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1.1k · Aug 2010
Let us...
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Let us find again the beauty in simple things
not just in designer labels and diamond rings
for the worth of what we crave
should not be drawn from sweatshop slave
Let us find again the beauty in simple things

Let us see things once again just like a child
In the days when we'd go out and explore the wild
Building tree forts in the woods
cops and robbers, robin hoods
Let us see things once again just like a child

Let our innocence and trusting be our strength
not something that gets drummed out of us at length
lets not live our lives in fear
of dangers far away from here
Let our innocence and trusting be our strength

Let us open up our hearts without reserve
and let someone in without trying to conserve
let us love just once again
like we'd never know pain
Let us open up our hearts without reserve

Let us die without one outstanding wish
live our lives with nets always full of fish
lives with bounty all around
all friends and loved ones have we found
Let us die without one outstanding wish
1.1k · Jun 2010
Communication blues
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
You chirp away all night and day
with chat from those who've naught to say
You annoy me to the bone

You drop, you break, on shore or lake
you cost me a fortune I can't make,
You are my new cellphone

I turn you off I turn you on
my ability for peace is gone
of that there is no doubt

I leave you and lose you wherever I go
I even lost one in the snow
whatever happened to just being out?
1.1k · Jul 2010
Shhhh - Fibonacci #2
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Tranquility found
Oh how I long for such a place
To cast off a world of collisions and constant noise
To find a spot where I can close my eyes and hear nothing but the beating of my heart
In such a place, devoid of all distraction, could creativity run wild with freedom and such abandonment as never seen before
1.1k · May 2010
Cynicism #1 - Love
A Thomas Hawkins May 2010
So you think you want to fall in love
did I hear you right?
What's wrong with being happy
are you yearning for a fight?

Cynical, who me?
Is that really what you think?
Just because I'm a little bruised
and flushed two marriages down the sink

But seriously all jokes aside
when loves new there's nothing better
but when it starts to hit the fan
you'd think we would know better.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
1.1k · Oct 2010
Anniversary blues
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
On the couch beneath a blanket
is how I'll spend this day
Wrapped up in distant memories
keeping grief and guilt at bay

The blanket's from the picnic,
the one we never had.
And the memories we never made,
'fore time ran out and this went bad.

But its how I spend my weekends,
draped in dreams of yesteryears.
Finding comfort in what-might-have-beens,
helps hold back all the tears.

One day I will get over this
come to terms with what I've lost
balance grief with life ahead
find acceptance of the cost

And when I'm ready I'll start over
with the lesson widows get taught
to seize each day in every way
because life really is too short.

1.1k · Oct 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
This soul of mine lies bleeding
scorched beneath the sun
Found lacking and unworthy
its journey now is done

No salvation lies ahead for me
just a ****** trail behind
My best I guess not good enough
demanded strength I could not find

My battered carcase dragged along
hand over bleeding hand
As desperately I sought to find
acceptance in loves promised land

As hope and faith they ebb away
my dreams exsanguinate
I cast myself into oblivion
before this pain turns into hate
1.1k · Feb 2010
A hearts wish
A Thomas Hawkins Feb 2010
I lay my heart to rest one day,
so tattered and so bruised.
For although he had served me well,
he was not enough you.

He lay there for so long a time,
neglected and unused.
Without a love to nurture him,
a wall around him grew.

Alone he sits now in the dark,
exiled without crowns.
Yearning for a worthy queen,
‘fore he in sorrow drowns.

He clings to hope through day and night,
not knowing what to do.
Wondering if his fair queen,
could possibly be you?
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010

The Community Poetry Project
The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit
1.1k · Jul 2011
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2011
How do you make me feel so good,
whenever things are bad?
How do you always make me smile,
even when I am sad?

How do you say so much to me,
without making a sound?
How do you feel so close to me,
even when not around?

How does your voice lift me so high,
even when I feel blue?
How did I ever get this far,
without these gifts from you?
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
1.1k · Jul 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
I want to run away with you,
and leave all this behind.
Can you imagine us together,
all the adventures we would find?

We could travel the world over
or find our spot and settle down
Somewhere by a lake
thats not too close to town.

