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Guppy Oct 2018
You made me feel like I was worthless
What was the point in giving me false hope?
I love everything about you
You make things seem easier
Yet I can’t get over you
Feelings constantly covering up judgement
I wanted the loss of you to not hurt me
I wanted it to not cause such a big wall between us
I don’t want to have to start over with someone else
Who has different qualities than you
I’ve let you fool me twice now
And there won’t be a third time
Because I could say I was happy being with you
But I would probably be lying
I may have loved the way you made me feel
And the way you could sweep me off my feet with your handsome face
But that was only from me being vulnerable to any guy that came into my life
Now I left you in my past and you will most likely stay there
Guppy Oct 2018
there was a moment in my mind where i thought of you,
but in that moment i realized how you made me feel
emotional abuse
the constant name calling
and all the times you threatened me
you broke my phone when you thought i was cheating on you
but it was the other way around
you were giving another girls the attention
and pretended that we never were in a relationship
i was invisible to you
there was so many secrets withheld
i loved you
and there were no mutual feelings on your end
you constantly faked what you were feeling
and i stayed out or went out with friends
as long as i could
before i had to go back home to deal with you
when does it ever end?
Guppy Oct 2018
She wanted to be loved
But people just cheated their way
Through her heart
She couldn’t keep waiting
For someone to save her
She wants to release her opinion
But she just learned to not speak at all
Her dad said to her
“When you were 5, I had no fears. Now ten years later I fear everything.”
But she was already in tears
The tears meant nothing
Thoughts reside in her mind
On where she was going to be soon
And what was going to happen to her if she keep going down the path
Of what she thought would help her
But just made her life worse.
She resented what she had become
She knew she could do better
But her motivation had disappeared into nothing

— The End —