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 Jun 2013 A O'Dea
 Jun 2013 A O'Dea
I miss you.
Not like how I miss home,
more intense.
Is it weird that I miss
the way you smell?
Because I do.
I miss the way your arms
feel around me,
and the way you always
kiss the side of my neck.
I miss the way you make me
laugh like no one else.
But, whenever we talk,
you barely say anything,
so my anxiety likes to kick in
and convince me
that you're annoyed with me
are going to break up with me.
And yet, I still miss you.
 Jun 2013 A O'Dea
Emilie Pece
I will not show my disappointment
I will not express my sadness
I will sit quietly and I will wait
I have always done my best
To be calm
But I have failed many times
I will always be a failure
But I will fail silently
 Jun 2013 A O'Dea
bobby bielik
You mount the stones on my grave as if I was already dead. You ignore the words to my songs and lip-sync my tunes, as you put me to sleep. You forgotten the time we walked together on the beach when you put your footstep into mine. Soon enough you will follow me.
My life was like living in the shadow of someone else’s reality. I failed to demand my own. So why do I demand it now. I am dead to you. You see right through me, that’s why my skin is softer then ice. I will never remember the warmth of your touch or the sting of your kisses.
Sweet farewells are lies we tell ourselves, when we want to just let go. That is why I let go for you. I could not bare to see you cry. Teardrops stain the pages of your bible, with words that mean nothing to you, words that will never stain your lips again. You never loved me.
 Jun 2013 A O'Dea
A Yellow Domino
Everyone needs a hiding place
To pour their thoughts,
To not get judged,
And this place must be kept safe.

Well, I've found a hiding place,
To pour my thoughts,
And not get judged,
But how do I just keep it safe?

Here on Earth,
It's safe nowhere
I feel danger

While I hide
In my hiding place,
I'll seek for refuge
I'll seek for strength.

But first,
I'll look into my heart.
There'll be another hiding place,
That won't ever be taken from me.
 Jun 2013 A O'Dea
I want to spend my night
locked away in your dreams
and you weaved into mine
and we'll see each other
in our unconscious paradise
and we'll tell each other
''I'm sorry''
we'll hug like we used to do
and I'll stay still in your arms
unable to move
because I'm scared of leaving you
all over again
then I hear the alarm from my phone
                 your favourite song of course
and it's morning
and I can hear the birds
singing to me
and the wind whispering your name
and I know I have to leave you
and I try to scream out
to take me back
but no sound will escape my mouth
and I miss you, dear
 Jun 2013 A O'Dea
To keep at bay a heart that aches
A few simple things is all it takes
To have armor of your own make

It's all about just having fun
But be aware when it's close to done
You must always be the first to run

Pick and choose and be amused
Just don't ever get too attached to
Someone whom you're sure to lose

Pluck your heart from your sleeve
Don't let it stray beneath the sheets
Unless you want to taste defeat

Hold on to all your sweet allure
Mystery can oft ensure
That he's always left, wanting more

Sometimes you're better to be fake
To protect your heart so it won't break
Put on a mask, for your own sake

I always say; In love, be true
But bashed-in hearts are good for few
Why suffer if no love's in view?

I recommend, don't stay like this
It's just a temporary fix
For a weary heart that's long been sick

It's no hard thing to be a tease
Men give in with such great ease
Made simpler with rules like these

So here is how and what to do
Ladies, this one's just for you
Use it well and follow through
And your heart will never split in two
 Jun 2013 A O'Dea
natasha chen
the voice tells me i am

some days i block out the voice
and i am happy
but some days i listen
i cry
i believe what the voice tells me
and i am sad

and each day
the voice gets louder
and stronger
the voice tells me to starve
to exercise
to purge
i listen
i obey

when i feel brave
i will rebel against the voice
i eat
and eat
and eat
and eat
until i am numb
unitil i do not hear the voice anymore

i feel free
out of control
the voice comes back now
the voice tells me
to stop
to purge
because i am fat
too fat

i want
to get rid of the voice
so badly

i want to be free

i want to be normal

 Jun 2013 A O'Dea
 Jun 2013 A O'Dea
If you get really quite
And lay down on a hill
You can hear the clouds talking.
They talk about being tired,
And wanting to take a rest,
About how guilty they feel for the hurricanes,
And how proud they are of that year's April rains.
And if you look real intently,
If look them in the eye,
With the courage of a teady bear colnel,
They might even look down at you
And smile.
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