simple home, a loving family
but it seems too tall a task

But one and one don't equal two
instead is equals three
so it seems the best solution
is to reduce it down to me

No more simple arithmetic
no anything plus one
just a simple home for me
its over now, I'm done.

If I have no one to think of
and no one to think of me
then at least I'll have a half of it
I'll have simplicity
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
I used to be a mother
'til my sons got took away
It is the greatest irony
I found out on this day

You see it was three years ago
I found out they won't be back,
they died together brothers
on the streets of old Iraq

So this day for me is different
and I know I'm not alone
I join a group of shattered moms
Who's children wont be home

But I know my sons they think of me
looking down from up above
and although I'll never get a card
I'll always have their love

So to all the moms out there I say
be your children young or old
Their love will far outlast
any card or gift you hold.

I know I'll see them when I die
then once more they'll take my hand
Until then, mothers old and new
love your children while you can.
My 2010 Mothers Day poem hopes to serve as a small reminder that there are some mothers in the world for whom today is sadly, just another day.

©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Unchained melody
will always remind me of that dance

Joan Armatrading's Heaven
will always take me to that glance.

And Lady Antebellum
will always make me think of you

There's even memories associated
with a Wham track or two

Good memories and bad
I've songs for laughter, love and tears

Such is the soundtrack to my life
at least the first forty years.
1.1k · Aug 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
A love thats unconditional
does such a thing exist
or is it like a phantom
hiding in the mist?
1.1k · Dec 2010
The End
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
I feel the lights are dimming
as the show comes to an end
Unsure of just what happens next
whats around the coming bend

Could it be that all there is
is all thats gone before
where is the happy ever after
of which the preacher was so sure

And with the doubt come winter chills
the warmth of life too ebbs away
As I close my eyes on christmas eve
to pass alone on christmas day
1.1k · Aug 2010
My Freedom
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Keep your TV's and your stereos,
PC's and DVD's.
I'm reclaiming my freedom,
and none of thats for me.

I've quit being a consumer,
gonna boycott the recession.
Because I'd rather have my freedom,
than be prisoner to my possessions.

Who cares if I don't have TV,
Satellite or cable?
I have time to sit and read and write,
for as long as I am able.

When I climb into bed at night,
I'm tired from all I've done.
No longer am I lying there,
working out where time has gone.

No microwave or dishwasher,
to speed up all my chores.
Cooking is my therapy,
tell me what is yours?

Is it watching new stuff gather dust,
just like the old stuff did?
Did you have to have the biggest toys,
when you were a little kid?

Well for me I choose the simple life,
filled with only what I need.
No more status driven plastic debt,
no more unsatisfying greed.
1.1k · Dec 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Wireless connections,
sometimes there and sometimes not
Like the connection that we share
sometimes cold and sometimes hot

Sometimes strong and stable
the signal nice and clear
other times its flaky
other times there's fear

What if this connection
is just a temporary thing
Doomed to break and disappear
to leave a painful sting

That's the problem with what cant be seen
like knowing how you feel
Everything is theory
til the connections made for real

1.1k · Nov 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
The world can be a painful place
when its all so far away
perhaps a hermits life is better
as close to home you always stay

If you do not gaze on foreign shores
will you still desire to roam?
Is it possible that happiness
can be found so close to home

If you do not see the beauty
that lives in foreign lands
Will your spirit find its soul mate
amongst those closer to hand

Ignorance is bliss they say
and while that may not be true
Disappointment comes with pain
that is harder to undo
1.1k · Mar 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Mar 2010
Is my life all that I deserve
or are things about to change
destined to live below the curve
aiming for that which is out of range

Or is everything not as it seems
not destined here to stay
to have come true my childhood dreams
to finally get my way

It all boils down to my beliefs
and if I believe in me
then everything I know inside
will one day come to be

And so it is with all of us
we can always make that change
and move our lives above the curve
where nothings out of range.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
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