We would live and love together
eat off the land and from the lake
Being careful to be careful
and never too much take

We would sit at night and write
under blankets on the swing
Talk forever to each other
til we knew everything

In the summer we'd go swimming
skinny dipping in the lake
And lie naked on the rocks to dry
the summer sun our bones to bake

In fall we would cut firewood
then split and stack the logs
go for long walks in the forest
you and me and all the dogs

Come winter time we'd hibernate
heating soup over the fire
make love upon the hearth rug
flames and passion rising higher

Then finally in spring time
as the ice begins to thaw
we would celebrate our life
and then do it all once more

And our poetry would tell of this
of our perfect little life
A life outside the rat race
free of pressure and of strife

I want to run away with you,
think of all the things we'll see
Can you imagine us together,
will you run away with me?
1.1k · Dec 2010
for Fleur
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Who would have ever guessed
our paths would cross again
that a stranger from my past
would turn out to be my friend

That from just one thing in common
we would share so many more
Makes you wonder why us strangers
had never met before

Five years spent together
yet not one moment to recall
you'd think our paths would cross but once
in classroom, library or hall

Perhaps there is a reason
that over twenty years passed
before we got to know each other
and became friends at last.

1.1k · Dec 2010
Do not be afraid
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Do not be afraid my love
or see the future as uncertain
Step out of the shadows
Turn on the lights, pull back the curtain

And you will see that what we share
is solid, real and strong
There is no need for doubts at all
there is nothing here thats wrong

For you and I were meant to be
of that I have no doubt
reach out your hand and join me
let us no longer be without

To live this life and never know
would be a tragic beyond sad
I beg you not to just become
the greatest love I never had
1.1k · Jul 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
I think I should have
been born in the past
not just so my life
would have a new cast

Because often I feel
somewhat out of place
A reminder of earlier days
for this race

Days when our work
was all done at home
On horse or in buggies
is how we would roam

We'd grow our own food
raise our own stock
and keep time by the chime
of a grandfather clock

We'd sit on the porch
and we'd read or we'd write
and have deep conversations
on into the night

We'd fish in the pond
and swim in the creek
and shingle the roof
whenever it leaked

We'd not have no money
but be richer than most
And thank god for our fortune
with grace and a toast

We'd sit by the fire
in winter when cold
and live happy together
right 'til we got old

Then when the time came
for our maker to see
We'd get laid to rest
in the plot 'neath the tree
1.1k · Oct 2010
Forever and a day
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
Is it ok if I wait?
Because I know you’d never ask.
You don’t feel you have the right
to subject me to that task

But the choices that I face
are to simply give up hope
and forget the love of days gone by
right before you cut the rope

Or life can go on as it is
simply waiting for day
when again we are together
and nothings in the way

I’ve never known serenity
like I did when by your side
The peace and pure tranquility
of a heart that’s open wide

I know you felt the same way too
before life got in the way
That’s why I’ll ask, if I can wait
forever and a day

1.1k · Dec 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Today I wrote a list
a list about a friend
a list of all their good points
that seems to have no end

A list of all the ways
they bring happiness to me
A list that I can't show you
because then you too would see

You'd see that maybe just perhaps
they were more than just a friend
because the way in which they touch my life
it really has no end

I could tell you how they make me smile
by just the simplest word
and how they never make me
feel my voice has gone unheard

I could tell you how I think of them
with every miracle I see
and how I would give anything
to have them here with me

Each time my mouth is opened
their name is on my lips
and each time my eyes are closed
my hands are on their hips

Whenever skies are cloudy
they take away the rain
and I wish when they are hurting
that I could take their pain

Could it be they are my greatest friend
and that I in turn am theirs
Or could she be the one true love
the answer to my prayers
1.1k · Nov 2010
I used to hear your name...
A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
I used to hear your name
whispered on a summer breeze
now its written on each snowflake
with the coming winter freeze

Where once was warmth and comfort
a chill is now descending
the song we sang together
has gone off key and now is ending

But seasons they march on
and one day it will be spring
Given time I'll find my voice
and again I'll start to sing.
1.1k · Aug 2010
Close shave for Christina
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Christina Twistleton-Wickham-de-Fluff
couldn't decide what to do with her ****

