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5.0k · Jan 2014
Zoromir Jan 2014
There is a light bulb where my heart used to be,
but you were the careless type.
You knew how much energy could be wasted when you left a room with the light on,
so you did.
1.4k · Dec 2013
Why do we look back
Zoromir Dec 2013
Why do we look back  
on the things we once had
Why do we look back
on the things that once made us glad
Why do we look back,
because all it does for me
is drive me mad!
1.4k · Dec 2013
Zoromir Dec 2013
poem under development in drafts
1.3k · Jan 2014
18 candles
Zoromir Jan 2014
We used to make friends so easily
never judging anyone is what's it's meant to be
our parents were heroes in our eyes
TV and magazines soon changed our minds

As we grow older
we grow not wiser
but full more of hate

told to love
and told not to love ourselves

You never thought it was going to come so soon
although you knew this was always fate
as you blow your eighteen  candles
the smoke drifts but your childhood drifts further
I kind of based this poem around the thought I feel like I am growing up too quickly and the fact as a young child I always thought being an 'adult' was really far off. I still feel like I have a lot of growing up to do.
1.2k · Jan 2014
Zoromir Jan 2014
yawn into my hand,

curl it up into a fist,
grasp another sleepless night,

and break walls with it.
Zoromir Jan 2016
I keep all your letters
in a metal tin
in my bedside table draw.
I wonder if you kept mine,
all those letters,songs and sketches...
and I wonder if you ever go over them
or if I ever even pass through your thoughts.
759 · Dec 2013
Zoromir Dec 2013
Skinnier waist and a prettier face?
Does not my personality shape my waist
Does the bitterness of this ugly desperation abbreviate a more a sweeter appreciation
Does my hair,
Be not gold
So I cannot be bold?
Or my eyes.
Be not blue.
Or my skin,
Fit not of colour chart approval?
The legs that enable me to walk
that I so much hate,
may serve a more neglected fate.
All the thoughts a mind can process,
shall be which of sure debate,
Not but of the demons which it creates.
I wrote this on a long car journey on holiday in France
758 · Feb 2014
Vivid feelings
Zoromir Feb 2014
I might be numb

to the world,

but I feel you 
so vividly
713 · Jan 2014
Zoromir Jan 2014
Some days I find you clustered 
in the corners of my bathroom mirror

and sometimes I find you in the lines
 of my own hands,
like you’ve 
been sitting there for centuries,

waiting for me to notice you
and I'm noticing you.

I' m noticing you all the time.

But the thing you don’t understand
that I'm trying to stop noticing you
But trying to stop noticing you,
like trying to stop noticing 
that the ocean is blue
or that
 all the oxygen in my veins 
left when you did.
713 · Mar 2014
Blind man given sight
Zoromir Mar 2014
I see the grey on their faces
I see the clouds on their heads
I see the tears traces
and their broken hearts

I see the wind
I see the grass
and this world I had imagined
was much better in the past
before my sight was made transparent

I see the light
I see the dimples and freckles on her chin
I see her eyes
I see her skin,
To know that she is real.
I was in town and an old man started talking to me, I said I was doing about textures for my art project and he began talking about himself. He was born blind and grew up blind without being able to see. He met his wife when he was 8 years old and they married when they were 20. All through their lives together he couldn't see until he was given laser eye surgery to improve his sight and he was telling me that when he could first see he was really disappointed because the world he thought was beautiful was  really depressing and people were sad. It was driving him mad. But then one sunny spring day when the light poured in from the French shutter windows-his  wife standing in the door way he realised how blessed he was of being given sight and being able to see the real beauty of her and know she's an actual person without having to touch around to know she's there. And that her presence-the sight of her comforted him.  I thought that was beautiful..
673 · Dec 2013
Left unsaid
Zoromir Dec 2013
There is a universe inside your head
Constellations of all the thing you left unsaid

You have your own eyes
But dare not blink
and you have your own opinion
But you dare not show
A shelf of books with out the pages,
a wealth of thoughts locked up in cages

For there is a universe inside your head
Constellations of all the thing you left unsaid
633 · Jan 2016
Eight word story
Zoromir Jan 2016
I wonder
you wonder
597 · Jan 2014
Zoromir Jan 2014
Romance is a fuel

that I can’t afford
for my diesel heart

that pollutes more
than the air around
567 · Nov 2015
Zoromir Nov 2015
Middle               aged
couple.               playing
ten                       nis
when                   The
game                  ends
and                     they
go                         home
the                     net
Will                     Still
be                         be
tween                   them
poem about a failing marriage, how cheerful
515 · Jan 2014
Zoromir Jan 2014
I have been told to 
forget you.

Oh, as if it were 
so stupidly simple.

I can’t make a movement

or a noise,
or have a
without you

How do you forget 
How do you forget
your lips are stitched 
together with the 
letters that spell 
out their name?
501 · Dec 2013
Zoromir Dec 2013
My Mother always told me,
no monster lived beneath my bed
But she failed to warn me,
It laid on top of it instead.
496 · Nov 2015
Zoromir Nov 2015
Neither sea on rock
Nor rain on tree
Speak words as sweet
As yours to me.
462 · Jan 2014
we were
Zoromir Jan 2014
I’ll tell you what we were. 

