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Without the wind, without the rain
The stone of Earth would stone remain.
Did not the breath of Boreas blow
to form the canyons here below?
If not for Kymopoleia and her waves
Would there be underwater caves?
Imperceptibly, drop by drop,
The tears of heaven can conquer rock.
Turn stone to sediment by degree
And make its way back to the sea.
So too, my tears will work their art
Upon thy adamantine heart
And, in their final victory,
carry back your love to me.
 Jun 2013 A O'Dea
 Jun 2013 A O'Dea
Something feels wrong about this
About you now
24 hours can change the world
Can change everything
Three times even
I miss being stable
I miss wen things were always the same
And I never had to think about tomorrow
You were so beautful to me yesterday
And maybe you will be once I see your face again
But for now
I'm scared of the changes
I'm scared because I cannot control anything about or around me
I want everything to be the way it was when I was little
Everything was juice boxes and scraped knees and laughing
Now everything is dfferent
 Jun 2013 A O'Dea
It felt like goodbye when you held me,
Loosely like you didn't crave my warmth.
Your breath was relaxed and you went to sleep as we lay in each other's arms.
You couldn't meet my eye and I knew it was over.
I chocked back my tears hoping you wouldn't feel the sobs racking my body.
You went to sleep so am guessing you missed it.
It felt like goodbye when you watched me leave.
You made no move to hug me or ask me to stay.
The mild confusion in your eyes comforted me into thinking maybe I was wrong.
You didn't say a word though,
I heard goodbye in the silence of the air.
You didn't call and I felt you let go,
In the anticipation of a call that never came,
The sorrow of an expectant heart beating on even after its broken.
I cried and you didn't hear the screams of my shredded sanity.
I felt your goodbye in the love that smothered my hope,
When you didn't say anything.
 Jun 2013 A O'Dea
I'm content
That doesn't mean I'm happy
I'm stable
That doesn't mean I'm ready
I'm sober
That doesn't mean I'm better
I'm not doing anything wrong
That doesn't mean I'm alright
I'm not crying
That doesn't mean I'm laughing
And yeah I've stopped calling you
That doesn't mean I've stopped needing you
Cause I get it
But that doesn't mean I want it
 Jun 2013 A O'Dea
chess mess
 Jun 2013 A O'Dea
chess mess
collect from my body
every memory you implanted
and every stitch you sewed -
i am no longer a person
or a living organism;
i am the air.
i swim around you,
feel your breath -
i am your breath.
each and every rib expands with me
and you exhale me from between your lips

you do not know i am here
or why i left
i don't have the answers
i barely know which direction
i       am                 blowing,
behind the trees you feel me
and inside your mind
you ache for me;

but i cannot see you
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