Wherever she went the darned thing would shed
she even found hair from it inside her bed

So she took out the scissors and trimmed it a bit
but did a bad job and her **** looked like shhh....e had messed it up

So she took out the clippers to give it a trim
fired them up and got stuck right in

Be she lost her attention when a friend of hers called
and now theres a spot thats totally bald

But panic she didn't, nor get filled with dread
She simply decided to wear gloves instead.
1.1k · Jul 2011
This thing called love?
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2011
What is this thing called love of which you speak,
A fleeting dream of hope so many seek,
A look, a touch, a passion tasted,
Bereft of which heart is wasted.
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
1.1k · Nov 2010
Sometimes it makes no sense.
A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
Try as I might I can’t deny
the way you make me feel
As much as I try and fight it
this feeling is all too real

And though our lips have never touched
and most likely never will
You have stirred in me a yearning
for which there’s no cure or pill

There must be lesson here somewhere
or is it all some cruel joke
Two kindred spirits kept apart
in the dark of fading hope

But perhaps the lesson is patience
then again perhaps its not
But if the lesson is disappointment
that’s a badge I’ve already got
1.1k · Jan 2011
The arrivals lounge
A Thomas Hawkins Jan 2011
The clock is running down
suddenly its real
will this encounter show the truth
of exactly how we feel
Nerves I never knew before
now flash before my mind
will this moment show my future
so I can leave my past behind
As my heartbeat starts to quicken
anticipation starts to rise
what will I see revealed
when I look into those eyes
So many possibilities
so many way this story ends
will it end with us together
as lovers or as friends
1.1k · Nov 2010
You are the light
A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
Each day I rise when needed
and do the things that I must do
But the hours pass in dusky grey
until I hear from you

Your words create a sunrise
that I alone can see
and briefly I feel special
and that there is hope for me

So many times I taste the bitter pill
of disappointment and regret
Your kindness, love and friendship
reminds me life’s not over yet

And yet with all the words I have
I know not where to start
to show you just how deeply
you dwell within my heart

If we were to stand together
in my eyes you’d plainly see
all the things I cannot tell you
about just what you are to me

As even in the darkest night
starless, black as coal
thoughts of you are fireworks
casting rainbows on my soul
1.1k · Aug 2010
I am...
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
I am the rain
that does wash away your tears
I am the rain
that has been with you all these years
I am the rain
that washes away the blues
I am the rain
that brings blue skies to you
I am the wind
that light caress upon your cheek
I am the wind
that blows you toward that which you seek
I am the wind
that moves away the cloud
I am the wind
that lifts the dreary shroud
I am the sun
that lays kisses on your skin
I am the sun
that warms you from within
I am the sun
that shines on you from above
I am the sun
that wraps you in its love
All these things I am to you
though at times you may not see
every sunbeam, cloud and raindrop
are a gift to you from me.
1.1k · Oct 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
Today I went to my control panel and I uninstalled Love.

Thats right, I clicked add/remove programs, I clicked Love, I clicked uninstall.

But you know how it works, it didn't all get removed. Some "user files" got left behind and I'm supposed to remove them myself but I can't find where they're kept. I can find "the day you met me at the airport" with nooooo problem whatsoever. But I can't get rid of it because I don't know where its kept. So it haunts me. Same goes for "the closet" and "the mirror". Instant recollection. That used to be huge, that used to remind me that it was real and not just some dream I'd had.

But now its torture.

I though if I uninstalled Love then it would take all that with it and it would stop hurting.

But it didn't

and it hasn't

I should have uninstalled Love years ago when it wasn't being used and it just sat there doing nothing. It wasn't taking up any resources, it wasn't interfering with anything or slowing things down.

But then you came along.

And it sprung into action. Suddenly it consumed everything, it was running all the time and sure it slowed things down a little and sure some stuff didn't get done but it felt good. It felt so good. Every day felt like the first day of Spring and every night was spent dreaming of lying in your arms and it felt great.

But then the network crashed

the connection got broken

and while Love kept running it started to cause problems, its ground everything to a halt. It became like one of those viruses that just slowly chips away at your resources over time until you got nothing left.