We were sparks 
just after the light died ,
when all of the excitement 
in the night faded 
and only ash and burn marks were left. 

We were the quiet expectation 
in between the roaring thunder. 

We were the puddle 
but never the rain. 

We were always 
what could have been,

except sometimes,

we were.
Zoromir Jan 2016
I hate these thoughts
that stick in my head
that come out at night
why I try go to bed
I want to sleep.
426 · Jan 2016
That night in December
Zoromir Jan 2016
I met you there with a nervous smile
and left knowing you'd be here awhile.
You were different to anyone I've ever known,
used to have a tendency to drink alone
but something about you,changed me somehow.
You gave me your best and I gave you my worst
Why let me in to just get hurt?

But moments stay,
when people leave
and I still remember

Late nights and buses
Running and laughing
'Till I would starting crying,
you were so drunk out your mind

But moments stay,
when people leave
and I still remember

Dancing in the kitchen in the refrigerator light
and sitting on the roof late at night
seeing all the world from above

Kissing and fighting
Running and laughing
I loved last December
Don't think I don't remember

Moments stay,
when people leave
and I still remember,
that night in December.
Not sure about this one but meh
425 · Jul 2015
home town
Zoromir Jul 2015
Grey clouds wrapped around the town like elastic
and cars stood like toys made of Taiwanese plastic.
Puddles splashed huddles of bus stop crows
All dressed in their suits and their boots,
they all look the same.

Pigeons pecked drains and sparks flew like planes
The rain showed the rainbows in the oil stains

Then the evening pulled the moon out of its packet,
stars shone like buttons on an old man's jacket


Well I'm sick of this town!
This blind man's forage!
They take your dreams down and stick them in storage
and you can have them back someday,
when you've paid off your mortgage and loans.
397 · Jan 2014
Colour of his eyes
Zoromir Jan 2014
He will forget the colour of my eyes
the tint of my lips
He will forget

He will forget the lines on my hands
the goose bumps on my skin
He will forget

He has, like I knew he would.
For he has forgotten.
Like he said he never could.

And hopefully soon,
I will too,
forget the colour of your eyes.
and what you said at
But more importantly,
Rid the sickness of your lies.
Really not sure about this, doesn't sound quite right but I am posting it anyway..
378 · Dec 2013
How am I supposed to
Zoromir Dec 2013
How am I supposed to wait for someone who may never turn up?
359 · May 2015
I can't remember
Zoromir May 2015
As we sat in your car,
the darkness engulfing the world around us,
With nothing but the sound of a passing car
drifting on by.
I wasn't listening.
Occupied with the thought of my unflattering profile
I can't remember what you said,
or when you first held my hand.
At 2.15 am.
352 · Jan 2014
Paper moon
Zoromir Jan 2014
Loneliness is an empty mattress,

a paper moon,

the dust that settles while we sleep.
338 · Jan 2014
Zoromir Jan 2014
You're in my arteries
Pulsating through my body.
I'll never be the same.
336 · Jan 2016
Good-Bye (once more)
Zoromir Jan 2016
The glass fogged up
We wrote messages on the glass
hammering the window as you drove past
but you didn't see us.
You didn't stop to wave.
I grabbed onto your arm, tugging like a child
"I don't want you to go!"
with you gone, this house is so much colder,
my room is so much darker.
and when I say I miss you,
I really, really,really do.
332 · Jan 2016
two once more
Zoromir Jan 2016
How I long to be
once more
the girl
with blonde curly hair
and be dancing bare
in the rain,
with the only care I give...
being none at all.
318 · Jan 2016
Zoromir Jan 2016
I could feel a surge of tears
rippling through my eyes
and  if anyone dared to try to speak to me
or look at me too closely
or try to hug me
or even touch me gently on the arm or hand
the tears would all spill out,
blinding me
and I'd cry for a week
317 · Jan 2014
New Year
Zoromir Jan 2014
For this is a new year,
a fresh new start.
But for me,
I know I will be thinking back,
from when we spoke last.
And saying in my mind
"last year at this time of year.."
For every month and every day,
is a reminder you are not here.
And I think to that time,
perhaps if I had done differently,
this year wouldn't be quite as lonely.
308 · Oct 2015
Teenage girl cliche
Zoromir Oct 2015
Oh such teenage girl cliche
But I hate my body,
it's always been that way.
Thighs too fat,
legs too short,
nose too big.
Suppose I start to accept myself,
then some stupid boy,
tears me down.
All I want is acceptance,
and to look pretty **** hot.
304 · Nov 2015
The Sea
Zoromir Nov 2015
remember as a child, you'd go to the beach
smothered in suncream that smelt of peach
running off before it was all rubbed in
don't care about sunburn, just means a pink chin.
scratchy grains clinging to your arms and your feet
entirely complacent, the weather is sweet
ahead is the sea, so excitingly cold
who cares about taxes or growing old.
in the sea the grains float away
my skin is free, the sand astray
the sea is so enticing and blue
oh how its favours,
to remind me of you
292 · Nov 2015
Roof to gardens
Zoromir Nov 2015
It is the hardest to wake up
in shambles.
Your day is a mixture
of soft memories
and crushing nostalgia.
Do you remember?
The rooftop with
gardens and gazebos
and warmth for us to grow?
I forgot how close
it always was,
how wrong it all feels
because nothing grows there
285 · Feb 2014
Zoromir Feb 2014
I started sleeping
Without my nightlight
When my greatest fear
Became a feeling.

