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 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
the Tourist
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Thank you sir, how would you like to pay, firing squad?
-- I beg your pardon?
Nice and quick sir, no mess, comes highly recommended.
Or there's the rotten cotton bungee jump, very popular with our younger customers.
Um, we offer an old fashioned duel with a chieftan tank, there's walking the plank,
And we've just started an in-house hang draw and quarter option with free head impalement.
Exceptional value that one, sir.
Now what else is there, there's the axe in the neck from the man with the hood,
The genuine guillotine experience, the short flight over the ocean with a sharp shove at 15000 feet,
Um, the drag naked through the streets by a crazed horse,...
--Is barclaycard acceptable?
Of course sir, I can offer you a complimentary snake bite with that sir.
--No thank you.
Ok sir, let me offer you this free bladder of wombat spittle mouthwash,
Special promotion till Friday, yours to enjoy.
--I'll take two.
Certainly, excellent sir.
--Is there a cheese shop in the neighbourhood?
Yes sir, finest in the district sir, but if I were you I wouldn't go there sir,
The man who runs it is a bit strange sir.
Meant to be taken a bit like a Monty Python sketch
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Mike Hauser
I feel so sorry for these creatures
What is it they do all day
Stuck behind this wall of glass
With those blank looks on their face

Have they ever tasted sweet freedom
Or were they born inside their cage
Do they even know any better
It seems their lives are such a waste

Over the years they sure have fattened up
Put on a bit of weight
Do you think that those who feed them
Have changed their diet as of late

If I could just lift this latch
Then I could set those creatures free
But I'm not even sure these stupid animals
Realize they have the need

*Sat and said the Zoo Monkey to his friend...
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Chloap Soap
I am a man of few words
This I know you know
And of the millions of words there are
My feelings for you I cannot show

Perhaps I could say "radiant"
You are brighter than the sun
Your smile lights even my dull grey self
A quality I have seen from no one

Or maybe you are thrilling
The way you do the things you do
I would never consider taking such risks
But perhaps one day I will with you

But still I feel these words do not fit
And I guess I will sit and wait
I will not say a word unless it is perfect
But I fear that when it comes to me
It may be a moment too late
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Andres Nunez
From time to time we let our emotions take control of the sanity that exists within the conscious mind, and we let it plague us.
We suffer through feelings that over pass our better judgement, and sometimes even causes us to make less than intelligent decisions.
The truth is that we all suffer from this curse of emotions, and to our best extent we cannot do anything about them.
So what must we do?
Do we give in to the loneliness that lies dormant in our hearts that is just waiting to explode at the mere moment of knowing that "they" are not around?
Do we give into the anger that clouds our better judgement and causes us to commit those innate and horrific actions of pain and hurt towards others that we love?
Do we give into the fear that we feel deep in our souls and crawl up in a ball somewhere in a dark corner and cry our eyes dry?
The answer is no, we must use our emotions to realize the positives of a beautiful world.
Life will always be full of blacks and greys, but it's up to us to brighten up this world with reds, greens, and blues.
The truth is that I feel lonely just as everyone else in the world does, but instead I push on for you.
You must realize that sometimes even I feel more lonely than you, but I'll never show it, remember I'm supposed to be the strength in our bond of love.
If you ever feel lonely think about me and the amazing memories that we created together.
Those are the ones we must cherish the most, and we must throw out the ones filled with nightmares.
Our emotions will challenge us again and again, but I will fight through them by your side as long as your there to carry the shield to my sword.
I'll never let you feel lonely because I will always be there, and I'll never feel lonely as long as your with me.
Never forget.
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Your shadows cast down on the lonely spirits
Bringing with them intricate visions
And emitting longing desires
With searing memories that are cutting but so prepossessing
Residing between the clouds of the evening and the curtains of the dawn
You are both mysterious and majestic
With the moon as your crown
The stars as your wealth
And silence as your robe

You gaze with eyes
Open and wise
Into the universe above you
And see all of the depths of life
You listen with ears
Sharp and careful
To the sighs of desolation that flow ever so quietly
From the ever wakeful souls and the ever restless minds
You whisper with lips
Soft and sanguine
Into quiet rooms
Bearing peaceful slumber and secret dreams
With hands
Mystic and powerful
You close eyelids gently
As you guide hushed minds and aching hearts
To a world more kindly than our own

Lovers get lost in the folds of your dark and endless ensemble
And the lonely-hearted weep at your feet
You feel their unfading longing and despair
And lull them with your soft sounds and quiet presence
You are a friend of lovers
A consoler of the lonely

The minds of poets stir at your forthcoming
And hearts of prophetic stature awaken
As imagination and inspiration are both
Born and nourished under your guidance
You are a monarch to the poets
A vision to the prophets
A confidant to the thinkers
Ever so tragic
But ever so beautiful
You are home to the intellectuals and the visionaries
The writers and the artists

Over time you have revealed your secret purposes unto me
You have transformed my fear of the darkness into tireless trust
With your magic fingers you touched my mind
And my thoughts poured out in stardust
And flowed like a river beneath the moonlight
You kissed my spirit
Became my most trusty companion
You accompanied me in times of joy and in times of sorrow
You caressed my cheek and kissed my forehead
We grew closer and closer
Until we became one in and of the other
For within my dark self there are twinkling stars
That scatter passion throughout
And within my heart lies a struggling moon
In which doubt surfaces with the dawn
And comfort envelops me as the evening retreats
You awakened my soul and instilled peace deep within
I am covered with a veil of mystery
Given unto me from your own mysterious shroud

I, too, am a night
Quiet and profound
Yet fettered and unruly
Strong and exalting
Wise and amiable
Yet cryptic and capricious

For there is no real beginning to my darkness
And no real end to my depths
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Nik Bland
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Nik Bland
Here's a toast to the loser
The one who bought in too soon
Reaching for foreign promised stars
Crash landed on the moon
Standing distant in a puff of dust
Floating in his own head
Got up to fight another day
Some say he should have stayed in bed

Raise a drink to the loser
Sipping on bitter champagne
Room enough for all in a party of one
Expecting sun, getting rain
Wisdom on how to topple mountains
Only because he's fallen too many times
Raise a glass to the loser
Who is not if he strives to try
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
i could write a poem about your eyes
and how i get lost in them
i could write about your lips
how i love to trace them with my fingers
from time to time
i could write about your touch
they way you graze my skin so gently
how it makes me shiver
if i look at you
how i look at the moon
you'll know i love you more than
the way she changes every night
still surprising me
if i am patient with you
like how i am waiting for
a full moon
you'll know i want to make this last
if i want to touch you as bad
as i want to touch the stars
you'll know i never want to be away from you
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