After a few months and numerous attempts to get the connection back I finally admitted defeat and accepted things were over. And it hurt so much, too much.

So now I have no use for Love. Sure its nice when it runs ok but it crashes, every time it crashes. And I dont need that kind of hurt again.

So its gone.



All I gotta do now is remove the fragments left behind.

And I'm pretty sure if I install enough Johnnie Walker I can flush those right out.
1.1k · Aug 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Our love blossoms without water
Our love blossoms without rain
Our love blossoms when we say goodbye
Until we meet again

Our love blossoms from the words we say
The feelings we let show
May our life become a garden
Where such blossoms always grow.
1.1k · Mar 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Mar 2010
What is this light that lives inside
and makes us who we are.
What is the sense that guides us home
when we have wandered far.

What is that thing unique to us
which others seldom see
The thing that make you alone you
and makes me alone me

Be it our soul, our guiding light
our place is not to know
But rest assured t'will always be
with us where 'ere we go.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010
1.1k · Dec 2010
Hiding from the sun
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Once upon a time
I gave a piece of me to you
which you treasured for a while
then traded in for something new

But the pieces I had left
could not rebuild the loss
I was somehow incomplete
left alone to face the cost

And as time marched slowly on
the wounds became all healed
until I met somebody new
loves painful truth once more revealed

So now I face a choice in life
what to do with what is left
do I lock the door and lose the key
'fore I am totally bereft?

But even if "the one" shows up
is there any way to know
if she can put the pieces back
and will the missing ones regrow

Too many questions I now face
but answers I have none
So I guard the pieces carefully
hiding from the sun
1.1k · Jun 2010
Fatigue senryu
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
Fighting against sleep
Eyelids heavy from fatigue
Closed in submission
1.1k · Apr 2010
What she said.
A Thomas Hawkins Apr 2010
Hey there, are you new here?
So how come we never met?
Me, I'm always late for work
No matter which alarm I set

So tell me whats your name?
I'm Heloise, sorry, you go first.
After Heloise the writer,
hey you were close, could have been worse.

I'm soaked I wasn't thinking,
we were gonna get some rain.
And in the rush to get the bus,
I dropped my fare right down the drain.

You look like you walked miles.
You must be soaked through to the skin.
I am a waitress at Dukes Diner.
You should try us, come on in.

So how come I haven't seen you,
Are we talking the same place?
Cos I'm sure I would remember,
such a handsome face.

Say what time is it you come in?
Because I get a break at two.
I could come and join you in the park,
if thats ok with you?

How about tomorrow?
Are sure that its ok?
I dont want to be too pushy,
If its not ok just say.

Ok so now I'm blushing.
Are you sure that you dont mind?
You are? I know, I'm rushing,
But it works the best I find.
catch the other side of the conversation in What he said
1.1k · Jul 2011
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2011
Show me the smile thats only for me,
not the one you give away.
The one that comes right from your heart,
not the one that you show every day.

Not one when your lips turn up,
at the edges that looks just so.
But the one that touches my very soul,
in a way only you could know.

And not the one that almost a blush,
when wickedness crosses your mind,
or the grin from within, when you feel for real,
some guilt for the humour you find.

No the one I want is more than a smile,
for it says more than words ever can
Like the feeling I get, when I reach out for you
and take your hand in my hand.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010
1.1k · Aug 2010
Painting pictures
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Give me a paintbrush and I'm lost

I produce things kindergarten kids would be too embarressed to take home to their parents, lest they stick them to the refrigerator door with little magnets and "other people" saw them.

Give me a pencil and I fare much better.

Things a high school kid would be kinda proud of but not necessarily want his peers to see are what I can produce with a pencil.

But give me words

Oh sweet, succulent words. Words with juice and passion and pain locked inside and I can free it all.

Words are my paint

Typewriter keys are my brushes

And this is my canvas

And on this canvas I can paint so many things.

Tales of love that remind what love used to be like when it was new and fresh and vibrant and all consuming, when love and the person you loved were the very air that you breathed, and when you could be with them you thought you would suffocate.

Tales of not love. Tales of a love that flows like a river in one direction only, always away from you and never towards. Washing away the banks of your soul as it does, eroding hope on its way before emptying into a sea of despair.