Rather than a being.
285 · Dec 2013
I still do
Zoromir Dec 2013
I wonder if you remember
The time in which we loved
But for now I see you look at me
And wonder if you do
There is apart of me
Which reminisces
That  says
And another
which shyly says
"I do "
273 · Feb 2014
Zoromir Feb 2014
Hazel eyes found her green,

his sighs full of promises 
and dreams.
that they’d share
268 · Jan 2014
Zoromir Jan 2014
we love -
for we bleed oils
from the same palette
261 · Jan 2016
Zoromir Jan 2016
I can't promise
that I won't let you down.
And I,
can't promise you
that I will be the only one around
when your hope falls down.
But we're both young,
amidst the windy fields
of this war-torn world.
Our stories,
yet untold
and when darkness has robbed us of all our sight,
we shall eventually find light
just hold onto what you believe in.
257 · Jan 2016
Thoughts: late at night
Zoromir Jan 2016
You don't love your body
but your body loves you
after all this time
it looks after to you.
it fights and wages war against
the conflicts of your mind
telling you to die.
you're still living
heart, still beating
still breathing
always fighting.
you say to yourself
"I don't want to go on"
"I can't go on any further"
but your body says no.
your heart is still beating
and your body is still working
underneath all this
is not someone who has given up
you still have a fight within you
your body hasn't given up
and neither should you.
257 · Jan 2016
Ten word story
Zoromir Jan 2016
in two
you said
"I do"
I just realised this sounds like something to do with marriage but it isn't anything to do with that, just to clarify.
250 · Jan 2014
Zoromir Jan 2014
we love -
for we bleed oils
from the same palette
248 · Oct 2015
Late night thoughts
Zoromir Oct 2015
When I was seven
I wanted to be eight
And when I was nine
I wanted  to be eleven
after that
I just wanted to be eighteen.
All this time wishing I was older
But now I am older,
I just want to be younger
And view the world from a more foggier lens,
once more.
Not know to question
oh all these decisions!
In desperation,
I search to no clear avail.
I just want more time,
but I feel time is growing faster than I
244 · Nov 2015
Zoromir Nov 2015
I wonder,
when I’m 70,
what I’ll think of the boy,
who broke my heart at 17
241 · Dec 2013
Zoromir Dec 2013
The ones in which are hard to love
Need it most

The ones who love
Are hated

And those who hate
Are adored

And those who love
Are ignored
237 · Jan 2014
Zoromir Jan 2014
How greener the grass is
with those rose tinted glasses
230 · Jan 2014
Zoromir Jan 2014
we love -
for we bleed oils
from the same palette
229 · Nov 2015
Zoromir Nov 2015
If their eyes ever falter as you walk into a room, walk away. You may not believe it, but you deserve to be reflected in their irises.  

2. If you’re sitting in your bed with their voice echoing in your head, using your sheets to wipe your nose, and can think of sixteen reasons to go and one to stay, you should go. You will find someone better for you, I promise.  

3. If you go into it hoping you can get them to smoke less **** or stop saying ‘****’ so **** much, don’t go further. Old habits die hard, if at all; make sure you can live with their quirks.

4. If they hold their glass of ***** closer than your waist, let them go. You do not deserve to come in second to their vices.

5. If they pinch your love handles and tell you your curls look better straightened, leave. The way you were created deserves to be adored.

6. Know you are worth millions of atoms, of stardust and spiraling staircases of double helixes, and do not accept anything less than love.
227 · Jan 2016
Mid Summer
Zoromir Jan 2016
There's a song that makes me thing of you,
whenever it is played.
We sat in your Dad's car and drove with the windows down.
That evening summer sun ,
flickering through the trees.
I paused for a moment, to savour it.
A moment where, minds totally free
-like the breeze in our hair.
You looked over at me and we laughed for a while
And then we stopped in a field and watched the sun go down
and heard the skylarks sing
and saw the starlings dance in the darkening sky.
we didn't say a word outside,
contented with your presence and the beauty surrounding us...
I thought this is what happiness feels like,
being next to you.
and I wonder if you savoured that moment too.
just random thoughts meh looking back on stuff
225 · Nov 2015
Zoromir Nov 2015
Words I cannot bring into,
to even describe emotion,
the stricken grief
and rawness-
oh what could I have done to save you?
I wish
I wish I was there to stop you.
I wish I was there to hold your hand,
I'm sorry,
I'm sorry.
I want you to be here.
220 · Jan 2016
Zoromir Jan 2016
We don't know where we stand
But we think we know what we stand for.
And we know what we want,
we just don't know how to describe it.
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