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Things never
start out

Or ever
end well
with me

But I
expected a
demise like
not enough sleep

just drink more coffee

all jittery and hyped

for nothing

just working the days away

for a future i’m unsure of

do i even want to live it

i try to be optimistic

so i’ll keep saving

—just so worried and anxious

awaiting the answer of your approval

of life and learning

of the past and future

cheers to you and me

for all the times we've gotten back up

just to be pushed down

underwater, scathed by fire

scabs healing and urges in our fingertips

our minds the same

but trying not to be

we don’t know what this is

it just is

just let it be

and climb the mountain

huffing and puffing

the metapohorical life cliff
I pretend like I've lived a life
like everyone else
instead of spending days laying in bed
thinking of death and dying
I tell these "white lies" and nod,
in these coversations
I am not me
I'm just listening
pretending to be normal
I am not, I feel I've barely lived
Maybe in books and movies
but not mine
not these past three years
oh dear, I can't bear to think what you would think
if I actually said everything honestly
and didn't just go along.
Home is not as warm as I had imagined it.
You don’t choose your home,
It’s where you spend most of your time.
My home is cold.
Mean and vibrant.
Voices are heard.
Shoves are made.
You haven’t any friends in my home.
They are all against you.
You may find a “friend” or two,
But it all falls through in the end.
Expectations are high,
As they are low.
Your view on life gets swayed here and there.
The adults never take you seriously.
You feel helpless.
****Not done yet. I don't even know what this is. Just thoughts.
My life shattered in pieces
I scramble to put it back together
before anyone sees my weakness
the master of disguises
I put on a smile and shove my feelings to the side
I dare not be vulnerable
I mask my imperfections with impersonations
I ask you-
put me back together
make me whole again
I need your help to show me
show me it’s ok to be me
tell me that im beautiful
Its not like me to beg, but I have nothing left
I am broken
be the glue that holds me together
With every hurt, and every pain,
The scars of broken-will remain

Withered eyes and souls despaired,
One feels none, and none be shared

When Lights go dim and darkness shows,
One thinks of life, both high and low

The spirit of man, how damaged may be,
Strength taketh over, from shadows, is free

With chains' grasp no more, a lightness revealed,
Released from a bond, forever thought to be sealed

The seal, now broken, let love enter in,
This reward, if you must, be the goal in the end
The Road goes ever on and on

Down from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the Road has gone,

And I must follow, if I can,

Pursuing it with eager feet,

Until it joins some larger way

Where many paths and errands meet,

And whither then? I cannot say.
I wanna rip this beating heart out.
I wanna throw it to the wolves.
I wanna feel there nashing teeth
on splintered human veins.
I wanna see you melt the darkness
that has eatin into my brain.
I wanna see you be a trickster
and slice these putred sayings,
these words that i live by,
that open up my mind
to wonders that can see through
all the screaming bleeding cries.
The screams of people dying,
being murdered in the streets.
The cries of all the children
that are weeping at my feet.
I wanna see your face
twist in crooked agony
at the sight of all these horrors
laying dormant in your dreams…..
 Feb 2013 William Eberlein
At least somebody loves me,
I said to the being
who braided me selflessly
from her own flesh .
Everybody loves you,
exhaled the being
whose job it is to
keep my heart beating.
Not the ones who matter,
I said with such anger
that makes her heart shatter
because I've said it again.
The ones who love you
are the ones who matter
she says with a bit too
much sense to bear.
To Realize,

I am a girl in which the unknown intrigues, yet who’s afraid of not knowing.
I wonder what the future holds
I hear the sounds of chance and change approaching
I see my past and its memories fading fast
I want to know what I’m getting myself into
I am a girl in which the unknown intrigues, yet who’s afraid of not knowing

I pretend to be stronger than I am
I feel like I’m in over my head
I touch my foot to the pedal
I worry about not going far
I cry because I’m scared of what’s to come
I am a girl in which the unknown intrigues, yet who’s afraid of not knowing

I understand that this is life
I say what people want to hear
I dream of just getting by
I try to figure things out for myself
I hope I’m not the only one
I am a girl in which the unknown intrigues, yet who’s afraid of not knowing
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