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Fearless Jun 2020
Wheat bread has your fiber, to move things right along
Then the egg for protein, to make my muscles strong
the berries for antioxidants, to keep cancer at bay
bananas for potassium to wash the salt away
a little almond milk, fortified with vitamin D
then put in some OJ, for your immunity
add a little yogurt, for your digestive tract
healthy breakfast is important, yes, that is a fact
wrote this in my head while I was eating on my patio, and thought I'd write it down haha
Fearless Jun 2020
I just don't freaking understand
what it takes to make a man
they're insecure and needy too
but if you are, then they hate you
what they can't have, they always want
tease and flirt and sometimes taunt
but they don't really have a clue
whether or not they like you
want your attention and your touch
if you want more, then that's too much
when it's safe, chase after an ex
but it's always just for ***
been there before, so good to go
why are they so afraid to grow?
to be a man and make a choice
to find their *****, and their voice
to want the thing that's right for them
I don't understand these stupid men!
Attention ****** they always chase
roll my eyes it's such a waste....
they just want to conquer them
these people that we're calling "men"
Men should be courageous, not afraid
not putting their faith in what they're paid
men should be strong, helpful, kind
not run away when you speak your mind
men should value their own bodies more
not just always looking to score
I don't want to go on, no, I just can't
so I am done with this dumb rant
Fearless May 2020
Smooth and hard with vacant eyes
staring back from this disguise
you'll never even recognize
a being long after it dies

the lies they told to reach a goal
the innocence they may have stole
the stress that took it's deathly toll
we're made of the same stuff as coal

all the money you have made
all those bills you somehow paid
getting rich just to get laid
work to the bone 'cause you're afraid

have to prove that you are tough
but never feeling good enough
always needing some more stuff
life can be a little rough

worry will get you no place
while putting wrinkles on your face
running in this sad rat race
until you're gone, without a trace

but eternity is yours to take
it is real, it is not fake
the choice is only yours to make
choose wisely now, before your wake!
Fearless May 2020
Mom you're the one who dried up our tears
who reassured us through all of our fears
you scolded and spanked us but did it with care
you showed that you loved us and always were fair
you listen as we talk your ear off on the phone
and remind us when hurting, we're never alone
you pray for us, and encourage in all that we do
that's why you're the best, there's only one you
you cry like a girl when you're watching some flick
but you're strong and smart, and a really cool chick
We're so happy to have a mom filled with love
and we know that God fills you with it from above
Fearless May 2020
I'm sad your heart is hurting and I want to take your pain
I feel a little guilty try to push away my gain
I want to wrap my arms around you hug your hurt away
but I know that now is not the time, but maybe yet someday

I want to tell you Jesus saves and heals the brokenhearted
but I don't know how to share this, how do I get it started
I wish I could show you how to find the joy that I have found
but half the time I lose it too, and have to look around

You're my best friend, always there, happened out of nowhere
and I don't want to lose you, make you think that I don't care
I don't want to chase you away by caring over much
I just don't know what I should do, how do I handle such?

I want you to love Jesus, with all your heart and soul
this is first and foremost, my loving purposed goal
I want you to love me too, and maybe spend our life
in a partnership where we're husband and wife

round in circles thoughts are spinning, can't make sense of it
with all of my intelligence, I've seemed to've lost my whit
so I will give it up to God, He said victory's His anyway
and I'm sure that if we trust Him, it'll all make sense someday
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