Tales of loss so vivid they bring tears to the eyes of some who read them for they truly are tragic tales.

And tales of hope. triumphs of good over evil, love over loss, joy over pain and sunshine over rain.

I paint pictures that make you laugh out loud and then quickly look round to see if anyone noticed.

But I am not naive

Pictures are subjective things, some we like some we don't.

And thats ok.

I'm not a big fan of Picasso, and as sensitive a guy as he was, he probably wouldn't be offended by that either.

Thank you for looking at the pictures I paint and the words I paint them with.
1.1k · Jun 2010
A plea for moderation
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
In ignorance and apathy
we blindly stumble on
hopelessly distracted
from everything thats wrong

We're taught by corporations
who market us from birth
and what used to mean "expensive"
now really does "cost us the earth"

Our lives are pure consumption
fueled by TV's bad advice
that tells us we need this and that
when using neither would suffice

As citizens of planet earth
its time to end their greed
stop buying what they want us to
and stick with what we need
1.0k · Jul 2011
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2011
I wake up early, watch you sleep,
an angel wrapped in dreams so deep.
No worries rest upon your face,
your body draped in silk and lace.

And as I wonder the vision you are,
you start to stretch and twists and stir.
With gentle smile and eyes now wide,
you slide your body to my side.

You pull me close and kiss my lips,
the passion felt betrayed by hips.
As lovers we do start to sway,
and so begins a perfect day.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010
1.0k · Aug 2010
Poppies for profit
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
I wish we wore no poppies
to remind us of our loss
No annual parade
at which we count the cost

I wish we'd gotten smart enough
to see nobody wins a war
Instead we let our minds be washed
over what they're fighting for

And fifty, sixty years from now
they'll ask what it was about
And we'll struggle to remember
of that I have no doubt

But it seems for now the past
holds a lesson we won't learn
Because frankly there's more profit
in watching the world burn
1.0k · Sep 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Sep 2010
Who mourns the dead
from days gone by
When none are left
is it only I?

They shaped our land
and gave their lives
Fathers, daughters
sons & wives

And now they here
neath weathered stones
with faded words

"In memory of"
the headstones say
but names and dates
most worn away

Remember those
beneath the soil
for whom life was
an endless toil

for had their lives
not come this way
you and I may not
be here today.
1.0k · Aug 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Hello my name is Roffle La Mau, and I live on MSN.
Me and Lol were born with the internet, so we've only been round since then

Lol and I alwsay get looked at, whenever we're out in a crowd,
as I roll on the floor laughing my *** off, and he's busy laughing out loud
1.0k · Jun 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
I may not be a handsome man
charming, tall or strong
but if you think I'm not enough for you
then honey you're so wrong

Because it really doesn't matter
that you're a 10 and I'm a 3
The only thing that really counts
is that I'm good enough for me
1.0k · Nov 2010
The corridor
A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
I find myself standing in a darkened corridor unsure of which way to go.

In one direction is my past, the other my future.

Yet from this point both look identical.

Both dimly lit and devoid of anything resembling purpose or accomplishment

There is silence but for the ticking of a clock.

The rhythm is steady and the sound deep. Mechanical in nature, like the tick of a real clock with springs and jewels and weights.

There is comfort in that, but also the realisation that proper clocks run down, and eventually stop, unless tended to.

But I know not in which direction the clock lies.

But shouldn’t there be more than this. Shouldn’t there be music, conversation, even voices from my past to remind me from whence I came? No? Then at least voices from my future to guide me forward to my destiny, surely I should know which way to go? What happened to the laughter? There was laughter in my past, and music and dancing and good times. Were they really so far back that all they are now are memories, silent memories?

But there is nothing. The torches on the wall are almost burned out and barely cast enough light for me to see where I am in this life right now, certainly not where I have been nor where I am going.

And so I sit here alone in the darkness.

I didn’t even make it to a crossroads in my life. I got turned around so often that I no longer know which way is up, or at least forward.

My biggest fear is that I will go in the wrong direction, repeat the mistakes of my past, encounter those demons I thought I had left behind and once again suffer all that pain. I barely made it through first time, I don’t think I could do it again.

I need help. maybe I have done for a while, maybe I should have seen this a long time ago, but nobody likes to admit they got it wrong, they failed.

I need a something to show me which way the clock lies, before it runs down, and stops.
1.0k · Aug 2010
Less than perfect
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
In this less than perfect world
I say less than perfect things
Instead of soaring like an eagle
I'm forced to walk with clipp-ed wings

It's not that I'm not truthful
just careful in what I say
In this less than perfect world
it has to be that way

In this less than perfect world
I'm a less than perfect guy
with a less than perfect record
when it comes to loves gone by

But if the world was perfect
I would still be me
so would this less than perfect guy
be someone you'd want to see?
1.0k · Nov 2010
The crossroads
A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
I tried so hard to hate you
to lay the blame right at your door
Because then I could move forward
not think about you anymore

Not remember how things used to be
making love neath starry skies
holding hands along the promenade
getting lost within your eyes

But none of those would go away
the fault it all was mine
and so I’m trapped with memories
that I hope will fade with time

And so I come up to a crossroads
in one direction lies the past
in one lies new beginnings
the other dreams that cannot last

Yet now I have to make a choice
so which path should I choose
There’s none on which I really win
and all on which I lose
1.0k · Jul 2010
The Andy Tanka
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Born again poet
Romantic fool and dreamer
Groovy wordbender
Exploring life through poems
Ability uncertain
1.0k · Nov 2010
The void
A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
There is space tween you and I
that we may just never bridge
A truth I slowly realise
yet struggle to admit

You tell me that you love me
and you know I feel it too
from here it seems so simple
but not alas to you

In many way we are so close
yet always out of reach
Defences we both put in place
that neither one can breach

Though put in place to keep us safe
from pain and fear and doubt
They have the added side effect
of keeping others out

When finally I crossed your path
and wished to set you free
The gates were locked so long ago
you could not find the key

And so this space tween you and I
remains unto this day
I sit and wait while you decide
if there’s another way
1.0k · Jul 2010
The quarter
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
And the music fell like rain from an unseen apartment somewhere in the quarter.
Warm summer rain.
Light and refreshing.

The kind of rain you didn't mind getting wet in and soaked to the skin with.

A single Saxophone.

A single Saxophone played not just with the lips and the fingers and the lungs, but with the soul.

Its delicate melody trickled down the rooftops and overflowed onto the streets below.
Somewhere in this labyrinth of alley ways and courtyards and balconies was a poet.

A poet in love.

A musical poet.

A musical poet creating rhyme and rhythm and feeling with just a handful of notes and a heart full of passion.

For though there were no words to accompany this music you knew, you just knew what was being said.
Every drop of rain, every note had a purpose, a message. A message that carried you off and made you forget. Forget where you were, where you were going and all the things that made life not so good. You forgot all that and let it be washed away by the rain.

And you closed your eyes

And you smiled

And you felt like dancing, right there in the street, a slow dance, a gentle sway.

And as quickly as you noticed it, it stopped.

Then you felt the chill

The first drop, the second.

Then it really did rain, the heavens truly opened.

And you closed your eyes

And you smiled
1.0k · Oct 2010
My protest
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
Where are the voices
crying for peace
Where are the rallies
the protest police

Where is the freedom
for which others died
That we gave up so freely
because others lied

Where is the feeling
that all this is wrong
Where are the rights
that we had all along

Where is the reason
justifiable cause
Where is legality
protection of laws

Where is the right
when I see only wrong
Where is our anthem
where is our song

Where is the life
that becomes one too many
Where is the end to it all
is there any?
1.0k · Nov 2010
This one's for Hilary
A Thomas Hawkins Nov 2010
Look over here!
there's a reason to be scared.
Pay no attention to the truth
there's misdirection we've prepared

Forget the facts
national security's at risk
we'll just sidestep what you've read
after all, does it exist?

It's just a game
a little give, a little take
we didn't mean it quite like that
c'mon give us all a break

After all
you have given us your trust
and if think that we're so bad
you should hear what they say of us

Can you blame them?
1.0k · Aug 2010
Once upon a time...
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Once upon a time
my days were filled with you
but now its only rain that falls
and sky's are never blue

With misery for company
despair my closest friend
I'll never understand
why he chose your life to end

I struggle to find sense in it
each and every day
But I see no higher purpose served
in taking you away

You were my one and only child
the one good thing in my life
that somehow survived the car crash
that claimed my pregnant wife

You were so much like your mother
the way you looked the things you did
Even Frank and Betty said
she was like you as a kid

So now you are together
you finally get to meet
Tell her I miss her dancing
even with her two left feet

She'll read to you at bedtime
just like daddy used to do
especially your favourite
about the woman in the shoe

Daddy's got to go now
got a meeting to attend
If you do see mommy
tell her my love I send

Hello everyone my name is Bill,
and I'm an alcoholic
I never saw I had a problem
til it became so chronic

Three years ago my wife was killed
she was pregnant when she died.
But my little baby girl was born
right there at the roadside.

The paramedics saved her
but they couldn't save my wife
I was drunk at home oblivious
busy ******* away my life

Then a month ago my daughter died
in that crash on I-71

It was my fault,

I was driving drunk,

God forgive me for what I've done.
1.0k · Aug 2010
Rhyming for the sake of it
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
So many years in darkness,
now blinded by the light.
Sickened by the taste of victory.
Losing all to win the fight.

The constant contradiction
of living with the lies
trading truth for misdirection
while hiding from the spies

Colliding with reality
fiction gone astray
I really can't remember
what this rhyme was meant to say.
1.0k · Jun 2010
A Thomas Hawkins Jun 2010
What's left within the heart of man
that's not been stripped away
or trampled into blood soaked soil
or fallen to decay

Has compassion found its limit
or is it just fatigued
by constant solicitation
coming from those in need

Has love become a ***** word
in an age of such mistrust
those one time shiny wedding bands
are now just rings of rust

What happened to integrity
and the worth of someones word
The keeping of a promise
is now almost unheard

I sometimes sit and wonder why
and where it all went wrong
how we let ourselves as mankind down
in order to belong

Have we given up our self esteem
our honour and our pride
just to impress others
at the cost of whats inside
1.0k · Apr 2010
unConfidence Man
A Thomas Hawkins Apr 2010
Every day I hide behind
the words upon my screen
hoping that you can decipher
exactly what they mean

I try so hard to share with you
the feelings deep inside
I dare not tell you to your face
so behind my words I hide

I wish that I had the courage
the strength to tell you from me
the feelings so plainly there in my eyes
for all the world to see.

I wish I could be so eloquent
that these words would fall from my mouth
But alas when I see you in person
all the best lines seem to head south

I'm scared that you dont feel the same
about me as I do you
So here I lay and type away
hoping my wishes come true
1.0k · Dec 2010
Christmas presents
A Thomas Hawkins Dec 2010
Its not about the presents, the money spent, the choice
its about the thought behind it, so listen to your inner voice

Will you buy her something sensible, or something with a cord
Will you shop within your budget, or spend more than you can afford

Or will you pay attention, to the commercials on TV
and think if she had one of those, how happy she would be

Well I hate to break this to you, because all of those are wrong
You cannot buy true happiness, ignore the jingle and the song

The truth is that she loves you, and wants you to love her back
and the perfect gift will show her, that you do exactly that

It may be something trivial, simple, without flash or flares
it may be something made by hand, but the hand of one with cares

For every coin you would have spent, use an hour of your time
and create something magical, not at the end of any line.

So from every Christmas on, a treasure she will find
beneath the tree on Christmas Day, and her heart to yours will bind.
1.0k · Apr 2011
A Thomas Hawkins Apr 2011
If less is truly more,
should the rich strive to be poor,
should each man avoid his best,
in pursuit of, quite frankly, less?
For the last couple of months I have, for some reason, been unable to finish any of the poems I've started. So today I decided to pick up the "Tweetable" mantle again and start writing submissions for where poems have to rhyme and be under 140 characters in length. The idea is that the short format will make it almost impossible to not finish what I start. Here's the first poem I've completed in a long time.
1.0k · Jul 2010
Cleanup at checkout 1
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Ten items or less
Deliberately ignored
Causes checkout rage
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